Chapter 1 Package delivery or not

When Jiang Ran opened his eyes, what he saw was a white cloud gauze. This gauze was woven by aura, and then inlaid with auspicious clouds and streamers. It also made her eyes hurt.

She didn't have time to complain about the deformed aesthetics of putting lanterns on the bed curtain while sleeping, but a soft female voice suddenly sounded beside the bed, full of joy and anticipation.

"Your Highness, you are finally awake!"

She looked sideways, only to find a woman in a wide-sleeved fairy dress sitting beside the bed. She had a very good appearance and was surrounded by fairy spirit. She was opening a pair of black eyes and smiling at her with white teeth showing her face. Excited written.

Who is this?

Jiang Ran's heart skipped a beat. Seeing her wearing an ancient costume, she suddenly had an ominous premonition. His first reaction was to immediately touch his face, and then look down at his body.The arms are still the same, the face is the same, even the yellow coat is still on her body, except for a few more folds, it is exactly the same as before she fell asleep.

"His Royal Highness?" Seeing that she didn't respond, the woman just lowered her head and pulled her clothes, and couldn't help but say, "But what's wrong? Why don't you..."

"Wait a minute!" She was in a mess in her heart. After confirming that it was indeed her own body, she quickly got up from the bed and walked quickly towards the door.

"Huh, Your Highness? Your Highness!" The woman was startled, and immediately followed.

She opened the door abruptly, and the next moment, she saw a fairy tale lingering outside the door. The fairy palaces made of white jade stood above the clouds. Passing by, from time to time, you can hear the sound of fairy sounds, which is a picture of a beautiful fairyland.

Everywhere seems to indicate that this place is not only not the human world, but also the earth she is familiar with!
Jiang Ran stood stiffly, staring blankly at the fairyland in front of him, only one word emerged in his heart.

Come again?

"His Royal Highness." The little fairy in the house followed, and said with a worried look, "What's wrong with your highness? Don't scare me, I'll notify the medical fairy to come here?"

"No need." Jiang Ran came back to his senses, suppressed his MMP, and sighed tiredly, "I'm fine."

Xiao Xianshi still looked at her suspiciously, as if hesitating.

"Why did you call me Your Highness?" Jiang Ran asked, she was sure she had already crossed over, but it was obviously her own body, and it was her body, not her soul, so why did she become His Highness?

"Your Highness is Princess Fengtian who was conferred by the Emperor of Heaven, so we naturally have to address him as His Highness." Xiaoxian smiled and explained softly.

"Heavenly Emperor himself?" What the hell?

"By the way..." She seemed to remember something again, and continued, "Three days ago, His Highness was still dizzy, of course he didn't know about it, but now that His Majesty's will has been transmitted to the six realms, you are already known to all realms. The Fengtian Princess."

"Three days ago?" Jiang Ran frowned, "I fainted for three days!"

"Yeah." The little fairy nodded. "Yufa Xingjun said that His Royal Highness has an unusual background, and his body cannot withstand the pressure of the formation, so it is normal to fall into a coma, and he will recover in a few days."

"Yufa Xingjun? Formation?" She felt a little headache, looked up and down the little fairy, and asked tiredly, "Then who are you? Why am I here?"

She clearly remembered that she just took advantage of the weekend and played games all night. After being tortured dozens of times by the enemy, she didn't even bother to take off her clothes, and fell asleep straight away. Why did she change places when she woke up?

"The name of the little fairy is Qingjue, and His Majesty sent me to serve you." Qingjue explained to her, pointing to the plaque at the door, "This is the Fuyun Hall, the side hall of Jiuchongtian Palace, and it is also the hall of Your Majesty. The temporary Immortal Mansion given to you, as for why His Highness is here..."

She paused, looked at her carefully, and said in a tone that seemed to be afraid of scaring her, "That's because His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, in accordance with the instructions of the Heavenly Dao oracle, united eighteen Xingjun and all the immortals on the day of origin. Home, gathered the power of the immortals to set up a cross-border formation on Chengtiantai, and it took a full three months to finally activate the formation and summon Your Highness here."

"So you pulled me into this" Jiang Ran's brows suddenly squeezed into Sichuan characters, "This is still a fairyland? Are you an immortal?" Don't you need your consent to invite people?
"That's right!" She nodded vigorously, "I will take good care of Your Highness."

"Wait, I just want to ask why?" Jiang Ran was even more confused. He thought it was an accidental time travel, but he didn't expect it to be their initiative?Since when did the Immortal Realm have such a reputation, you can pull people from another world at will, isn't it against the law?

"'s about the secret, Xiaoxian doesn't know the details." Qing Jue shook her head and said apologetically, "It's just that the emperor specially instructed that your existence is very important to the six realms, and it is the way of heaven. The man of destiny shown. That's why Your Majesty and all the immortals did not hesitate to spend half of their cultivation to summon His Highness here."

As he spoke, his eyes brightened and he said proudly, "At that time, many people thought that this method would not succeed. After all, the so-called cross-border formation method was just a rumor, and even the Sifang Temple felt that His Majesty's move was futile. Who would have thought that the formation would be activated successfully and invite His Highness over."

"..." Then I thank you!
"Can you still send me back?" She asked with the last glimmer of hope, "Isn't there some kind of formation?" If you can pull her over, you can naturally send it back.

"Ah? Ah!" Qing Jue was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect that after hearing this, her first reaction was to want to go back, and she shook her head in a panic, "This is definitely not possible, not to mention that it takes a hundred people to activate the magic circle." Half of Xianjun's cultivation base, and that formation can only be activated once, it was destroyed when His Highness was summoned, and it cannot be activated again."

"..." No delivery or delivery!

"Your Majesty has been waiting to see His Majesty a long time ago." Qing Jue thought of something, and changed the subject, "Now that you are awake, you must be summoned as soon as possible. If Your Majesty has other questions then, wait and see When His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven understands everything."

"Well." Jiang Ran responded, noncommittal.

"Then Your Highness will go back to the room to have a rest first, and Xiaoxian will go to pass the message." After speaking, as if she was afraid that she would really run away, she saluted and walked out in a hurry. Repeatedly turned around and confessed, "Your Highness, wait a moment, I will be right back, wait for me."

Jiang Ran looked amusedly at the fairy servant who was flying away in a hurry, but he didn't go back to the house. Instead, he sat down on a stone chair in the courtyard, turned his head and looked carefully at the delicate and gorgeous fairy servants around him. palace view.

This is the Immortal World today, it really is... completely different!
(End of this chapter)

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