How is the master of the world made

Chapter 8 Take You to the Universe

Chapter 8 Take you to fly to the universe (please subscribe)
Seraphim found that Bai Lian and the others didn't speak, thought they didn't want to cooperate, and felt that what he had done just now was not enough to deter them, so he got angry, and as soon as he raised his hand, two classmates disappeared in smoke!After realizing that they were expressionless, they realized that the reason everyone in Audio-Technica did not speak was because of their own God Transformation coercion.

Bai Lian and the others felt that they could move their heads, and quickly took a few deep breaths to relieve the fear just now!Seeing Seraphim's lingering anger!He nodded quickly, lest he think that he and others would not cooperate, and someone would suffer an innocent disaster!
Seeing them nodding, Seraphim breathed a sigh of relief, after all, there are quite a few good seedlings here!If it is not forced, he is not willing to use strong methods. As for the matter just now, he can only wait for time to slowly melt away!Fortunately, they can't make any big waves in a short time!In order to communicate well with them, the seraphim immediately changed into an ordinary person!There are about 1.9 meters tall!

"I'm actually not Lucifer. To be precise, I'm a 'godlike'! The reason why I said I was Lucifer just now was to see your views on Satan, and your descriptions and views on Satan along the way made me Very strange! You are not afraid of him! You are not afraid of the king of hell! Lucifer (Satan) the devil, don’t you know that he is a god-forsaken and a traitor?”

The seraph, who calls himself "God-like", bent his right hand forward and stood up with his elbow, supporting the void. Suddenly, a sacred white jade-like table appeared in the void, supporting his right elbow and his palm. Chin down, fingers lightly tap the right cheek, put on the appearance of a listener!Just looking at his current appearance, who would have guessed that he was the same person who killed him just because he didn't agree with each other just now!
"You said you are a 'god-like person'? May I ask who the 'god-like person' is?" After the initial fear and shock, everyone also understood that in this six-winged world that is neither righteous nor evil, sometimes angry and calm Wanting to escape in the hands of angels is tantamount to nonsense!In addition, he doesn't look like he's about to get angry from his current appearance!Slowly everyone got closer!And Gao Tiaotiao asked the question that everyone was most concerned about except Bailian!
"'Godlike' is none other than Archangel Michael, aka Michael the Guardian of Eden!,"

In "The Encyclopedia of Angels Archangel Michael", a poem written by a priest is recorded to praise Michael's brilliance and glory.

the king of God's messengers;
excellent messenger; mighty seraph;
You are one of the seven angels before the throne of God;

Fearless challenger, your voice echoes from the vaults of heaven: "As God is!"

You are God's appointed guard;
Glorious Christian winners under the new law;
You have successfully protected women and children;

subdued the dragon, and locked his power;
You are the leader of the Spirit of Light.

Of all the Bailian people, only Bailian has studied these things!Of course, only Bailian can answer this question!
"Yes, I am Michael! Archangel Michael! I still want to ask, are you not afraid of Lucifer?"

The seraphim Michael suddenly gave Bai Lian a high look. He didn't expect that besides having spiritual roots, this unattractive young man in front of him also had a certain understanding of himself!So the second time he asked, it was equivalent to asking Bai Lian alone!

"Lucifer did not actually betray God, even if he is a devil, but he is also a devil of the West, God's devil, Jews, Hebrews, Israelites and all other devils who believe in God! And the reason why he is called a devil , It’s just a political disagreement with God, he advocates freedom, dignity, and strength! He has his own pride!” After Bai Lian finished speaking, she looked at Michael calmly!
"Hey! I was the only one who admonished Lucifer, and he was called Seraphim just like me! I am a battle angel, and he is a fallen angel. We are both archangels with six wings. I am white Yes. And he is black. Although we are opposing in power, it does not mean that we are also opposing in principle, it is just that we choose to oppose! In fact, he is my brother. It can be seen that the three of you are brothers. From the actions of the fat man just now It can be seen from your hands that you are also brothers, I really envy this feeling of having brothers!" Michael said full of memories!

Everyone was stunned!Including Bailian!Because he didn't expect Lucifer to be Michael's brother?
"I said that you are God's choice, so I am also willing to obey God's will, bring you to Him, listen to God's teachings, receive God's power, and then wait for God's instructions! Go to spread the gospel of God all over the world , Conquer all directions for the gods, and rumors that the reputation of the gods is your mission!" Michael changed his posture of sitting upright, and said with a solemn and sacred expression!
Wait, what's going on?What's wrong with God's favorite?How come I, a student who has just passed his freshman year and has not yet entered his sophomore year, have anything to do with God?I am crazy about mathematics, physics and chemistry, and I haven't figured it out yet!How to listen to God's teachings, accept God's power, and then wait for God's instructions!Such a tall question!I'm just a single dog, and my happiness has not been settled yet!How to bring happiness to others?What kind of god development is this?

This is the voice of most people present!However, most people dare not open their mouths to refute Michael's words. After all, the six classmates just disappeared not long ago!But most of these people do not represent Lu Mengmeng!

"Well, Sister Angel Michael! I have a question, I don't know if I should say it or not!" Lu Mengmeng said with a rare shy expression!
"I just said that angels are not limited by appearance, they can take any shape! And the reason why I appear as a woman is to better communicate with you! What's your problem? Tell me!" Michael said!

"I'm just a freshman. I don't even have a thorough understanding of the most basic knowledge. I'm afraid I won't be able to complete such a great and sacred mission!" Lu Mengmeng said for the first time in his life. In the face of such power, even if he was as reckless as Lu Mengmeng, he would not dare to show off!It's normal to think about it, after all, the former Mang will not die!But the current Mang will kill people!
"It's okay, God will help you. After all, what you learn now will not help you in the future! Since God has chosen you, what we need to do is to respect God's will, not to question God's decision! The wrath of the gods, you can't afford the consequences!" Michael looked at this guy in front of him!Wisps of anger appeared in his eyes!

"Then may I ask the angel Michael, where is the destination of our trip?" Bai Lian saw that Michael was getting angry again, so she hurriedly interrupted!

"Of course it is God's Kingdom of God, the place where God lives - Zion, also called the disappearing sky garden! It drifts, sometimes in reality, sometimes in virtual reality, sometimes in the sky, sometimes in the sky In the world." Michael said full of longing!
"How far?" He Meimei suddenly asked!
"If the distance between the sun and the moon is compared to the distance between the eyes, then the distance between us and Zion is also the distance between the sun and the moon!" Michael said contradictory but not contradictory words!
"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." There was a sudden sound of inhalation!

"Ah, so far away? I've never been so far away from home!"

"I'm going, it's too far away, I have to go home and get my luggage!"

"It's so far away? It's the first time for me to go so far away. I have to go home and tell my parents!"

"Damn it, it's too far away! What about my little flower? Will she be lonely without my company?"

"I lost..."

"I hang..."


"Quiet, no noise is allowed in the temple!" Michael heard the chaotic, chattering and different voices, and felt that it is better to release the coercion, otherwise he would go crazy!


A gust of wind blew past, and everyone couldn't do anything except breathe like before!

"Rejoice! Beloved of God, you will have the honor to experience the feeling of traveling through the void and the universe. This is something you have never experienced before!" Michael looked at everyone!Suddenly he laughed from the bottom of his heart!With so much talent and physique, how powerful I should be by then!

Slowly, the temple in front of me, the grass outside, colorful and various flowers, the winding path, the accompanying river, the trees on the river, the flowers on the trees, the fruits, the faint mist on the ground, the sky, the sky in the sky Clouds, slowly disappearing!

What appeared in front of everyone was an empty, dark, and huge main tomb. In the tomb, except for Michael, who was tall and exuding holy light, the surroundings were dark and frightening!It turned out that they were still in the tomb, but what happened to that paradise-like fairyland just now?For everyone, they can only slowly explore in the future, because now they can't even blink their eyes!
"Come on, God's darlings, let us fly to the kingdom of God where God is, listen to God's teachings, learn God's knowledge, and spread God's will! Come! God's darlings, let us fly to Zion, fly to Embrace God!" Michael said in a holy and holy chanting, and after he finished speaking, he sent a message to the endless void with esoteric methods!

The earth suddenly split open, they saw the sky in the distance, the stars in the sky were twinkling, it turned out that it was already night before they knew it!They moved forward at high speed, towards the sky, towards the stars, and flew up quickly!Faster and faster, faster and faster...

 Audio-Technica and their companions fly to the earth!What kind of future awaits them?Look forward to it!
(End of this chapter)

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