Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 45 Uncle, You Are Not Right

Chapter 45 Uncle, You Are Not Right
"I heard from Hong Yi that Tiangong and Beiyun have sent me a post." Qi Kuo was holding a fairy plant in his hand, grabbing at the leaves one by one boredly, while looking at the man on the opposite side who was concentrating on alchemy. The figure said casually, "It seems that neither side intends to let go of the person named Jing Yan. How should Shishu think this matter should be handled?"

Fan Chen didn't look back, still focused on the medicinal pill in his hands, and only replied lightly, "Didn't you bring the person back? If you want to deal with it, you can do it yourself."

"Hey, isn't this embarrassing for me?" Qi Kuo scratched his head and pretended to be distressed, "After all, the post on Beiyun's side was posted by Xianzun Yuwei himself, so I can offend a loose immortal. rise."

Fan Chen paused in his hand, turned his head to look straight at the other party, and said, "Are you sure?!" Has he done a few things to offend the immortals of all parties over the years?Besides, do you still have to fight with a certain immortal every once in a while?

Qi Kuo smiled, and he didn't feel blushing at all, and continued, "I just don't like Beiyun's group of fools, since they found that fake, they are so arrogant that they think they are the number one in the Six Realms. Now, if it wasn't for that dog temper Yan Qi had not officially admitted, I don't think there would be anything wrong with the little emperor in Jiuzhongtian."

Fan Chen was noncommittal, but just changed a magic formula to continue refining the medicine pill in his hand.

"But then again, the person Yu Wei was looking for really looks like her." Qi Kuo seemed to remember something, frowned and said tangled, "Even when I saw it for the first time, I really thought She's back. Whether it's her appearance, aura, or even her spiritual power attributes, she's exactly the same as her sister. Uncle Shi, you haven't seen her before, or you'll be surprised."

"No!" Fan Chen retorted without hesitation, saying word by word, "She is her, there is no second one." Don't say that she has indeed returned, even if not, their 3000 years of getting along, 1000 After waiting for many years, how could it be possible to misidentify.

Qi Kuo was stunned for a moment, and the sadness in the clear eyes gradually thickened, as if something heavy was about to roll out, he closed his eyes in time to press down, took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "Yeah, fake Even if the other party is really her reincarnation, she is no longer the sister she used to be. The funny thing is that those people can't even see this clearly."

He sneered, with a hint of violent emotions overflowing, "My sister did so much for the Six Realms back then, and she brought the whole world back. But in just a thousand years, they have forgotten what she used to be like. When such a fake came out, she was spoiled for a reason, as if... she could be replaced by anyone, and I feel disgusted for my sister!"

Fan Chen's brows wrinkled, suddenly worried, will Ah Ran feel sad after knowing this?
"I just wanted to see, if my sister really came back, after knowing that they found such a substitute to disgust her, their ridiculous appearance." He laughed, as if he really saw the stupid appearance of several people, half Hui's whole person was overwhelmed by an even heavier sadness, "Unfortunately... my sister can't come back."

"..." Fan Chen's mouth moved, but he still didn't speak.

Qi Kuo has always been very self-adjusting, he took a deep breath and returned to his original appearance, and returned to the theme again, "The one named Jing Yan is indeed not a thing, if you don't bring people back this time, then Long Wei The country is really going to be wiped out, and I don’t know how many people will die by then, and it’s not unreasonable for Tiangong to take him. Yu Wei’s eyes on people have gotten worse and worse over the years.”

He shook his head, and then added, "However, he was also blind!"

"Yeah." Fan Chen responded lightly, knowing that he should have made a decision.

"I don't think that little Heavenly Emperor in Tiangong is a fuel-efficient lamp." Qi Kuo continued to analyze, "Whether it's the Princess Fengtian or Jingyan this time, she may not have come through Zhentian Pavilion. The meaning of hitting the temples of all parties. So the key is to see what you mean, uncle, whether to borrow it or not?"

Fan Chen turned his head in doubt, "What do you mean?"

"Didn't Hong Yi say that you are very optimistic about the little Heavenly Emperor in Tiangong?" Qi Kuo gave him one, don't pretend, and continued, "Otherwise, why would you treat the princess again? He was conditioned, and he even made alchemy himself. I fought with Yan Qi to death, and you never cared so much about me. Although I also think that the little princess is very pleasing to the eye, if you do this, Uncle Shi, wouldn’t it be… …”

"...What?" He paused in his hand, the expression on his face did not change, and his mind instantly tightened.

"It can't be... I suddenly fell in love with the princess, and wanted to eat the young grass?" Qi Kuo's eyes widened, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was, and winked at him ambiguously, "I just listened to it. Said, the Emperor of Heaven is choosing a Taoist companion for this princess! If you take action, Uncle Shi, no one else will have anything to do."

Fan Chen's face darkened, what the hell to describe, but his heart trembled, neither admitting nor denying, but gave him a cold look and said, "Don't you have anything else to do? Go and help Hong Yi deal with the matter in the cabinet."

"Hey, don't! I can't get involved in those things." Seeing that he seemed to be really angry, Qi Kuo quickly changed his words, "I just want to confirm, you don't really want to go to the Tiangong side. "

He withdrew his teasing tone and continued, "I think this person should be released, and this is just the reason to discuss the conditions with that old boy Yu Wei, so that I can continue to investigate the last time."

"No!" Fan Chen, who was surprised, directly objected.


"..." Because the person was captured by Ah Ran, he definitely didn't want this matter to be put down lightly.

Naturally, Fan Chen couldn't tell him clearly, so he could only say in a deep voice, "Those immortals in the temple should take good care of them, otherwise there will be chaos in the Six Realms. I don't want the world she finally settled down to return to chaos. "

Qi Kuo paused, his eyes sank, and nodded in agreement, "Yes, if my sister is here, I will definitely not tolerate an immortal like Jing Yan. The Six Realms she desperately saved was not for this kind of person to spoil. "He took a deep breath and calmed down, "Okay! This time we'll help that little Heavenly Emperor."

Fan Chen opened his mouth and seemed to want to say a few words, but in a blink of an eye he saw a spirit butterfly parked on the edge of the window, quietly flapping its wings.

"The medicine pill is almost ready, give me the Futiancao." He changed his words instantly and stretched out his hand to the person behind him.

"Ah? What Futian..." Qi Kuo was stunned for a moment. He was about to ask, but when he looked down, he saw the fairy grass that had been pulled to a bare pole in his hand, and froze immediately.

This...isn't that grass?
Fan Chen didn't say a word, looked at the fairy grass in his hand, and looked at the leaves that he had pulled on the ground, and gave a look for your own experience.


Qi Kuo immediately looked around, but found that there was no second one in the pile of fairy grass.

He was just bored and scratched the grass, but it happened to be the uncle who asked for it, and there was only one, "I...go and ask Hong Yi to ask for another one."

"The 500-year dog days grass can only be found in Luoxia Mountain!" Fan Chen reminded.

"I'm going to Luoxia Mountain now!" Qi Kuo paused, turned his head and flew out to the other side.

Fan Chen accepted the magic formula directly, and the medicinal pill was formed in an instant, and there was no sign of anything missing.

Glancing at the direction the other party was leaving, turning around and walking towards the windowsill, Lingdie waved its wings and landed between her fingers.

He squeezed the tactic, and the spirit butterfly turned into a magic circle in an instant. With the flash of white light, he was transported to a familiar bamboo forest. Sure enough, a light pink figure was sitting on the stone chair in front of him. He heard the movement. Turning back, he raised a faint smile.

"Come on, little lotus!"

Words fall, the world is complete.

(End of this chapter)

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