Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 12 The Intentional Sealing Fee

Chapter 12 The Intentional Sealing Fee

Jiang Ran waited in the square for more than two hours before another disciple came and took them to a wing room for resettlement. He hurriedly explained that this was where they would live in the future, and they left in a hurry. Don't say it's an explanation, and don't even say a word to them.

Qing Jue couldn't take it any longer, and instantly became angry and turned into a cabbage face, and said angrily, "It's too much! Just toss me for a long time without saying a word, and now I don't even have an explanation, this is the town. Tiange's hospitality?"

Jiang Ran was not angry, but his ankles hurt after standing for a long time.

On the contrary, Lord Zixing Xingxing, who was next to him, unexpectedly spoke for the other party, "They have always acted like this, and treated the monks who came to study the same regardless of their status. Today's situation... Maybe it's because something urgent happened? Besides, Zhentian The pavilion has always been responsible for guarding Moyuan, Your Highness, you..."

He seemed to want to say a few words for help, but when he turned around, he found that Jiang Ran was squatting on the ground at some point, and she was rubbing her ankle with one hand.

Qing Jue reacted and was also startled. She didn't care about getting angry, and immediately ran over nervously, "What's wrong with your Highness's leg? Don't scare me, isn't it a broken bone?" After finishing speaking, he pushed her aside On the chair, squat down and pull up her feet to check.

"It's okay, just rub it sore." She wanted to stop her but couldn't.

"No, the Immortal Doctor has said it, His Highness is weaker than ordinary people, nothing can happen." As she spoke, she took off her shoes and socks for a closer inspection.

Even Zi Heng next to her had a solemn expression, stepped forward and said softly, "Excuse me!" He also reached out and grabbed her wrist, and began to feel his pulse.

It wasn't until Qingjue looked at her feet several times and found nothing wrong, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's all right." Jiang Ran took her foot back. She was really uncomfortable with this kind of thing being treated as a fragile item.

Ziheng here also finished his pulse, and at the same time he was relieved, he noticed the bare feet of the person in front of him. Only then did he realize the rudeness, and his face suddenly turned red, his hand shrank back like an electric shock, and he hurriedly turned around. "Holy... Your Highness is fine. You should rest early if you are weak. You have to rush back to the Heavenly Palace to resume your life. I will leave now."

"Oh, good, there is Lao Xingjun today." Jiang Ran thanked him smoothly. After all, they sent them over and accompanied them to stand in the square for a few hours, which was quite interesting.

Ziheng bowed sideways, but his eyes deliberately avoided a certain place on the ground, then turned around and walked out quickly, with a sense of escape, and he was walking out of this small courtyard.

Suddenly, I didn't know what I thought of. I stopped my steps, tightened the hands at the sides, walked back with a blushing face, took out something, and said with both hands, "Your Highness is just a beginner in cultivation. , if you encounter any difficulty or inconvenience, please give me your instructions."

Without waiting for her to respond, she shoved the items in her hand, turned around and walked out of the door faster than before, and disappeared at the door in an instant.

Before Jiang Ran could react, there was something cold in his hand. A closer look revealed that it was a jade tablet that looked like a white jade, but it contained a strong spiritual power. There was no extra decoration on the jade tablet , only the word "Fa" is engraved in the middle.

"……"what's that?

"Isn't this the 'Immortal Punishment Order'?" Qing Jue who was next to him recognized it at a glance, and said with wide-eyed surprise, "Xing Jun actually left this to His Highness!"

"What is the Immortal Punishment Order?" she asked.

"It's the magic weapon token used by Xingjun when punishing wronged immortals." Qing Jue explained, "Yufa Xingjun is in charge of the world's punishment, so his immortal punishment order will also bring a little judgment and killing power, which is considered to be The above is his companion magic weapon, which is unique in the world. Xingjun actually gave this to His Highness, you..."

As soon as Qingjue stopped talking, she caught some heavy gossip on her face, her eyes lit up several times, she glanced up and down ambiguously, and said in a small voice with an expression that I understood, "Your Highness, it seems Lord Xing must have taken you very seriously." Speaking of which, it was Immortal Yufa who carried His Highness back that day when Immortal Qionghua had fainted.

"What are you thinking about!" Jiang Ran tapped her gossipy little head, "He did this, of course it was ordered by the Emperor of Heaven."

She has met this Xingjun twice before and after, and how could he be tempted by a person who knocks out his front teeth when he meets Xingjun?Even if it wasn't given to him by the Heavenly Emperor, at most he could only send things to... seal her mouth, implying that she should not spread such a shameful thing about him.

Well, absolutely!
"Really? But I think Xingjun is really interested in His Highness, and he looks at you differently." Qing Jue continued reluctantly, "And he is the most promising Xingjun in the Immortal Realm, His Highness really doesn't think about it. ?"

"It's alright, it's getting late." The retiree was not interested, so he changed the subject and said, "Do you still make cabbage today?"

"Do it!" Qing Jue replied in seconds, and immediately put aside her love and focused on the vegetable business, "Your Highness, wait for me, I will prepare dinner for you immediately, wait for me." Small kitchen in the courtyard.



It wasn't until the next morning that Jiang Ran saw the man who threw them on the square and ran away again.He also seemed to realize that what he had done was not kind, so he rushed over early in the morning to explain.

"His Royal Highness, something happened suddenly yesterday. The seal of the upper level of Moyuan rioted. My disciples took the responsibility of guarding Moyuan, so I had to leave first. Please forgive me for any negligence." He said seriously. a gift.

Jiang Ran really didn't care about it, so he just shook his head and said, "It's okay." Even Qing Jue didn't say anything more, after all, the seal is of great importance.

Qiu Zhen glanced at the woman in front of him, and then turned to the topic, "His Royal Highness will enter the pavilion to practice today. It is a rule in my pavilion that all disciples who enter the pavilion must let go of their original status and be regarded as ordinary monks. know."

"I know." She nodded, and the Enlightenment Lord had also mentioned this point before.

Qiuzhen breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little more at ease. After all, this person was a bit special, and the Emperor himself asked him to enter the cabinet. He was really afraid that the other party had some other ideas that would be difficult to control, but he didn't expect the other party to be unexpectedly good-natured. It's good to be willing to follow the rules.

"So, from now on, you will be a disciple of my pavilion's teaching hall. My name is Qiu Zhen. I am in charge of teaching the disciples a lesson in kendo on weekdays. From now on, you can just call me Master Qiu."

"Master Qiu." Jiang Ran called out with kindness.

Qiu Zhen's eyes became more satisfied, and he stepped aside to signal her to follow him, "Today, I will take you to the school to get acquainted with you. You entered the pavilion a little late, and you may not be able to keep up with the progress of everyone's cultivation for the time being. I will wait until tomorrow. Please senior apprentice brother to help you make other arrangements."

"Thank you Master Qiu."

(End of this chapter)

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