How is the master of the world made

Chapter 28 Seven Jade Medals of Communication

Chapter 28 Seven Communication Jade Tablets
The messenger jade token, from Sky Blue Star, is a kind of messenger jade token commonly used by monks.Except for a few Jedi, point-to-point messaging is available in most places outside the forbidden area!Unless a powerful cultivator blocks the world with a formation, the message can reach it. Of course, if the distance is long, it may be delayed, but no matter how far it is, as long as there is no obstacle between sending and receiving, it can be reached!There are two copies of the messenger jade token, and any one can be used as a summons and receive information.

In the east, at the foot of a mountain that soars into the clouds and looks like a divine sword.There is a huge door frame, the door frame is as high as 99 meters.Framed in gold and jade, colorful and colorful.It looks magnificent and majestic!On the top of the door frame: "Sacred Land of Ten Thousand Swords" in four big characters, roaming clouds and startling dragons, full of sword spirit.It gives people a simple and unaging atmosphere. If someone with bad intentions sees it, they will feel uneasy at least, and at worst, their liver and gallbladder will be broken.There is a pair of couplets on the door, printed on both sides, domineering through the ages.

The sword comes to the top of the mountain, smiles and looks at the situation, who can do anything to me

The sword goes through the galaxy, stirs the universe, how can there be an undefeated myth

Under the gate of Wanjian Shengdi, several disciples stood with their swords behind their backs. From time to time, a cultivator who stepped on the sword came, and then bowed to the gate, and disappeared after entering the gate...

Entering the mountain gate, at a glance, there are many pavilions and courts suspended in the air, boundless!Under the attic, pieces of huge conical earth support the attic.In the attic, the cranes are flying together, the birds are contending, the lotus in the pond is surrounded by clouds and mist.In the center of the pavilion courtyard, a sword-shaped attic soars to the sky, and a plaque in the sword-shaped attic reads: Wanjiange.Countless divine swords revolve around Wanjiange, guarding it.

Below the Wanjian Pavilion, there is a huge square that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. In the center of the square is a 10-meter-high human statue that is lifelike.But looking at the statue, you can also see how unique this person was before his life.

The cold and aloof eyes seemed to have no focus, and the dark eyes were full of peace, and the black hair hung down on his shoulders.With a smile on his resolute face, his unyielding eyes looked into the distance.A golden inner garment under a golden brocade robe!Standing there with hands on shoulders as if looking down on the world!
It can be described as:
Talented people laugh at ancient and modern times

What's the point of falling into the dust

No one can match the name

Sword shakes the universe and prides itself

Under the statue, tens of thousands of people neatly carried long swords that had not yet been sharpened, and Jiongjiong stood there with a spirit!Following the gazes of tens of thousands of people, there is only a staunch and mighty middle-aged man sitting on a chariot attached by a dragon. The middle-aged man is wearing a white undershirt and a golden cloak with embroidered A white Excalibur.There is a jade table in front of you.There is a summons jade plaque on the case.The middle-aged man is closing his eyes and resting his mind, thinking hard...

Since then, the younger brother has sent a message saying: "If you don't return, there will be changes. Hope to prepare early." 'I ordered the door to be banned, and recalled the disciples who went out, and informed the elders and deacons that it has been three days.Now most of the disciples have returned, and the elders, deacons and other disciples are also present.But why has there been no movement for three days?

Just at this moment, I saw a disciple flying towards me with a sword, and before he arrived, he hurriedly yelled: "Report to the Holy Master, and receive a message from Elder Wan."

The middle-aged man with a golden cloak and embroidered sword opened his tiger eyes and looked at the disciple who was stepping on the sword!
The disciple who stepped on the sword flew to the table in front of the middle-aged man in the golden cloak and embroidered sword, and presented a jade tablet of summons with bowed eyebrows.

The middle-aged man with a golden cloak and embroidered sword stood up, took the communication jade tablet with his right hand, waved his left hand at the jade tablet, a stream of light flashed, and saw Wan Sanqian's words on the communication jade tablet: senior brother, hahaha, senior brother ,Hahaha.

The middle-aged man with a golden cloak and embroidered sword looks dazed?What do you mean?I also don't understand this, and besides, there is a change in the non-return, I hope to prepare early with the senior brother, hahaha, senior brother hahaha!Is there any connection?Is this crazy or what does it mean?
"That's it?" The middle-aged man with a golden cloak and sword embroidered looked at the summoning disciple at the side and asked in confusion.

"Yes, Holy Master, Elder Wan only has this summoning jade plaque. As soon as the jade plaque is revealed, I will take it and present it to you." The summoning disciple respectfully said.

While Master Wanjian was contemplating the meaning of this sentence, another disciple came from a distance with a sword...

"Report to the Holy Master, and receive the jade token from Elder Wan."

Lord Wanjian immediately turned his head to look at the new messenger disciple.Without letting him submit it, he directly took the summoning jade card, waved his hand, and Wan Sanqian's words came out on the summoning jade card:
Brother, hurry up, hurry up, help Wushuang Town quickly.

Hearing this message, Sage Master Wanjian closed his eyes, tilted his head to the sky at 45 degrees, and assumed a posture of looking up at the sky.

Junior brother is confused, the path of no return has changed, how can a Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords be able to stop it?Also asked to support Wushuang Town?The road of no return has changed. The first place to bear the brunt is Wushuang Town. Isn't there no return to support where there is support?Hey, I don't know when my junior brother's turbulent personality will change...

Lord Wanjian raised his head and pondered for a while, then turned to look at the summoning disciple.

"Hurry up and inform Elder Wan, and ask him to lead the disciples back to the Holy Land for refuge immediately." Lord Wanjian said to the disciples.

"Take orders." The two summoning disciples said!Then he bowed his hands and saluted, took a few steps back and left in reincarnation.

At this time, Lord Wanjian turned around and looked at the tens of thousands of disciples in front of him, and spoke slowly.

"A few days ago, Elder Wan Sanqian sent back a message saying that the forbidden land has changed, so we should prepare early. I ordered you to return to the Holy Land for refuge..."

"Report to the Holy Master, and receive the jade token from Elder Wan" Before the Holy Master Wan Jian could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the summoning disciple flying from afar.

Lord Wanjian looked unhappily at the messenger disciple who presented the jade plaque in front of him.I thought to myself, what vision can I see?Didn't you see me talking?It made me lose my train of thought.With someone like you, you can only be a messenger disciple for the rest of your life.

This summoning disciple didn't know that he had done his duty with all his heart, but he had offended the boss, so he could only be a summoning disciple for the rest of his life.

"Read." The Lord of Thousand Swords.Said with a displeased face.

Seeing that the Holy Master's face was not happy, the summoning disciple didn't know why, so he could only answer yes!Then waved a flash of aura to enter the communication jade card!I saw Wan Sanqian's weak words coming from the jade tablet.

Hehehe, no need, brother.

"Understood, let's go down." Master Wanjian said expressionlessly.Lord Wanjian really couldn't understand these messages!It's not just what the hell is going on with the junior brother...

"Yes." Summoning the disciples, he respectfully placed the jade plaques behind the first three.

Then, Lord Wanjian turned around and continued looking at the tens of thousands of disciples below.

"I believe that all of you from the same sect have also seen how complicated the situation is on the road of no return in the forbidden area. Elder Wan Sanqian has already sent three jade cards to inform you. So I hope that you can deal with the affairs around you as soon as possible and notify the brothers of the same sect as soon as possible. Take refuge in the inner world of Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land as soon as possible, after all, Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land is the only place in this world that can guarantee us to survive this disaster together. As for the outside world, don’t worry about it for now.”

"Everything is premised on ensuring the strength and foundation of the Holy Land. Of course, you don't need to panic too much when the answer has not been revealed. Although I don't know why there is this turmoil, but with my foundation of Wanjian, I am not afraid of Qianqiu..."

After the Holy Master Wanjian finished speaking, tens of thousands of disciples, elders, and deacons shouted in unison, causing endless echoes.

"With my knowledge of Ten Thousand Swords, I am not afraid of Qianqiu..."

"No fear of Qianqiu..."



Just as the Lord Wanjian and the disciples of Wanjian were full of passion, another disciple from afar came to step on the sword.And there was a voice from afar, but it was covered by the shouts of the crowd, but who is the Lord of Thousand Swords?How could he fail to hear the voice of this summoning disciple!

"Report to the Holy Master, and receive the jade token from Elder Wan."

Upon hearing these words, Lord Wanjian could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth.Looking at the messenger disciple in front of him, he asked calmly.

"What's the matter?"

The summoning disciple, holding the summoning jade tablet, waved his hand, and a stream of light entered the jade tablet.The jade tablet glowed again and Wansanqian's words came out.

"Brother, there is no need to come back to hide! You should quickly bring the deacon elders to support, or wake up the master and the old man to bring them out."

Lord Ten Thousand Swords, listen to this!Lift the hand from the chest and bend the elbow, use the thumb and index finger to bend the part, gently and slowly hang the chin.Looking at the five messenger jade cards, he slowly pondered!

Although the younger brother does things in a trance, he is not ignorant of the general situation.How could he not know that if the path of no return changes, it will be difficult to stop the catastrophe with only the power of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords.Don't say it, Wan Jian!Even Taihua, who dominates the Eastern Land, will not be able to turn up any troubles on the road of no return.The original Tai Ah was Lie Zi.And the explanation of these five communication jade cards together is: the path of no return has changed, but there is no major disaster, but there is no major disaster, so why do we need the support of the Holy Land?Do you have to call out the master of potential cultivation?What happened in Wushuang Town?Is it a peerless treasure?Or encounter an enemy by chance?

No, it seems like a good thing to rely on the hahaha laughter of his second messenger jade card, but what kind of good thing needs the support of such a lineup?Although good things take time, what kind of good things need the support of the Holy Land?correct!It must be so.But what is the good thing?

"You send a message to Elder Wan, and ask him to explain clearly at once." Lord Wan Jian said to the summoned disciple.

"Yes, disciple will leave." The summoning disciple said and bowed and retreated.

"Yeah, let's go." Said Lord Wanjian!
Just as the summoning disciple left, another summoning disciple flew in from a distance!

"Report to the Holy Master, accept Wan..." The summoning disciple hadn't finished speaking, but saw that the summoning jade card flew from his hand to the Wanjian Holy Master with a piece in his right hand!

"Senior brother, remember to bring the holy artifact. Just in case."

Lord Wanjian threw the summoning jade token on the table, waved his hand to signal the summoning disciples to go down, and then sat on the Luanjia, waiting for the next message!
Sure enough, after a while, another summoned disciple arrived, and after reporting, he hastily sent out a spiritual light to open the jade tablet.

"Hahaha, senior brother, chance, great chance, God manifests in the world, flowers fall into thousands of swords..."

Seeing that Lord Wanjian hadn't finished listening to what he said, he hurriedly stood up with a groan.Leave behind the tens of thousands of disciples, elders, and deacons in the square.With a wave of his hand, Luanjia under him turned into a stream of light and shot towards Wanjiange behind him.

After a while, three cranes flew out of Wanjiange, carrying the holy master Luanjia on their backs, and flew towards Wushuang Town...

(End of this chapter)

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