Chapter 31
The glow shone, illuminating Talo's face.

The Conn runes flowed and danced on the formation as if they were alive.

His bright red eyes stared at the Dreamwalker's eyeballs, which were distorted and absorbed by the magic circle.

" seems to be progressing well so far."

Just as Tulo was meditating with his eyes closed to perceive the pulse and was about to connect, inspiration suddenly began to jump wildly.

He slowly touched the midpoint of the formation with his index finger, and the eyeballs placed here just now had dissipated.

Lift it up slowly, and pull out a line segment that looks like a nebula.

"This is? Conceptual thread?"

The Eye of Naya can not only pull out the appearance concept of the entity, but it can also pull out the magic spell when it is refined.

But what to do?It was difficult for Tulo to even twist a small stone on the side of the road now, and even if he could pull it out, it was unlikely to have much impact.

"Spirit, dream, wandering, awakening, vision..."

These are the meanings Tullow perceives from the concept thread, and they are the direction of the imminent magic spell.

Suddenly, he had a good idea.

He hurriedly took out a blank card that Aiden sent, and drew strokes on the card with the drawn magic line.

Every time a stroke is made, a little fairy honey will be applied to the card surface to keep the silk thread stable.

The first card in the Tarot is called The Fool, number 0.

The imagery is just the scene where a person begins to travel aimlessly, always looking up at the scenery ahead, and it also represents a person's awakened spirit, starting his own beginning.

The hobby of painting in the previous life played a big role at this time, and the lifelike characters gradually appeared on the card.

"But this is not enough……"

Fine sweat oozed from Tulo's forehead, and his expression was unprecedentedly serious.

The gray mist around the mysterious door surged, as if to help him, strands of power poured out from his fingertips.

It is the previously absorbed [Praise of Virtue and Grace] and [Burning Lock and Burning Body].

It turned out that they didn't disappear, but were reduced to the most basic magic power by the gray fog.

After the lines were drawn, Talow wiped off the excess elf juice on the card surface, and a new Fool card was released.

"Obviously it has been completed? Why is there no response at all?" Tulo picked up the card and flipped through it, and the Formation Formation on the table also became dim.

Not only did the curse not completely condense into shape, but it was disintegrating.

"That's right! Coloring!"

Tulo understood the key, but the power given by the gray fog had been used up when he drew the last stroke.

"Grace! My dear Grace! This is more than 2000 credits! You must be here!" Tulo murmured anxiously.

There are [-] credits for Burning Lock and Burning Body, and [-] for Dreamwalker's eyeballs. There are also other materials that are consumed, which makes Tu Luo very painful.

Although the failure of refining is a common thing for magicians, the hamster traits developed in the magical ancient oriental country in the previous life still make Tulo extremely hate losses.

He soaked the semi-finished product of the Fool's card in a jar containing elf honey, slowly stopping its disintegration process, and then quickly rushed out of the room to Grace's dormitory.


"Talow is so good, and he awakened the magic eye of Tails early, I think he will be a great Duke of Tails in the future." Miley said with a longing look.

Grace's dormitory is currently holding a women's tea party, Miley, her best friend Katie, and Wendini are among them.

There were also three other girls from King's Academy participating in the discussion.

They surrounded a round tea table together, laughing and discussing topics among girls.

"Don't be a nympho again. While you are boasting about Tails, you should also pay attention to the fact that sitting in front of you is the jewel of the Fleur family." Katie punched her best friend with her elbow a few times, signaling her to pay attention occasion.

The better the Tails, the worse the Nafleurs must be.

"I don't mind." Grace raised her teacup and took a sip, responding with her signature aristocratic smile.

It is obvious to all that Grace, Wendini and Tullo often walk together, and it is precisely because of this that Miley has no scruples.

"I once had the honor to attend a banquet with the Grand Duke of Tars. He was full of aristocratic humility, but Tarlow did not inherit these excellences at all. His arrogance went deep into his bones." Grace put down her teacup and commented with a smile road.

Everyone nodded after hearing this. The appearance of Taluo that no one would look at directly was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Maybe he's just a little introverted? After all, the outside world has rumors about him like that, and it's normal for him to be reluctant to reveal his heart." Wentini interjected.

She was also plagued by discrimination and prejudice. According to her feeling of getting along with Tullow, she felt that Tullow had nothing in common with the places people rumored to be, so she classified the rumors as slander due to prejudice. .

Although Fedora is regarded as the place with the highest tolerance for aliens, there are also prejudices like Turner here. Apart from being a little more relaxed in front of acquaintances, Wendini has always been in other places. In a state of self-isolation.

"He is arrogant, a kind of pure arrogance, even the courtiers who hold great power in the court are less arrogant." Grace held Wendini's little hand on her lap, and was about to correct her best friend's opinion .

"Do you know what emotion I felt when he blocked Turner for you in the study room? It was pity, not for you, but for Turner."

Wentini wondered why Tullo felt pity for Turner, but he still defended it: "Isn't pity the embodiment of kindness?"

"No, Tulo's pity is a kind of consciously standing on a high place that people can't touch, looking down."

"His mercy is the ultimate arrogance."

"In a crowd, everyone will compare themselves with others unconsciously. This is a human nature. But Tulo doesn't. I can only feel that he is examining everything around him like a bystander."

"I can't think of any other way to explain Tullow's feelings other than the idea that he thinks too highly of himself to compare himself to anyone."

Grace's words made Wendini fall into silence, she instinctively felt that something was wrong, but all of this was so reasonable.

"Isn't this more handsome? It's like the savior in the fairy tale who never felt that he would fail, and defeated the evil god by relying on the strongest belief in the world." Miley broke the silence.

"But we have a savior, and he hasn't even mastered the six most basic universal basic magic." Katie broke Miley's fairy tale fantasy.

"Grace open the door!"

Just when everyone was about to change the subject, there was a knock on the door and Tulo's urgent call.

"If possible, I would like to ask you to help me sharpen my will now!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Grace, and they all showed subtle expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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