Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 4 The Strange Law of Salvation

Chapter 4 The Strange Law of Salvation
"Nevertheless, it is fortunate that the seniors held the sword of the heavenly way, and it took thousands of years to slay the demonic way, and finally they were able to reshape the power of heaven, and they have today's six realms. Although Mingxi was lucky not to be born in that period, she also understood The hardships involved, I also know that the peace of the Six Realms is not easy to come by. Now I can take on the responsibility of supervising the Six Realms, and I should do my best to protect the peace of the world.”

The Emperor of Heaven said it casually, but his tone was solemn, and his eyes were firmer, as if he was telling an oath, and even the pressure of heaven and earth on his body was a little heavier.

"What does this have to do with you calling me here?" Jiang Ran asked.

"Naturally it's related." Ming Xi nodded and continued, "In that war, although all three thousand demon gods were put to death, they were demon gods after all. Their spiritual thoughts before they died were so long that they formed In a magic abyss, I have been waiting for the opportunity to resurrect and want to re-enter the Six Realms."

"Moyuan?!" Jiang Ran was stunned, she didn't remember such a thing before she died.

"That's right!" Ming Xi said with a more solemn expression, "When the Demon Abyss was first formed, it was fortunate that Wuchen Tianzun discovered and sealed it in time, but over the past 1000 years, the agitation of the Demon Abyss has become more and more obvious. , but the power of the seal back then is getting weaker and weaker. Everyone in the Six Realms knows that one day, the Demon Abyss will completely erupt, and if the three thousand demon gods are resurrected and enter the world again, I am afraid that the tragedy of the past will repeat itself."

"..." Jiang Ran's brows also wrinkled, and this matter, Tiandao didn't say it back then!And those demon gods have even been smashed by her. Are they tardigrades?It can even be resurrected!

"For thousands of years, the Immortal Realm and the Celestial Venerables from all over the world have thought of many ways to reinforce the seal many times, but with little success, and have never found a complete solution." Ming Xi sighed and said with a worried look, "until a hundred years. A while ago, the last Tianji Xingjun sacrificed his life-long cultivation base to ask God's will, and only then did he get the divine edict and learn the way to save the world." As she spoke, she turned her head to look over.

No way?
Jiang Ran tentatively said, "Me?" Could it be that she lost her vest?

"Yeah, that's right!" Ming Xi nodded vigorously, "We finally activated the legendary formation according to the instructions, and the person who appeared in the formation was you."

The one who appears in the formation is the savior, do you want to be so casual?
"No, wait a minute!" Jiang Ran rubbed his aching head, took a deep breath, and said tentatively, "I think you should be able to see that I'm just a mortal now, and I can't do any magic. , I can't do anything that even your gods can't solve. Are you sure I'm really the person you're looking for?"

"Heavenly Sacred Mandate can't go wrong!" Ming Xi's face was firm, "Besides, as soon as you arrived at Shangqing Palace today, the Sword of Heavenly Dao woke up and let out a sound of swords, which has never happened before, and it is enough to prove that you are indeed what we want. looking for someone."

"That's not the same!" That Xiao Po Jian understands a fart.

"What's the difference?"

"..." Jiang Ran was speechless, can she say that it was the magic sword of her previous life, but she just recognized her breath, so she screamed a few times to say hello?
"I understand that you can't accept it for a while. As far as you are concerned, it's just accidental involvement here, but this matter is related to the safety of the Six Realms. Please forgive Jiang Xiaoyou. But please rest assured, as long as you can seal the Moyuan in the end, you are the Six Realms. Your benefactor, we will do our best to cooperate with you. No matter what you ask, I will fulfill it.”

Ming Xi thought she had any concerns, and quickly added another sentence, "If my little friend doesn't believe it, I can swear to Heaven in the name of Heavenly Emperor." After speaking, she really swore an oath, saying that as long as it was to solve Moyuan, No matter what she asks, as long as it is against the right path, she will execute it without hesitation.

That firm and solemn expression, no one can directly ignore or refuse.Jiang Ran felt his head hurt more and more, and a feeling of exhaustion that had accumulated for thousands of years came over again, and his heart was very tired.

Is this why Tiandao pulled her back?Have her come back for a patch because of a legacy problem from the last mission?The promised task has been completed, can you go home and retire?There is no compulsory re-employment!

"No, think about it clearly." She took a deep breath and pressed her forehead hard, feeling more and more tired, "I really don't have any cultivation and ability right now, and even if I have the heart, I can't help you. "

"It doesn't matter." Seeing that her attitude eased the Emperor's expression, he immediately said, "Jiang Xiaoyou can help the heart of the Six Realms. As for Mo Yuan...I think it can't be solved in a moment, not in a hurry." Tiandao can't go wrong. .

"Hey..." Seeing that she didn't mean to change her mind at all, Jiang Ran sighed resignedly, "I understand... So, do you want me to seal Mo Yuan, or kill the resurrected Demon God?" I want to hurry up and go home after finishing my work, anyway, it's not just once or twice about killing demons or something.

"Oh, that's not necessary!" The unexpected Heavenly Emperor actually rejected her request for work, with a surprised look on his face, did you understand something wrong, he waved his hand vigorously and said, "How can Jiang Xiaoyou do such a dangerous thing? Woolen cloth."

"Then what am I going to do?" Is there any other procedure?
"Jiang Xiaoyou, as long as you stay happy, take good care of your body, and become a healthy and happy little princess in our fairyland, that's it!" The Emperor returned with a serious look.

"Ah?!" What the hell, the official took the initiative to ask for it to be rotten? "No, are you sure this way... I can solve Mo Yuan and save the Six Realms?"

"Hey! I haven't told you yet?" The Emperor of Heaven was stunned, as if he remembered something, "In the divine edict of Heaven, the person who solved Mo Yuan and saved the Six Realms was not you, Jiang Xiaoyou."

"Ah! Who is that?"

"It's someone who has your bloodline, which will be your son and daughter!"

"..." You are making a crossover joke!

"Wait!" Jiang Ran was completely confused by her, "If I don't have amnesia, I don't seem to have any children." She didn't even have a boyfriend.

"I know!" Heavenly Emperor was not surprised. Anyway, he patted her on the shoulder with his hand, "On the day he summoned you, the Immortal Doctor confirmed that your body was not born. So..."

She coughed suddenly, cleared her throat, and said with a very serious expression.

"Brave girl, for the sake of the Six Realms, hurry up and find a Taoist Companion Shuangxiu!"


"It doesn't matter if you don't have any concepts. I'll recommend some to you. There are many good sons in our fairyland. Come, come, this is the roster of unmarried male fairies in the fairyland. You can refer to it first." After that, he took out a The thick picture book was stuffed directly into her hands.


"Of course it's not just in the Immortal Realm. All unmarried young talents in the Six Realms, no matter how high or low, no matter what race, no matter their background, as long as you like it, this emperor will immediately decide to send you to bed... uh, give you a marriage!"


(End of this chapter)

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