Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 43 The experience of ending early

Chapter 43 The experience of ending early

"Qi... Venerable Qi Kuo!" Feng Huan blurted out even more, staring at the sudden appearance with wide eyes in disbelief.

Lou Shuo, who was just taken aback, was even more ecstatic. His idol actually came to save them. His nose suddenly felt sour, and he was so excited that he forgot his usual private address. He opened his mouth and said, "Master Uncle!"

Qi Kuo was stunned for a moment, then chuckled softly, "Your disciples this year are average, so they are quite good at relationships."

They are all disciples of the preaching hall. Although they are not the official disciples of Zhentian Pavilion, they have been seeking Taoism in the preaching hall for many years. .

Lou Shuo's face flushed instantly, Qi Kuo didn't continue to tease, instead he turned to look at Jiang Ran in front, and looked at her carefully, the more he looked, the more pleasing his eyebrows could not help bending, and it was rare to praise, " The little girl is not bad, smart and courageous, and a good seedling."

little girl?
The corner of Jiang Ran's mouth twitched, being called a little girl by a former child, this taste is really sour.So he turned around and clasped his fist at him, restrained the awkward feeling, and saluted earnestly, "I have seen Venerable."

Qi Kuo's brows wrinkled, and he came again. That strange feeling rose in his heart again, and even when the other party saluted, there was an inexplicable urge to jump up and dodge.

Obviously this is just an ordinary little girl, apart from being a little smart, there is nothing special, even her cultivation and aptitude are not good.But he just noticed her subconsciously. He thought about it for a long time, and he could only attribute it to the inexplicable attention that Senior Uncle Fan Chen gave her, so he also became curious, right?
"Venerable Qi." Ziheng also stepped forward and bowed politely, "I don't know why Venerable is here?"

"Oh, these little devils come out to experience, I have to keep an eye on them." Qi Kuo replied smoothly. Originally, the trip to Longwei Kingdom was also on a whim, and he led them here. His original intention was to try the state of mind of this group of disciples.

So it's not easy to let it go. After returning to the cabinet to finish things, he has been secretly following a few people, and what they have done along the way, it is natural to see clearly.

Thinking about it, he turned his head to look at a certain immortal who was still lying on the ground and couldn't get up and said, "I just didn't expect to see such a big show. You say yes, this scene... What's going on?" He also said I really don't remember.

Jing Yan's face turned blue, and there was a fire in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak it out, after all, the other party was that Qi Kuo.There are so many Immortal Monarchs in the Immortal World, and those who have cultivated to Immortals are even more ignorant, but he is the only one who can be called a Venerable by others, which is enough to see his specialness.

It turned out that he didn't care, but the blow just now made him clearly understand that the opponent can completely crush his strength.He has no doubt that if he really does it, he will not be able to hold a back and forth in the opponent's hands.

"Venerable Qi Kuo." Jing Yan gritted his teeth, still unwilling to say, "What do you mean by this... Is your Zhentian Pavilion going to embarrass my Northern Temple?"

"Heh, isn't your Northern Temple great?" Qi Kuo didn't care about his threat at all, but said with a smile on his face, "Besides, when did I become a man in your eyes? I haven't entered the main town hall, but I'd rather stay there than the trash from the temples of all parties. If you really want to threaten, why don't you just let Yu Wei come and see if I'm afraid?"

"..." Jing Yan was stunned, as if he didn't expect him to be so arrogant, not only calling out the name of Immortal Venerable, but also in such a casual tone.

"However, since you mentioned Zhentian Pavilion, I have a good idea." He suddenly smiled and raised his eyebrows, and suggested enthusiastically, "Don't you want to go to Tiangong Xianjing? Why don't you go to Zhentian? Sit in the dungeon of Tiange." Make sure you sit in the prison.

"You..." Jing Yan was stunned, his eyes widened suddenly, that mighty expression finally began to shatter, and he said with some eagerness, "No, I'm an immortal from the Northern Temple, you can't..."

"It's so noisy! I didn't ask your opinion." He directly hit a magic formula, not only fixed the person in place, but also sealed his mouth by the way, then turned to look at Ziheng, "Yufa What do you think, Xingjun?"

"Okay, so good!" Zi Heng was overjoyed. It was naturally better to be locked in Zhentian Pavilion than in Tiangong. After all, Immortal Jingyan was an immortal from the Northern Temple. No matter what happened, it was hard to guarantee that Immortal Venerable Yuwei would not protect him, then It is inevitable that he will ask the emperor for someone.

In the end, no matter how obvious Jing Yan's crime was, the Heavenly Emperor could not compromise, and he might not get the punishment he deserved.

But they dare to go to the Heavenly Palace to ask for someone, but they may not dare to go to the Zhentian Pavilion to ask for it.Qi Kuo's proposal is simply not too good.

So he solemnly bowed to Qi Kuo, "It is up to the venerable to decide this matter, thank you venerable."

"You're welcome, who asked your Highness to be a disciple in my pavilion?" Qi Kuo glanced at Jiang Ran next to him again.

Jing Yan turned his head back in shock, and only then did he understand why Yufa Xingjun, who was in charge of punishment in the immortal world, suddenly appeared in the mortal world, and still held onto him. The Fengtian princess who was sealed.

"Okay, little chickens, it's time for your experience to end, come with me back to the pavilion!" Qi Kuo didn't intend to stay in the mortal world, so he stepped forward like a chicken and picked up Jing with one hand. Yan, by the way, turned his head to look at the five people, and motioned them to pick up Fairy Rong Ruo, who was still unconscious on the ground, and turned to go out in the direction of Zhentian Pavilion.

"Yes, Venerable." Several people quickly followed.


Due to the matter of Xianjun Jingyan, Jiang Ran had to end their training ahead of schedule and became the first team to return to the pavilion.

After Feng Huanzi came back, the whole person was a little slack. He was born in Fenghuai City in the Northern Territory and also belonged to the immortal of the Northern Temple, but he did not expect that Jing Yan, who had always admired and admired, was such an immortal. So I was lost for a few days, and I couldn't even compete with Qing Jue.

On the contrary, Lou Shuo was very happy. After all, he was brought back by his idol. This rounding up means that the idol accepted him as a disciple.

So in the past few days, Lou Shuo, a gossip genius, took advantage of the absence of classes in the preaching hall, and followed Qi Kuo every day. By the way, he inquired about the follow-up and gossip of this matter, and made them eat a lot of melons.

They had never understood why an immortal like Jing Yan would suddenly descend to the mortal world to experience calamities, because usually some immortals who had encountered a bottleneck in their cultivation, or were punished for their mistakes.As for Jing Yan in the northern temple, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is in the sky, otherwise there would not be rumors that he is the first immortal under Immortal Venerable.

But such a person suddenly went down to the mortal world, and he did not hesitate to make a frenzy for himself. Not to mention the emperor of Longwei, he even stole the life of mortals.

They guessed the reason for a long time, but they didn't expect that the truth would be so speechless...

(End of this chapter)

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