Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 22 Master, You Are Not Right

Chapter 22 Master, You Are Not Right
Just after the celebration banquet, the formation method rioted again, frightening everyone in Zhentian Pavilion. Hong Yi had a feeling that they were too happy, so the formation method played a big role again.

And this riot was different from the past. He even felt that the seal was about to be broken, and the things in the Demon Abyss were about to rush out.But when he panicked and instructed his disciples to hurry to the various formations, intending to fight to the death, the riot stopped abruptly, even more abruptly than it appeared.

It seemed that there was some energy that instantly suppressed the riot, and it was the kind that was crushed to death.Even the magic circle that was originally glowing with red light in the air seemed to have mutated and turned into a strange golden color.

Although the disciples didn't understand why, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Only Hong Yi became more worried the more he thought about it. Maybe he had lost his temper after being tossed with this formation for so many years. Not stabilized, but a precursor to complete collapse.

So after thinking about it, I couldn't help but want to find my master to explore the bottom. Who knew that when I sensed it carefully, I found that the other party did not return to the lower formation, but was in the bamboo forest in the back mountain.

I was a little surprised, but I didn't think much about it, and flew towards the direction of the bamboo forest.He walked quickly through the bamboo forest, and finally reached the lotus pond. From a distance, he saw the pure white figure standing by the pond, staring at the empty lotus pond in a daze, with a long-lost warmth on his lips. , the whole person seems to be stained with morning dew, and the green lotus is full of vitality, which is completely different from the previous appearance that is completely cold and not like a real person.

Hong Yi was stunned for a moment, and even wiped his eyes suspiciously, this is... Master?
"Coming?" As if he knew he would come, Fan Chen looked away from the empty pool and looked in the direction of the person coming.

"Master." Only then did Hong Yi react, and he hurriedly saluted.

"What's the matter?" he asked in a low voice.

"Master, have you ever noticed the change in the formation just now?" Thinking of the business, he immediately returned to his heart and said, "The formation was clearly on the verge of collapse, but it suddenly calmed down. I don't know if this phenomenon is a blessing or a curse, and the disciples dare not be arbitrary. , I came here to ask the teacher to respect you."

"Well." Fan Chen raised his head and glanced at the golden formation above, his eyes instantly softened by three points, and said solemnly, "You don't need to panic, it's just that this formation has been completely repaired, and no external force is needed after the formation is complete. Suppression, from now on, you don't have to inject spiritual power into the formation eye every time you break it."

"The formation is repaired!" Hong Yi's eyes widened abruptly, a look of disbelief on his face, and even some couldn't believe his own ears, just... just repaired like this?Suddenly thought of something again, "Could it be... the master has already penetrated the mystery of this formation, so he suddenly repaired this formation?!"

Fan Chen paused, the corners of his mouth opened and closed as if he wanted to explain, but thinking that Ah Ran didn't want to reveal his identity, he could only answer noncommittally, "That's it."

"Great! This is a great thing." Hong Yi was overjoyed, looking at his master's expression, little stars appeared, 1000 years, they have been guarding this formation-breaking method for 1000 years, and finally they can relax Relaxed, as expected of his master, "Congratulations, master, you have finally solved the problem of this demonic abyss."

He looked so happy that he wanted to jump on the spot for a few laps, and even Fan Chen couldn't help but get infected. Thinking of another figure, his heart was filled with warmth, which was indeed a great good thing!

"That's right." Hong Yi thought of something, and looked nervously at the person in front of him, "Isn't the formation repairing that master... You don't need to guard the lower formation, your real body is..."

"Yeah." Fan Chen nodded when he saw that he was worried, his fingertips moved slightly, the originally empty pond in front of him seemed to sense something, and in an instant a pond full of lotus flowers was covered, a scene full of vitality.

"Master..." Hong Yi's eyes were hot, and he looked like he was about to burst into tears.After so many years, finally...

When the master sacrificed his true body to suppress the seal, he saw it with his own eyes. When he took out his true body, he also briefly put it into this lotus pond. At that time, the lotus flowers were all over the pond. This pool has been contaminated with the master's breath, and no foreign objects can grow.Now he finally saw the lotus flower in the pond again, which proves that the master's true body has returned.

The riots in the formation have become more and more violent over the years, and the master can't even leave half a step.

He also thought... that the master would guard the lower-level circle all his life, until he took over the responsibility of guarding by his own martyrdom.

so far so good……

Hong Yi sniffed hard, suppressing the surging emotions in his heart, "Master has worked so hard all these years, from now on..." He wanted to sigh a few more words.

"Take it." Fan Chen suddenly interrupted him, and turned his hand and handed him a list, "The items listed above, you can help my teacher to find them, the sooner the better."

"Huh?" Hong Yi was taken aback for a moment, but he took it over, only to find that the names of some herbs were written on it. "Is this... the recipe that Master wants to heal?" Most of them are herbs without spiritual energy. , with only one or two inconspicuous low-level spirit grasses inserted.

He has always been unfamiliar with herbs and the like, but he can also see that these things don't work for Shizun. Why do Shizun find some mortal herbs when he has nothing to do?
"Go find it." Fan Chen didn't mean to explain much.

Hong Yi had no choice but to put away the list, without asking in detail, it was not difficult for some herbs to arrive, "Yes, that disciple will send them over tomorrow."

"Well." The other party nodded and turned around again.

Hong Yi saw that he didn't intend to continue chatting with him, so he didn't say much, saluted again, and was about to retire.

"That's right." Fan Chen suddenly said, as if he was inadvertently saying, "I remember that in the pavilion, there seem to be many disciples from the outer sect who are cultivating here?"

Does Master mean those related households in the Western Academy?

He nodded, "There are indeed some sent over from other temples or from the Heavenly Palace. It won't be too long to cultivate here temporarily."

"Yeah." Fan Chen nodded, squeezed his fingers under his long sleeves, and said in a flat tone, "Since we are here to learn the Tao with sincerity, then we also need to try our best to teach it."

Hong Yi frowned and wanted to explain that those people didn't come to study seriously, let alone guard Moyuan in the future. "

Fan Chen continued, "Now that the formation has been solidified, I don't have to go back to the lower levels to guard as a teacher in the future. It's considered leisure. Why don't you go and teach these disciples, and you can arrange it."

"Ah? Ah!" Hong Yi's jaw almost dropped in shock, "Master... Does Master teach you personally?"

"Well, although it is an outer sect, it is also a disciple, and you should try your best to teach."

"But..." Shizun, I am also your disciple, you only came out after a long time, why didn't you teach me? !

"It's settled, let's go!" Fan Chen made a final decision and disappeared in front of him with a wave of his hand.

All that was left were the lotus flowers in the pond, and Hong Yi, who was bewildered.


Master, I think something is wrong with you!

(End of this chapter)

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