Chapter 149 Change
The change of seasons did not leave many traces on Fedora, and the climate and plants on the campus remained as usual.

But with the arrival of spring, the mist surrounding the island has become thinner.

This is the opposite of last year's spring when the fog became thicker.

Tullow had been able to detect something of this unusual situation not long after school had started, but now even the dullest sensed it.

"Do you think this is an omen? I heard from my senior that she has been in Fedora for so many years, but this has never happened before." Grace said to Talo while waiting for Professor Maeve to arrive.

Tullow was flipping through the latest issue of mathematics journals. The recent mathematics world has made breakthroughs, big or small, every day, which coincides with the image of the arrival of spring, a scene of vigorous vitality and all things competing to develop.

"How do I know, but I guess this situation should improve in midsummer." Tulo put away the journal and said casually.

He guessed that this was probably due to some anomalies produced by the headmaster when he was preparing to eradicate the evil god, or maybe it was because he wanted to help him use the [Wheel of Fortune] to determine the future and accumulate strength.

"Why do you guess so?" Grace asked suspiciously.

"Intuitively, maybe the fog will dissipate like this." Tulo replied casually, anyway, it is likely that there will be a resolution after midsummer.

"Taro, can I ask you to draw a Talo card? With my appearance, you can tell me how many credits you want, as long as I can afford it." Miley, who was sitting in the front two rows, suddenly stood up and turned to the tower. Luo made a suggestion.

Tarot cards are already popular on campus, especially after Talow opened a grocery store, many people would go to buy them. Even Aiden simply abandoned his fortune-telling house and settled directly in Tarot's shop. Get up the clerk.

"If possible, I would like one too!"

"And me! And me!"

Gradually, more and more people began to boo, and even spread to the other three courtyards. Everyone felt that if they called in advance, they might be able to get an early ticket.

Talo was a little hesitant when he heard the sound, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he had always avoided troubles in the past, and maybe he could take a little bit of trouble this time, so that he could leave it as a souvenir for the students of the same year.

"No credits required, I will draw a picture for everyone in the class, but it may be a little slow, try to draw it for everyone before the Midsummer Bonfire Festival." Tullow pondered for a while, if every day can produce With two or three, it should be done.

After all, you can also use the magical skill of [Naya's Eye], and it doesn't take too much time to paint.

Then he asked Miley, who was originally proposed, to collect everyone's ideas and expected card types.

"Talow wins!"

"Talow mighty!"

Many people raised their hands and praised him happily in rhythm. Even Luke, who used to be against Tullow, joined the shouting team. I am really grateful.

After all, the painting style of the card is unprecedentedly exquisite, and anyone with or without such accomplishment will be amazed by it.

And now they can actually get a Tarot card that belongs to them for free.

Grace frowned slightly at this. She always felt that this was not something that Tulo would do. This look of not thinking about gains and losses was too abnormal. It was impossible for him to do it before without earning a few credits.

Or can it bring him any hidden benefits?But she could feel that Tullow really wanted to paint for everyone for free.

"Is there anything you want? Special customization, just say it." Tulo turned to Grace and Undini and said.

Although my painting skills are not very strong, but the advanced experience of the previous life, coupled with the assistance of the magic spell in this life, I can completely create works that no one in this world can draw.

"No need, I'm satisfied with the Wheel of Fortune." Wendini waved her hand and said, she didn't want to add any more trouble to Tulo.

"Secondary, you should draw the promise to everyone first before talking about it. I might ask you again if I have free time." Grace also followed up. After all, in her opinion, it should be easy to draw so many cards. Already very tired.

"Okay, you don't need to be polite to me." Tulo nodded seeing the attitude of the two.

Professor Maeve just stepped into the classroom, and saw that everyone in the room was applauding and cheering towards Tulo, for a moment she didn't quite understand what happened.

But the tutor is a tutor after all, and the students all silenced their voices when they saw him coming, and sat down on their seats obediently.

The sun hanging high in the sky slowly moved into the sky, and the shadows cast by the students in the classroom moved along with it.

After the class that gave many people a headache, Tulo was habitually stayed by Professor Maeve.

"What happened before class?" She raised her plump legs under the professor's robe and asked curiously.

"I promised to draw a custom tarot card for everyone in my class, and they did that," Tarlow replied truthfully.

"It's really a novelty, you kid has such a generous day." Professor Maeve was quite surprised by this, and after she nodded to express her understanding, she didn't follow the request for one, but took out a brand new book.

"This is the "Principles of Mathematics" published by the Spiritual Mathematics Association. They felt that the mail was too slow, so they asked me to send it to me." Professor Maeve handed it to Tulo.

Talow could feel the great value of the cover when he got it, and what made him even more speechless was that there was a gilt-stamped head portrait on the cover, exactly like him.

Below the title of the book is also marked a line of small characters:
——Pay the highest homage to the wisdom of Tarlow
Open the title page, as expected, there is his inscription.

Lord Tulls Tullow

Preface to "The Great Start"

Afterwards, the members of the academy gave their speeches to Tarlow, during which they were so exaggerated that Tarlo could only feel his brows twitching.

"I understand that they want to win me over to join the club, but as such a representative academic and magic research institution, I'm afraid this will give everyone a bad start." Tulo pinched the center of his brows and said helplessly.

He flipped through the follow-up content, all of which were researches made by their own efforts, but they always liked to mention their own names from time to time.

"It's not a bad thing anyway." Professor Maeve covered her mouth with a chuckle, and then asked again: "Do you think this is what you predicted? Although it has created an unprecedented precedent in the calculation of object motion, but let me tell you Those things still feel a little out of place.”

"It's close, they've put one foot into that palace." Tulo replied after flipping through it a little.

It was much earlier than I expected. It seems that I still underestimated the ability of the mathematicians here.

"Based on your current achievements, after you graduate, you will definitely be awarded the title of Great Wisdom." Professor Maeve asserted firmly.

"I don't know if I can take on this honor yet." Tullow put "Principles of Mathematics" into the student's bracelet, and it's good that he can get through midsummer safely, so he doesn't expect to graduate.

The two chatted a little more, and Tulo said goodbye and left, and went directly to the classroom of the Cursing class. He didn't want to go to the cafeteria, but simply ate a few pieces of Elmo cakes to satisfy his hunger.

After finding his usual seat and sitting down, he began to write a detailed conception of the academic community, and planned to hand it over to Professor Cruce after he finished it, in case he could not reappear after death, so that he could continue this career. push on.

At the same time, he also sifts through some common theorems in his previous life to summarize, and sorts out many practical laws.

It was almost time for class, and gradually many people came to the classroom. Grace saw Talo writing and drawing again. She didn't think much of it at first, but seeing Talo's serious appearance, she always felt that something was wrong. right.

"Did something happen? Or do you have any plans recently?" She couldn't help asking again.

"Nothing happened. As I said before, I want to present something beautiful to the world." Talo replied a little strangely.

Grace didn't say anything more after hearing this, but she still felt something was wrong. She felt that Tulo had become more and more wrong since the beginning of school.

In the past, when he said this kind of thing, he must have done it with a casual attitude, and he often talked about it in a joking tone.

If nothing happened, how could he suddenly become so serious.

"You child, it's easy to think too much, take it easy." Tulo saw Grace's worry, and reached out to hand her a draft: "How about it?"

"I'm older than you." Grace snorted unconvinced, then took the manuscript and flipped through it.

She has never heard of many conclusions in it, and most of them are very abstract, so she can't understand it for a while.

"Physically speaking, you are only a few months older than me." Tulo shrugged and replied. Seeing Grace's confused expression, he pulled back the draft paper: "It seems that I still need to revise it."

What he wants to write is knowledge that ordinary people can understand simply and clearly, and can be easily popularized.

Recalling the deeds of Mr. Ma’s efforts to go deep among the workers when he wrote "On Capital ben.", and strive to make every literate person understand the truth clearly, Tullow can’t help feeling his greatness.

It's a pity that after the introduction, the translator set up a threshold of understanding that is hard to complain about. I don't know why, so people only feel that their heads are big and they want to doze off.

Bai Juyi seems to have done this kind of thing too. After he writes a poem, he will find an old lady to appreciate it, trying to reach the level that the old woman can understand.

Sure enough, it's still easy to let someone else publish it. Taluo stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples, thinking about how to make it a little easier to understand.

Not long after, Professor Ella entered the classroom and began to give lectures.

Now that the course is up to now, many people have been exposed to the operation mode of mantra, but mantra is much more complicated than the spell that can be linked by singing.

This complicated threshold is also one of the reasons for the decline of the curse.

But after all, it is the mysterious power of another system. With strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, everyone gritted their teeth and persisted.

Among them, Hercules constantly derogates magic and promotes witchcraft in his courses.

Tulo is also very concerned about this, after all, his eyes were branded with the curse given by Professor Ella a year ago.

This course can also help you understand how to better accumulate more mana and release it with minimal loss.

Talo stayed after the class. It wasn't that Professor Ella specifically asked him to stay, but that he had made an appointment to carry out the stone-cleaning experiment together.

"You seem to be very busy recently. Apart from experiments and stargazing, what else are you busy with?" Professor Ella closed the classroom door and took Tulo to the laboratory in the teaching tower. asked.

"It seems to be a little busy unconsciously, but it's not a big deal." Tulo replied.

There are still three months, he just wants to sort out as many things as possible, purely a porter.

"What we are doing now may not be too small." Professor Ella's dull hair swayed as she walked, which made Tulo feel the urge to uproot it from time to time.

After a while, the two pushed open the door of the laboratory, and the sun was setting, and the yellow sunlight shone into it.

This is the place where Professor Ella specially applied to do energy experiments. It is filled with various magic materials and rare minerals, especially the clean stone and Persan stone, which are piled up in two piles.

In addition, an astronomical telescope was set up on the balcony of the laboratory, and the orbiter and astrological map made by the two were also placed in the corner of the laboratory.

And a whole box of stellar track data sorted out and verified by the predecessors. This is the preparation that Tullow himself wants to make to perfect the heliocentric theory.

Kepler, who created the theory of elliptical star orbits in his previous life and completely defeated the geocentric theory, is himself a very famous astrologer.

It's just that he was also very scientific at the same time, and he was incompatible with a bunch of magic sticks at that time.

Kepler tended to guide astrology closer to the observation and interpretation of actual stars. He also used many special phases to interpret the astrolabe, so that the unique Hamburg School emerged later.

Unfortunately, Tullow didn't know much about his theories in astrology, other than his achievements as an astronomer.

Tullow first helped Professor Ella move a few stones, and together they calculated the time and ratio of the next experiment, and then tried to add which type of material.

After finishing all this, Tullow directly handed over everything to Professor Ella to complete.

In fact, with the deepening of the experiment, there is not much that Tullow can do. Most of the ideas are provided by the professor, and he just adds a little point of view from his own perspective.

When Professor Ella entered the state, he silently picked up the astronomical watch and went to the balcony, watched the bright stars in the sky with the telescope, and pressed the astronomical watch on the wide armrest of the balcony with the other hand.

With your own vision of God, you can continuously use the quill pen to calibrate the records on the watch, or reproduce the writing.

This is the daily life since the experiment.

It's just that today is a little different from usual. When Tullow just recorded a set of data, there was a surge of magic power in the laboratory.

This fluctuation is not like when casting a spell, it makes people feel extremely pure and unusually orderly.

Tulo hurriedly turned around, only to see that the magic circle in front of Professor Ella was dazzling, and stable magic power overflowed from it, illuminating the entire classroom extremely brightly.

As if a channel had been opened, the power of the spirit world and the dream world was no longer chaotic, but erupting in order.

All of this works on its own, and Professor Ella doesn't seem to actively inject magic power into it.

She took off the diamond-shaped device suspended on the magic circle, turned her head to look at Talo, and declared with a smile:

"The world is really about to change."

(End of this chapter)

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