Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 62 Please Don't Bring Your Highness

Chapter 62 Please Don't Bring Your Highness

Originally, it was only Xianjun Jingyan who disturbed the cause and effect in the mortal world in private, but such a big event as the Zhentian Pavilion formation riot was involved, and even the three immortals were involved, and the result shocked the Six Realms even more.

Although it was the Western Regions Immortal Venerable who became the suspect, but the three temples paid the corresponding price. Needless to say, Beiyun was abolished as a spiritual root and completely became a mortal. Beiyun lost a top Immortal Monarch. Power is greatly reduced.

The Western Regions Immortal Venerable was even detained directly. In the end, it was fortunate that Lady Huangxue proved her innocence, and she did not hesitate to abandon her cultivation, and only after dropping a great realm was she able to let Zhentian Pavilion release him.

The Nanjing Temple doesn't seem to be involved, but after returning from Zhentian Pavilion, Immortal Yi Ge changed his previous style and directly announced that he would no longer be concerned about the world in seclusion, and he never appeared in front of people again, even the immortals of the southern realm followed. Be quiet.

In the Sifang Temple, the three parties were hit hard, and they took the initiative to deliver it to the door. This is really unexpected.The only one who is happy is Tiangong.

Although the Emperor of Heaven is the Lord of the Six Realms, everyone knows that many immortals have only obeyed the orders of the Holy Temple and not the orders of the Heavenly Palace over the years.With Zhentian Pavilion on the sidelines, this situation has obviously been shaken. In the past, the orders that could not be adjusted at all, and the rules of the sky that could not be established, have become much smoother after this incident.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tiangong even sent down a few immortals who were also idle and went to the mortal world to find a sense of existence, and swept away the unhealthy winds of the Six Realms.Tian Gong, who had been aggrieved for several years, finally felt elated, even more motivated to stir-fry cabbage with Qing Jue.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty has sent a lot of fairy vegetables and spirit fruits. I think the spirit broccoli is pretty good. How about I add some cabbage and fry it for you to taste?" Qing Jue picked up a fairy vegetable full of spiritual energy and proposed road.

"A-Ran doesn't like to eat this." As soon as she finished speaking, a delicate figure next to her spoke first, pointing to the spirit coconut in her hand, "This kind of immortal vegetable tastes too strong, only add some spirit animal meat to clear it up. It's delicious fried."

Qing Jue frowned suddenly, feeling offended in the professional field, and regardless of the other party's identity, she grabbed the Ling coconut in her hand and said directly, "Mr. Time is short, I don’t understand!”

"Who doesn't understand?" Huangxue almost blurted out, she has been by your side for thousands of years, who is superior and who is inferior, "Anyway, this fairy vegetable is to be fried with spirit beast meat!"

"With cabbage!"

"To be served with spirit beast meat!"

"I am the fairy servant who was ordered to take care of His Royal Highness. If Mrs. Huangxue wants to eat meat, I can cook another dish for you." Qing Jue also aroused some anger, and said with a serious face, "My Highness is weak. Please don't make fun of food and drink casually."

"Who's kidding..." She said it as if she was wayward, but it was her job to take care of Zunshang, hers!
"Okay, okay!" Jiang Ran had to speak out, trying to smooth things over for two people who were quarreling over one dish, "I don't want to eat this today, just change to another dish. I still have to do my homework, please keep your voice down." No It's just a vegetable, what about it?

The two stopped their quarrel and skipped the topic just now, but neither of them was very convinced.Huangxue stomped her feet even more, stepped into the room, and walked towards Jiang Ran who was writing vigorously, "Ah Ran, let me grind ink for you."

Qing Jue frowned, the feeling of being robbed of his job grew stronger, and he couldn't help but chase after him, and said angrily, "Jing Yan's punishment is over, and Immortal Geng Xiao has already done it." I'm going back to the temple, won't the lady go back and have a look?"

Ever since His Highness went out at night a few days ago, she didn't know what happened, but the lady followed her the next day.Moreover, he seemed to be very familiar with His Highness, competing with her in everything, from serving tea and water to washing and cooking, and trying to get ahead of her in everything.

I thought she was just doing it on a whim, but until the Zhentian Pavilion happened, not only was she not in a hurry to leave, she even seemed to plan to stay here for a long time.

"What are you going back for? Geng Xiao is not dead!" Huangxue looked upright and took it for granted. She glanced at Jiang Ran next to her and said, "I hit it off with Ah Ran, so naturally we need to get along and take care of it."

The more Qing Jue looked at it, the more anxious she became. This is the legendary heroine who is unrestrained and unrestrained in the six realms of gaming. Her highness has only practiced for a few days. What if she leads her to ruin her? I will naturally take good care of her, so I don't have to worry about the lady."

"You are young, what do you know?" Huang Xue gave her a rude look, obviously dissatisfied with her, she was not as blind as this little immortal servant back then, "I am different, whether it is a cultivation technique. I have thousands of years more experience than you in dealing with people and things, I have finally found such a satisfactory friend as Ah Ran, and I want to stay by her side a lot."

"Are there not enough people around the lady? There are six waiting outside the courtyard!"

"What? Envy? It's just a few fair-looking male immortals. If Ah Ran likes it, I can give it all to her."

"You..." She really wanted to spoil His Highness, it must be!

"Okay!" Jiang Ran pressed his forehead hard, glanced at the two people who were full of gunpowder, and said solemnly, "Can you two be quiet, I haven't finished my homework yet, and I will be punished for the inspection tomorrow. "If it wasn't for the time being delayed because of the magic talisman, or at least so much homework was left unfinished, the two of them still didn't stop.

"What! How dare they punish you?" Huangxue raised her eyebrows instantly, as if she was about to rush out to fight, but when she saw Jiang Ran's eyes, she immediately froze, "Then...then I'll help you write."

The question of dim sum and swordsmanship was not too simple for her. She was about to take the paper on the table, but Qingjue added coolly, "Master will check the handwriting. The same as cheating, the penalty will be increased by ten times!"

"..." Huangxue froze.

Qing Jue raised his eyebrows, proudly took out another booklet and handed it over, and said proudly, "But it doesn't matter, Your Highness can copy mine, I have already finished writing it." After finishing speaking, he gave Huangxue a copy With provocative eyes, look, it is my little cabbage that His Highness cannot do without!
Jiang Ran: "..." But the same content is cheating!
"Huh, what's the big deal, the big deal is that after I finish writing, I can use illusion to make the handwriting look the same!" Huangxue retorted still unconvinced.

"But the preaching hall has a teacher who specializes in teaching illusion!"

"Then I will tell the pavilion master to cancel his class."

"The class schedule has already been set at the beginning of the month."

"Then break his leg..."

"Stop!" Seeing that the more they talked, the more illegal they were, Jiang Ran couldn't help getting up, "You two, let me out!" He said, holding one in each hand, pushed out the door, and closed the door directly.

But the two of them didn't give up, lying at the door to persuade.

"Your Highness, do you really need to copy mine? Copying is faster than writing!"

"It's more convenient to solve the master once and for all than to solve the schoolwork!"

Qi Kuo, who was about to enter the door: "..." He wants to say that he is here to check his homework, can my sister open the door?

Jiang Ran, who finally calmed down, sat back at the table again, looked at the mountains of schoolwork next to him, sighed and finally pinched a magic technique and summoned a spirit butterfly.

The next moment, a familiar white figure appeared in front of him.

She passed the pen into the other's hand as soon as she changed hands, "Little Lotus, come and help me, only you can imitate my handwriting, write quickly, before it's too late."

Fan Chen: "...Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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