Chapter 49 The villain Qi Kuo
"Fairy Rong Ruo?" Qi Kuo was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't remember who it was, he said after a while, "Oh, you said this!"

As he said that, he pinched a magic formula. In the next moment, a white light flashed in the formation, and another pale pink figure appeared on it. Compared with Jing Yan, Rong Ruo's situation was obviously much better, but he also had the same eye straps. Terrified.

She looked around, and the first thing she saw was not the lover behind her, but the Yuzheng far away in the air, and she suddenly looked overjoyed and walked forward while saying, "Yuzheng."

"Ruoruo." Yu Zheng also looked anxious, subconsciously wanting to step forward, but remembering Qi Kuo's warning, he did not dare to come out from behind Yu Wei.

"Yuzheng, you finally... ah!" Before Rong Ruo took a few steps, a flash of light on the ground suddenly pushed her back and fell to the ground.

"What's the hurry? It's not your turn yet!" Qi Kuo just glanced at Rong Ruo in the array lightly, and smiled arrogantly, obviously doing something just, but like the villain in the story Role.

Jiang Ran, who was watching from the side, had a headache, this bear child!

"Ruoruo." Yuzheng became even more anxious, so she could only ask for help and grabbed the people around her, "Ahui..."

Yu Wei's face became even darker, and he patted Yuzheng's hand comfortably before continuing to speak with anger, "Qi Kuo, Fairy Rong Ruo has nothing to do with this matter, why are you embarrassing her?"

"It doesn't matter?" Qi Kuo sneered, looking at the other party as if he was mentally retarded, "The two of them went down to earth together, one became Emperor Yan, and the other became Princess Qiguo. The two hit it off and sold the people of the two countries together. Several wars have been launched within the year, you say she has nothing to do with it?"

Yu Wei's expression changed, and he subconsciously retorted, "She's just a weak woman..."

"What about women?!" Qi Kuo suddenly became furious and interrupted him directly, staring at the other party with sharp eyes, as if he was extremely disgusted with the contempt in the other party's tone, as if he had forgotten that his dog's life was saved by a woman. of.

Yu Wei also noticed the slip of the tongue, and immediately changed his words, "I didn't mean it that way, it's just mortal affairs. As her reincarnation status, it's not something a princess can decide. She didn't do anything?"

"What did you do?" Qi Kuo laughed colder and continued to ask, "Then tell me, did she not force a princess' fate, or did she not conspire with Jing Yan to betray the country and disturb the cause and effect of the mortal world?"

"..." Yu Wei was at a loss for words, and upon closer examination, this matter really had nothing to do with her.

"Even if the mastermind is not her, she is also an accomplice!"

"But she can't stop those!" Yu Wei was thinking about ways, but Yuzheng couldn't help it, and retorted loudly, "If you are a princess, you just fall in love with one person, and she can't stop it. War, she is innocent..."

Before the words were finished, I saw a sword light galloping forward, with a spiritual power that seemed to penetrate everything.

She only felt that the whole person was locked by the murderous intention and could not move. At the same time, the defensive magic weapon on her body was activated, and the barrier was raised to block it, but it only made the sword light still swipe across her face, leaving a trail bloodstains.

It wasn't until the warm liquid slid down that she sensed the pain on the side of her face, and her eyes widened sharply, her eyes full of horror.Is she... hurt?

"Qi Kuo!" Yu Wei also realized that it was the opponent's hand, and glared at him fiercely, "How dare you..."

"I warned you..." Qi Kuo's expression was even colder, the killing intent in his eyes poured out without any scruples, and the knife peak generally stabbed at the opposite Yuzheng, saying word by word, "Dare to use that face again. Say one word and I'll kill you!"

"Presumptuous, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Yu Wei was furious, his whole body seemed to have been touched against scales, and he called out the magic sword.

"Hmph, if you want to fight, fight, why pretend." Qi Kuo snorted coldly and rushed over. His whole body was like a sharp sword out of his body, and Tianjitai was instantly flooded with the sword energy that filled the sky. , and even forced Yu Wei's body protection immortal energy to deviate backwards.

When the two fought together, the air was filled with sword shadows and magic light, and the spiritual pressure around them forced the immortals who were watching in the air to retreat, and the sea below also caused the waves to fly.

The two have the same level of cultivation, and Yu Wei is theoretically superior, but Qi Kuo is obviously more ruthless. Yu Kai's spells are relatively more conservative, and his understanding of swordsmanship is obviously not as good as Qi Kuo's.

The more he fought, the more frightened he became. Although he knew the opponent's strength early on, he didn't understand the level of madness of the opponent until after the real battle. If this goes on like this, even he may lose, which is naturally not possible.

His face changed, he blocked the opponent's attack with one move, turned his head to look at the other two, and said loudly, "You just look at it like this, let him shoot Zheng'er?"

The two who were comforting the injured Princess Yuzheng were stunned for a moment, as if they had just reacted. The target of the opponent's initial attack was not Yu Wei, but the person in front of them.

The faces of the two sank, and they also called out the magic sword with anger.

"Qi Kuo, you have gone too far this time!"

"You shouldn't shoot Yuzheng!"

After speaking, the two also flew up and joined the battle.No matter how strong Qi Kuo Xiu was and how powerful his swordsmanship was, he would have no chance of winning against three Immortal Venerables at the same time.Seeing that the situation is about to reverse, the three moves will fall on Qi Kuo.

Suddenly, the pressure of the sky volleyed down.

It shrouded the crowd like a heavy hammer, and the expressions of the three changed. Not only were the offensive disbanded in an instant, but they were also suppressed by this completely irresistible coercion. live.

This is……

At the same time, a white figure appeared on the Heavenly Secret Platform, like a clear lotus in a turbid world, making everything around it dim and dull. Big, but every word knocked on the hearts of the immortals, "The three of you are here, you are really polite."

The whole place was silent, and for a while, there seemed to be only that white figure left in the world.

Only Qi Kuo, who was completely unaffected, reacted first, so he raised his leg unceremoniously and kicked Yu Wei in front of him with one kick.

It was too late for Yu Wei to stop him. Under this terrifying pressure, he was kicked and flew a dozen feet away. He desperately mobilized his spiritual power to stabilize his figure and not fall directly from the air.

"Uncle Master." Qi Kuo didn't even mean to make up for the knife, so he called, turned around and flew back, "Why are you here?"

The faces of the three people in the air changed, and they looked at the people below in disbelief, especially Yu Wei, whose face turned blue and white for a while, but he had to bow to each other in unison, "Wuchen Tianzun!"

(End of this chapter)

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