Magical daily life after reincarnation

Chapter 124 The Game of the Era

Chapter 124 The Game of the Era

The fog in the campus outside the window persists for a long time, with high and low spiers or arched buildings scattered among them.

The classroom echoed with Professor Maeve's languid voice narrating from the script.

Half a year later, after she finished teaching some extremely basic mathematics knowledge, she started regular teaching in textbooks, and no longer took care of those students with poor foundations.

Since then, the performance gap in this subject has widened. Those who are good at it are better at it, and those who are lagging behind doze off in class.

Tullow is also in the ranks of snoozing and fishing, but unlike those students who can't keep up with the progress, he feels that these are too simple and boring.

He rested his chin in one hand, and held a quill in the other hand to draw symbols on the manuscript paper that people in this world could not understand.

It sorts out which other important mathematical theories advanced its development before the advent of calculus.

Otherwise, if you directly do a calculus, not to mention whether people in this world can understand it, those wise men who can understand it will probably regard him as some kind of monster.

In addition to mathematics, he is also thinking about the creation of microscopes and telescopes. People in this world have already invented magnifying glasses and even astronomical telescopes, but the observation ability is still very worrying. There is even the existence of white light being the purest light. kind of theory.

"Perhaps before introducing Sir Newton's calculus, we can first prostitute him with the idea of ​​replacing the convex lens with a metal concave mirror in the telescope, and take advantage of the opportunity to prostitute Leeuwenhoek."

Talo imagined in his mind.

Descartes has already given Tullow an inexhaustible number of credits, and later Shakespeare not only brought credits, but also wealth outside of school may gradually increase.

Tullow is going to donate all the income he gets outside of school. To him, if it is not credits, it is basically useless. The Tals family is not short of money.

Before my father left school, he also discussed with him that all the proceeds from the drama should be used to set up education, and not to give up all the low-level educational functions to the church.

He hasn't thought about the way of directly subsidizing the poor, let alone whether it may cause the cobra effect. The reason why the poor here are poor is not a problem that can be solved by charity alone.

However, it can learn from the Medici family who promoted the Renaissance in the previous life, and subsidize those poor talents with skills such as sculpture, painting, literature, and invention.

Leonardo da Vinci wrote before his death: "The Medici made me."

If I can also become a "Da Vinci" in this world, it would be quite cool to think about it.

Prosperous trade has brought about the exchange of ideas, and ideas have brought about changes in people's wisdom and ethos, and finally I can push it forward a little... This is much more interesting than playing strategy games in the "Civilization" series.

From this point of view, perhaps we can learn from Martin Luther to re-interpret the teachings of the Apocalyptic Holy See, and create a Protestantism that everyone can interpret the holy scriptures.

It’s just that there seems to be so many dangers, so it needs to be considered in the long run. Tulo doesn’t want to become like Martin Luther, he’s not a saint yet.

Mathematics, physics, philosophy, culture... Messy ideas flashed through Tullow's mind, and the records on the manuscript paper gradually accelerated.

"What are you doing?" Grace asked curiously as she saw that Tulo had written a lot of inexplicable symbols on the paper, and there were strange figures scribbled in the middle.

Now Professor Maeve has stopped his lectures and assigned some related topics to the students, but these topics were not placed on Tullow's table, and the professor has already tacitly regarded him as an existence that does not need to be taught and done.

"Playing a game." Tulo looked at the results he had sorted out in front of him, and said with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth.

"Game? What game?" Grace frowned. She didn't know what kind of game it would be to draw such a messy manuscript paper.

It is a game to bring a new pair of eyes to everyone in the world. From a distance, you can clearly see the distant starry sky, and from a distance, you can discover the capillary layer and microorganisms.

This kind of ability is rare even among the magician community, but if it is given to the general public, it will definitely bring countless novel discoveries.

It's just that Tullow couldn't say it right now, and Grace couldn't understand it.

"A game that makes this world a little more interesting." Tullow can't wait to see what kind of sparks can be created after these nodal measures, knowledge, ideas and inventions are thrown into this world .

This kind of thing may bring me more fun besides magic.

"Only this manuscript paper?" Grace no longer felt that Tullow was talking strange things like before, but carefully looked at the symbols and graphics painted on it, but no matter how she looked at it, she felt incomprehensible.

Tulo wiped the characters on the manuscript paper with a feather, leaving a clean surface, then turned his head and pointed to the white paper with his finger, and said to Grace with a smile: "Just this manuscript paper."

"Hmm..." Grace nodded ignorantly. She planned to write down the conversation with Tulo today, as well as the strange words that Tulo had said before, and organize them into a manuscript. She couldn't restrain herself. I want to know more about each other's curiosity.

Half a day passed, and the students rushed to the cafeteria one after another under the instruction of Professor Maeve. Tulo stayed there consciously, without Professor Maeve's signal.

As soon as he walked to the podium, when Professor Maeve cast his gaze, Tulo spoke first.

"I wrote that play on a whim. The inspiration is definitely not from reality, and I don't have any dissatisfaction with my family."

"As for the prevention of those cults, I feel that I am still in Fedora, so I haven't talked too much in detail, and I haven't discussed related matters with my parents."

The meaning inside and outside the words is nothing more than that I have nothing to do with Grace, so I don’t need to ask, and I didn’t talk to my parents about anything related to the professor, let alone ask.

It is estimated that I will have to say this to Professor Ella again.

"You brat! I just want to congratulate you on winning the Midsummer Laurel Crown." Professor Maeve scolded with a smile.

"Thank you." Tulo responded politely, but he didn't believe what Professor Maeve said at all.

"I don't talk about your plays, I only talk about things in reality. Your deskmate has been watching you in class. Compared with my lectures, she likes you more." Professor Maeve stroked his forehead Distributed, half teasing and half statement.

Professor Maeve couldn't be more clear about Grace's state. That kind of look is so familiar. Young boys and girls can't hide the expectation and sadness when they have a crush on someone.

"Maybe it's because I didn't listen to the class well and scribbled on the manuscript paper." Tullow replied, he really wanted to say that the professor's teaching method based on the book was boring, and his voice was so weak that he couldn't blame the students for attending the class Inattention.

"Is everyone in your Tails family this virtuous?" After hearing this, Maeve carefully looked at Tulo's expression, thinking that he might really think so.

"Uh, what virtue?" Tulo couldn't help but reached out and touched his cheek, but nothing stuck.

"Forget it, let's go." Professor Maeve waved his hand impatiently, as if remembering some unhappy things.

"Okay." Tulo scratched his head, then turned and walked out of the classroom, ready to go to the library to have a look, wondering if there is any master's work on women's psychology in it.

In addition to these insignificant things, Tullow also wanted to find more books about the Midsummer Bonfire Festival, and he would receive the embers of the campfire tomorrow, including the Midsummer Laurel Wreath, which is also a good refining material.

If you can explore the concept of the spell before refining it, maybe you can refine a unique original spell.

The students in the competition showed good progress. In order to better monopolize the credits, I have to work harder.

And this weekend, I have to find an excuse to cancel the math seminar. With so many credits, I can go to Wanyou Street to find some precious treasures.

After entering the library, Liber, the administrator, did not cry as much as before, and the stone tablet has not changed, which is a good sign for Tulo.

Beside Libel's desk, there is also an extremely luxuriously dressed white-haired old man. His long beard is stretched to his abdomen. It is extremely expensive at first glance.

The old man had a very happy conversation with Liber, and they looked like friends for many years, but the huge age gap between the two of them seemed very inconsistent.

"Taro, I haven't seen you for a few days. This is Dorrell, who will be your new summoning instructor." Libel introduced the old man around him to Talo.

"Are you here to take over from Professor Carson? I would like to ask you to give me more advice." Hearing this, Talo bowed slightly to Dorrell, showing the students' respect for their mentors.

Just after he finished greeting, seeing Zhuo Ruier's appearance and attire, a feeling of deja vu emerged.

Immediately after using the mysterious door to recall, Talo recognized the existence in front of him, Dorrell Augustus, who had the royal blood closest to the blood of Remulus.

But he had no interest in power tactics in his life, and devoted himself to the exploration of mysticism.He was also the vice-president of the previous Royal Academy of the Palace.

How could this kind of person come to Fedora to be the first-year summoning class tutor, and it is a well-known unspoken rule that the imperial power does not enter Fedora, even if Dorrell has no thoughts about this, he is still a member of the royal family, professor How did they let him in.

"Have you noticed? The last time I saw you, you were not as tall as your father's waist." Dorrell stretched out his hand while speaking, trying to describe Talo's appearance at that time.

"I'm sorry." Tulo saluted Dorrell by touching his chest, while thinking in his heart whether it might be because of "Romeo and Juliet".

He had thought that the court might have a brain twitch to care about these unreasonable things, but it was really inconceivable for Tulo to care so much that the emperor personally sent his old uncle here.

If it weren't for this, Talow couldn't think of any other reason why Dorrell would come.

"Hahahaha, this kid is even more interesting than what you described." Zhuo Ruier laughed and stroked his long beard, then turned his head and commented with Libel.

"A character like Talo is rare in history. He added a lot of color to my time in Fedora." Liber replied proudly.

"Well, I kind of understand why you specifically asked for Bosa stone to set up a monument for him." Dorrell nodded and replied, and then he turned his head to look at Talo: "Don't worry, kid, I didn't I don’t want to come, although there are a lot of people who want me to come.”

"The reason why I was persuaded in the end was indeed because of you, but only because of you. I don't really care about the savior or anything. I'm only interested in deeper mysteries."

"However, I haven't reached the point where I would force a child to tell his secrets. Every magician has his own secrets. I respect this very much. I only hope that if you want to, you can discuss it together when you have time in the future. How you created the Tarot cards."

The old man's tone was very sincere, and as an absolute superior, there was absolutely no need to explain so many things to Tulo.

It's just that this didn't dispel Tulo's vigilance at all. He always had an attitude towards this kind of old man that he could only trust half of what he said.

"Your sincerity to me terrifies me. Whether as a nobleman or as a student, I will respect you from the bottom of my heart." Tarlow replied again, no matter what he thought in his heart, he had to accept it on the surface. Make a show.

Talo's words made Zhuoril smile even more than before, and he kept combing his snow-white beard.

But Tullow felt that the smile was like that of an adult who saw a funny child make a childish joke in front of him.

"Time will eventually tell my sincerity to you. You are here to borrow books, right? You don't need to waste too much time on me, an old man." Dorrell waved his hand at Talo after laughing. Kindly signaled that he could continue to the bookshelf.

When Talo turned and walked towards the tall bookshelf, he vaguely heard that Libel seemed to be begging for some precious materials with Dorrell.

Being able to talk and laugh in front of such a powerful member of the royal family, Tullow felt that Libel, a librarian, was not as simple as it seemed.

After collecting the books that were originally needed, Tullow also searched for information related to the Annihilation Order, including their rise, what unconscionable things they did, and the process of decline, etc.

As the most notorious cult, there are quite a few documents related to this cult.

Finally, I took another copy of "Experimental Records of Special Magic Spell Formation Method". With a movement of my mind on the debit card, the bookshelf in front of me moved quickly, and Talo returned to Libel's desk to register.

He didn't hide the information related to the Nirvana Cult in front of Zhuo Ruier, he laid out all the materials openly, and after registration, he went straight to the transfer door back to the dormitory, intending to send the new Summoning class instructor, there are It may be that the temptation from the court told Grace.

(End of this chapter)

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