Chapter 31 The only choice
"Or... Xianjun's intention is not only as simple as it seems on the surface." Jiang Ran didn't mean to stop, but continued to pick out his thoughts a little bit, "Let me guess, if today I am like you What I want is to strongly request His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor not to send any more immortals, what will happen?"

She went on to analyze item by item...

"Heavenly Emperor is benevolent, and will not continue to do it in spite of my wishes. Naturally, there will be no more immortals coming. And after you go back, you will be the last 'special' immortal who comes to Zhentian Pavilion."

"..." His face turned pale in an instant, and a huge panic suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"People don't know the inside story, they only think that you are the most special one, making an exception so that I don't see others anymore, and even think that I have a deep love for you, and it is even more true in the mouth of Xianjun, I have taken a fancy to you for a long time, and I have been with you for a long time. Master conspired to force you to meet each other."

"Don't, don't say it..." He wanted to stop her from continuing, but under the sharp eyes of the other party, he was so stiff that he didn't even dare to move.

"After such rumors, Xianjun went back with an angry expression on his face. He announced what happened today, and made it clear that he already had his own heart and rejected me on the spot. From then on, Xianjun can step on it. My reputation has become the most infatuated person in the fairy world."

"'s not..." Yu Hai shook his head vigorously with cold sweat all over his head. It was obviously just a few words, but every sentence touched the darkest corner of his heart, and at the same time he felt a great pressure sweeping across Come here, as if to smash all the bones, all my tricks, in the eyes of the other party, are just the struggle of ants.

"You are really a person who seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages——Okay, Xian, Jun!"

"..." Yu Hai couldn't bear it any longer, his feet went limp, and he fell to the ground with a look of embarrassment.

The coldness in Jiang Ran's eyes was even stronger. Sure enough, no matter what era, there will always be such people who are clearly full of calculations, but pretend to be extremely decent on the surface.

It's just that his methods are too low-end compared to the magic way back then, so people can see it at a glance.After all, in those days, if one had attained the Tao, the lightest price would be to lose one's soul, rather than simply destroying one's reputation.

She closed her eyes, turned her head to look at the blue sky outside, and immediately lost interest in continuing to talk to this person who likes to play the love saint, and left a sentence, "Forget it, the things sent this time will be sent intact." Go back. Tell the Heavenly Emperor, I don't like it very much!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the hall without looking at the people sitting on the ground.

Qing Jue, who had endured for a long time, also understood the other party's plan from the conversation just now.

The fairy king did this because he wanted to step on His Highness and earn a reputation of being unwavering and unmoved even by the princess. Fortunately, His Highness was so powerful that he exposed it in public.

Live it!

How nice are their Highnesses, how many immortals are lining up in the fairy world?What is a fairy?Don't come if you don't want to, you need to come here to disgust people, make it seem like someone cares.

She snorted heavily at the other party, and then followed quickly.The anger that was entangled in his heart still persisted, and he couldn't help grumbling, "It's really unexpected that such a good person as the Immortal Doctor would have such an apprentice!"

Jiang Ran also recalled that the old man who treated her at the time was indeed a kind and honest fairy, but he might be too obsessed with medical skills and neglected other things. He probably only wanted to give the other party a chance when he sent the disciple here.

But the opportunity for the other party to understand is different from what the old doctor thought, and behind these things...

Jiang Ran thought about it carefully, and then sighed after a while, the Emperor of Heaven is indeed a good Emperor of Heaven, and he also quite likes the character of that girl, maybe she should remind her to pay attention to the people around her.

After all, the Six Realms are doing well now, so let's not make any troubles.

It's just that this reminder is not to go by yourself, you need to find someone to help you...


into the night.

Jiang Ran looked at the little lotus on the opposite side, and said what happened in the side hall before seriously, "What do you think about this?"

Fan Chen thought of the rare times when she rejected that person sternly and coldly, and unconsciously felt a little joy in his heart, and subconsciously replied, "It's pretty good."

"Huh?" She froze for a moment, then looked at Little Lotus strangely, what's wrong?
Fan Chen froze for a moment, seeing her worried expression, quickly regained his composure, and coughed, "Ah Ran feels that there is someone behind him, and this action may be instructed or influenced by others to deliberately anger you .”

"Yeah." Jiang Ran nodded, she did feel this way.

It stands to reason that with so many blind dates arranged by the Emperor of Heaven, every fairy who came must have been carefully selected. It is impossible not to ask the other party's meaning in advance, or to have done some research.And the people she met before were indeed like this, at least they knew her identity, even if she was just a mortal.

But it happened that Yu Hai was such a crooked person, which really made people wonder whether someone was behind all this, or was there some kind of conspiracy brewing?Some people don't want to see her form a Taoist couple with the fairy arranged by the Emperor of Heaven.

She didn't want to guess these things at first, but those thousands of years had already strained her nerves, and she would habitually pursue the reasons behind it.

"Could it be a medical fairy?" Fan Chen frowned, he remembered that the man seemed to be a disciple of a medical fairy.

"No." Jiang Ran shook his head affirmatively, "I've seen the Immortal Doctor, he doesn't look like he has any ambitions, and besides...he doesn't have to do it." If the person behind it was him, he wouldn't be able to do it so obvious.

"That would be..."

Jiang Ran tapped the table with his fingertips subconsciously, and said in a deep voice, "It depends, who is this so-called sweetheart of Yu Hai?" It doesn't matter who believes it?She thought about it, then turned her head and asked, "I heard that the relationship between the Emperor of Heaven and the Sifang Temple is not very good?"

And according to the news she heard from various sources these days, she faintly sensed that there is a confrontation between the two sides in the current Six Realms.

"That's true!" He nodded and explained in a deep voice, "Although the Emperor of Heaven is nominally the Supreme Being of the Six Realms, in the area of ​​the Temple of the Four Directions, some government orders are difficult to implement, and most of them depend on the meaning of the Temple."

"Why?" Jiang Ran couldn't figure it out. Those who manage the Sifang Temple now seem to be those old acquaintances. Toss again?"

Fan Chen suddenly raised his head and glanced at her. Many complicated and unspeakable emotions flashed in his eyes. After a while, he said softly, "Maybe... it's hard to understand!"

"Huh?" Jiang Ran didn't understand.

He chuckled, looked straight into her eyes, and explained softly, "It is precisely because they have all experienced the darkest period that they have come to this stable world with great difficulty, and they just sit in that seat. It's not the person they recognize, so they're critical of him." Because the only person that everyone can recognize is no longer there!

"..." She was silent for a while before whispering, "As long as the world is peaceful, is it so important who is the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Maybe..." He smiled deeper, and the tenderness in his eyes seemed to overflow. Not everyone can do it, and she doesn't care like her, so she is the only one.

(End of this chapter)

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