Chapter 29 The Nth Blind Date

bamboo forest.

"Master, these are the herbs you explained last time." Hong Yi handed the storage bag with the herbs in his hand to someone next to him who was concentratingly guarding the medicine stove and explained, "There are a few herbs in the fairy world. It is rare, and it is estimated that it will take two days to deliver."

"Yeah." Fan Chen replied, but his eyes still did not leave the medicine stove in front of him. He just fanned the wind and motioned for the other party to put it on the table in front of him.

Hong Yi put it down and looked at the person in front of him who was earnestly boiling the medicine. He couldn't help but curiously said, "Master, why do you order the disciples to do such trivial matters of boiling the medicine, or use the magic method directly? Hurry up, why bother..." I do it myself every day and stay here for half an hour.

The other party finally turned his head and glanced at him, his eyebrows twitched in disapproval, and after a while he said solemnly, "This medicine is similar to alchemy. Only by controlling the fire at all times can the medicine be fully stimulated. How can you forget such a simple truth? ?"

He had the look on his face as if your cultivation went all the way.

Hong Yi choked, no, Master, but you weren't so careful when refining alchemy!The corners of his mouth twitched, but he still didn't say the spit out.Come to think of it, Master has just left the customs and just wanted to find something to do.

So I touched my nose, no longer bothered about this matter, but brought up another matter, "By the way, Master, the day before yesterday, I received a letter from Senior Brother Qi Kuo, saying that I have finished my work, and I may have to do it again. I'll be back in two days."

Fan Chen's fanning hand paused for a while, as if thinking of something that flashed a bit of complexity in his eyes, he continued to fan the stove after a while, and replied softly, "Well, that matter has been found out?"

"There are still no clues." Speaking of the business, Hong Yi's expression returned to his previous seriousness, and he said solemnly, "Senior Brother Qi said that he had chased all the way to the Northern Territory, and the breath suddenly disappeared, and it has not been detected so far. What is coming, so I decided to come back first to see if there is anything missing."

"North?" Fan Chen's eyes sank, "Where did he go?"

"I've gone to almost all the places I can go. Over the years, Senior Brother Qi has secretly searched the entire Northern Territory. But the strange thing is that every time I look for some clues, it immediately breaks again, as if..."

"It seems that someone deliberately erased the traces!" he said.

Hong Yi frowned, obviously he thought so too.

"Forget it!" Fan Chen sneered, the gentleness and softness in his eyes turned into a condensed color, and he said softly, "Those immortals in the north have always been unclear, let them go! When Qi Kuo comes back, let him No need to investigate anymore." Now he just wanted to quickly cure Ah Ran's old illness, and he didn't want to worry about everything else.

However, Hong Yi couldn't understand it. Didn't Master intend to stand on the side of the Heavenly Emperor completely?It stands to reason that this matter is related to the Northern Temple, and it should be thoroughly investigated. Why is it suddenly not investigated?

Just wondering, the medicine here is ready, Fan Chen finished pouring the concoction, got up and left him and walked out.

Hong Yi just remembered something, and hurriedly reminded loudly, "Wait, Master! That Highness doesn't seem to be in the West Court now."

The other party paused for a while, and looked over in confusion, where would he be if he was not in the West Court?
"At this should be at the side hall of the main peak." Hong Yi turned and pointed in the direction of the side hall, and explained, "I just heard from the disciple that the Emperor of Heaven sent a handsome immortal to come over to His Highness. Send some things for practice."

"Xianjun?" Still 'handsome', Fan Chen's face instantly turned cold, "Heavenly Emperor often sends people over?"

"That's right!" Hong Yi didn't see anything wrong with his master, so he nodded honestly and replied, "There are always five or six times a month, all of which are to send some necessities of life, or some spiritual plants for practice. , magic swords and the like, the Immortal Monarch is different every time!"

His face was even darker, and it took him a while to say, "Why?" Their Zhentian Pavilion is not so poor that they even have to bring their own magic swords for the outer disciples to practice, right?
"Of course it's to create opportunities for those immortals!" Hong Yi said with a bit of ridicule, thinking that the other party might not pay much attention to the gossip of the immortal world, and immediately explained, "The divine edict of the heavens does not say that His Highness's Bloodline, will it be possible to solve the danger of the Six Realms in the future? But the princess, there is no Taoist companion now, everyone has a chance, this is the emperor of heaven... eh? Master! Where are you going... Master!"

Before he finished speaking, the person who was still in front of him turned around with a swirl, and the wind under his feet even used the technique of shrinking the ground into an inch, and instantly left the bamboo forest and walked in the direction of the side hall.

In a moment, he appeared outside the side hall, and just as he was about to enter, a dissatisfied male voice just came out from inside.

"I also ask Your Highness to report to the Emperor tomorrow, and don't send Xianjun to Zhentian Pavilion in the future."

Fan Chen paused, "..." Is there such a good thing? !


As soon as Yu Hai finished speaking, the two people in the room were stunned. As soon as Jiang Ran and Qing Jue came, the Xianjun had a serious look on his face. It was such a remark, and the two did not respond for a while.

When the other party frowned, with a straight face, he continued in a righteous manner, "Forgive me to say bluntly, Your Highness came to Zhentian Pavilion to cultivate, and you should concentrate on your cultivation and cultivate into an immortal body as soon as possible, rather than being affected by foreign objects. Disturbing the end and forgetting the origin.”

As he said that, there was accusation in his eyes, as if she was some kind of naughty slut who regarded cultivation as a child's play by virtue of her identity.

Qing Jue, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but get angry, and blurted out, "What does Xianjun mean?"

"Yu Hai is just telling the truth." He straightened his waist more and more, with a righteous look that was upright and determined not to be oppressed by the power, and said with plausibility, "The immortals in the fairy world have gone through all kinds of hardships to become immortals. Everyone has the heavy responsibility of protecting the common people, which cannot be easily relieved. Although His Royal Highness is honorable, no one can know what will happen in the future, and there are far more important things than the future."

"What did you say?!" Qing Jue was so angry that she was about to come forward to reason and be pulled by Jiang Ran.

She took a step forward, and for the first time began to look at the immortal who was sent by the Heavenly Emperor in the name of giving things, but was actually a blind date in disguise.I have to say that the appearance of the other party is really good, although it is not as against the sky as the little lotus, but it is more than the immortal monarch who came before.And from the beginning to the end, he put on a look of risking death and admonishment, as if he was born upright and would never bow his head to sin.

But it's just like...

"The meaning of Xianjun is that you came here to give me something, which will delay you to save the common people?" Jiang Ran frowned, a little angry after a long absence, "These words are confusing, dare to ask Xianjun to come to town Tiange, but I instructed?"

(End of this chapter)

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