Chapter 18 How to remove the vest

Everyone seemed to be used to the pavilion master's nonsense attitude, and the hall became lively again. Although they were a little curious about the man who suddenly appeared, they quickly let go.With so many delicacies ahead, the mind was naturally drawn to the table.

Even Lin Ling and a few people next to him started to eat the sea and stuff up. After all, the spiritual energy in this food has no effect on people with high cultivation, but it is very beneficial to them.

"His Royal Highness, this soup is delicious, you can try it!" Jiang Ran, who was thinking about his vest, turned his head and saw Qing Jue stuffed a bowl of soup, then pointed to the two people next to him, and frantically motioned her to drink it quickly , otherwise it will be gone in a while.

Only then did she realize how exaggerated the two people next to her were eating, and they almost buried their heads in the bowl. It seemed to be really delicious.She couldn't help but feel a little moved. She took the soup that Qing Jue handed over, and the next moment she saw a few crisp green leaves floating on it. She couldn't help frowning. She turned the hand holding the spoon, and picked up the chopsticks next to her. , I habitually picked up the coriander on top and was about to pick it out.

Suddenly, his mind suddenly froze, and he lowered his head and swept to all the dishes on the table. Sure enough, each dish was dotted with a few familiar green and crisp leaves, and the heart that was lifted up instantly sank.

He looked up at the familiar white figure, and sure enough, the other party was staring at her like a stick, a tsunami of emotions bursting out of his eyes, and a pair of clear phoenix eyes instantly turned red, and the mist was hazy. When he got up, the blue veins on his clenched hands protruded, as if he was trying his best to restrain himself and ran over without hesitation.


Yes, it's over!

Jiang Ran sighed for a long time, and the feeling of tiredness hit him again, and suddenly he didn't want to struggle.How could she forget that the other party was Fan Chen, who was smart and close to the demon. If during the years of fighting against the devil, she was habitually trained to have a few more minds, then he was full of minds. With a small piece of coriander, she fell off the horse.

It seemed that she had been fooling Qingjue to repair the seal, but he was still discovered by him.

Forget it, drop the horse, drop the horse, and put it rotten casually.

She relaxed her whole body, supported her head with one hand, and put the soup in her hand back on the table.

"Hey, what's the matter, Your Highness? Is this soup unpalatable?" Qing Jue gave her a puzzled look. This was the soup that was finally snatched from Lin Ling and Lou Shuo's mouth.

"Well." Jiang Ran frowned, "I hate coriander."

"Ah! You can't eat it at all?" Qing Jue was taken aback, and glanced at the dishes on the table, "But... but these are all added with coriander! If you want me to help you pick them out, it's a spirit beast. Eat and watch for a while?"

"No need." She shook her head, pushed the bowl further away, and said solemnly, "In the past, I had no choice but to eat. Now I just want to follow my own heart, and I don't want to eat it if I don't like it."

After the words fell, the person above who was about to get up stopped for a while, and his expression changed. After a while, he slowly sat back.

When it came to Qing Jue, I didn't know where I was thinking, "So did Your Highness live so hard before?" Thinking that Jiang Ran couldn't even eat before, and couldn't choose the dishes he liked at all, he felt distressed and quickly added the bowl. The coriander soup was handed over to Lou Shuo next to him, and he said firmly, "Okay, if your Highness doesn't like it, then don't eat it. I don't like coriander either. This kind of weird vegetable is not worthy of Your Highness."

Lou Shuo: "..." It feels connoted.

"Maybe after the banquet, I will ask the Master to see if there is any remaining spirit animal meat in the pavilion." Qing Jue continued to propose, "I will make it again for His Highness without the coriander."

Jiang Ran felt warm in her heart, touched her cabbage tie, smiled and said, "No need, I think ordinary cabbage is delicious."

Qing Jue was instantly ecstatic, and did not persuade her to eat more vegetables, she said in agreement, "Your Highness is right, no matter how delicious these animal meats are, how can they be compared with our cabbage, as expected, His Highness is His Highness!" Too insightful.

She laughed even deeper, and the feeling of frustration and exhaustion that had just fallen off her horse was swept away in an instant. Sure enough, it was good to be young and bring sunshine.


Zhentian Pavilion's work has always been simple and rude. If it is said to be eating, it really only eats, so this banquet did not last long. After the meal, everyone dispersed, and there was no polite exchange or test.

So Jiang Ran and Qing Jue came back very early. Qing Jue remembered that she hadn't eaten anything because of the coriander. After she came back, she plunged into the kitchen and made dinner for her. sentence, let her have a great show.

Jiang Ran sat in the courtyard and stared at the bright moon in the sky, until a spirit butterfly flew in with transparent wings and circled her three times.Only then did she sigh and get up, taking advantage of Qing Jue's addiction to cooking, she got up and followed Lingdie out the door.

She turned into a path on the right, and not long after she walked, she saw a temporary teleportation formation on the side of the road, and the spirit butterfly that led the way flew directly into the formation and dissipated.

Jiang Ran hesitated, and finally stepped forward and walked into the formation.The next moment, a white light flashed in front of my eyes, and the surrounding scene changed. A bamboo forest appeared in front of me, and there was only a winding stone road in the forest.

She followed the path and turned two corners. Sure enough, a familiar figure appeared at the end of the road. He was still dressed in white, and even the moonlight couldn't hide his elegance. Blinking at this side, the figure is even more straight, and the whole person is like a taut bowstring, with an indescribable tension.

Jiang Ran paused for a while, then sighed, walked over slowly and stopped three steps away from him, looking at the person who had walked with him for thousands of years, and finally had a nostalgic smile, "Long time no see, little lotus."

Fan Chen's eyes turned red in an instant, and his vision became hazy. After restraining his emotions all night, he couldn't hold back any longer. With the rush of tears, he finally called out the name that he had been waiting for for thousands of years, "...Ah burn."

"You...don't cry!" When Jiang Ran was startled, he stepped forward quickly, rolled up his sleeves and wiped it on his face, "I'll come back, is it so scary?"

"Come back?" He was stunned for a moment, then suddenly grabbed her hand, widened his eyes and asked more nervously, "You still want to go?!"

"That's not it..." She looked at her hand that was scratched and said, "This time I come back, maybe I can't go anymore." Tiandao didn't seem to mean to send her back.

Only then did Fan Chen slowly let go. Those surging emotions returned little by little, as if the vitality in his body was revived. It was not until this moment that he really confirmed that she was back, so he was alive too.

(End of this chapter)

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