Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 66 Going to the Big Competition

Chapter 66 Going to the Big Competition
The location of the exercise competition was finally set at "Xumi City", which is a half-sacred city, located at the junction of the two worlds. Most of the city is mortal monks, and many immortals will pass there. So it is the best place to hold a big competition.

I don’t know if it’s because Zhentian Pavilion first released the reason for holding a big competition, so Tiangong deliberately held this competition very grand, not only their missionary hall and mortal monks, but also the Sifang Temple and the demon world. , Underworld, and even Youxian and Sanxian have also issued invitations. Anyone who wants to come and participate can directly define this competition as the Six Realms Competition.

The disciples of the preaching hall heard that they practiced more diligently in retreat. After all, this is a good opportunity to become famous in the six realms, and no one wants to miss it.

Qing Jue took care of Jiang Ran. She originally did not intend to retreat, but with her strength, she could have shined in the competition, so she retreated for a while under Jiang Ran's persuasion.In addition, she occasionally mentioned a sentence or two, and the swordsmanship has improved by a small step.

Soon, a month passed by in a blink of an eye, and the day of the big competition was approaching. Everyone gathered again and prepared to go to Sumeru City.Unexpectedly but expectedly, Wen Zhangxue, who originally led the team, did not appear, but instead was replaced by Qi Kuo, who smiled wantonly.

"Cough, this competition has gathered the arrogance of the six realms, and the pavilion attaches great importance to it, so I specially ordered me to take you there." He explained to the crowd that it was rare to be serious and serious. If he winked at her secretly, it really seemed like an elder who came out to lead the team in order to support the disciples.

Jiang Ran had a black line, and silently looked away, pretending not to know the bear boy, and followed everyone on the flying boat.That's right, in order to participate in this competition, Zhentian Pavilion, which has always been stocking its disciples, even picked up a flying boat to pick it up.Although it is not a high-grade magic weapon, it has no functions other than flying, but at least the disciples do not need to fly over with their own swords.

The disciple, who was used to being rough, got on the flying boat happily.The most exciting thing is Lou Shuo. He has always admired Qi Kuo. This time, the idol personally sent them to the expedition. According to his words, rounding up means he has won the leader.

So all the way, I was giving them gossip news about various competitions, trying to make a few people take less detours.

"With the strength of our Zhentian Pavilion Missionary Hall, we have a great chance of winning. The only thing we need to pay attention to is Senior Brother Wei Xi under the seat of Immortal Si Zhan. If we meet him, it may be difficult for us to win. "

"Si Zhan Xianzun?" Jiang Ran was stunned for a moment, but didn't react for a while.

Lou Shuo was afraid that she would not understand, so he quickly explained, "It's Immortal Venerable Yanqi of the East Border Temple. It is rumored that he is the Immortal Venerable with the highest cultivation level besides Immortal Venerable Wuchen. Immortal Venerable Wuchen stopped him, but the rest of those who escaped were cleaned up by Immortal Venerable Yan Qi, and I heard that his destiny was the master of evil, which happened to be in harmony with Zhan Xing, and there was no Si Zhanxing in the Tiangong so far, so everyone They all call Immortal Venerable Yanqi the Immortal Venerable Si Zhan."

Yan Qi...

Jiang Ran swayed for a moment, it turned out to be him, and he couldn't tell what it was like in his heart for a while.

Lou Shuo continued, "Wei Xi is the only disciple of the Immortal Venerable, and he has learned the truth. He also studied Taoism in our preaching hall before, so he can be regarded as our senior brother." It was just that he just returned more than ten years ago. When I got to the temple, I just missed it with them this time. "He majors in swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship is unfathomable. Junior Sister Qingjue, you have a great chance of meeting him."

Qing Jue was stunned for a moment, "But... Senior Brother Wei Xi's cultivation base is far higher than mine, so why would he become my opponent?" It's impossible for a big competition like this to make people with too many differences in cultivation base match up, right? , she is just an Earth Immortal, and the other party is at least a Jin Immortal or above.

"Spirit suppression arrays will be set up on the big competition field. As long as everyone enters the field, everyone's cultivation will be suppressed to the level of earth immortals." Lou Shuo explained, "At that time, except for the mortal monks who will compete with everyone separately, other immortals will be There is no difference in cultivation." So the competition will be based on personal understanding of swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

"So it is." Qing Jue nodded, and she was eager to try it out. With swordsmanship alone, she still had absolute confidence.Although she has been in the pavilion for a short period of time, she is good at this. In addition, His Highness often gives advice in private, so the best thing to learn in the course is swordsmanship.

Now, among the brothers and sisters in the entire mission hall, under the same cultivation level, no one can beat her.Even those who were one or two levels stronger than her were often defeated by her.In addition, the methods that His Royal Highness taught her in private this month are in urgent need of a chance to verify.

Thinking of this, she subconsciously looked at Jiang Ran next to her. When it came to her understanding of swordsmanship, she felt that no one could compare to His Royal Highness. Although she could not dance accurate swordsmanship every time in class, her understanding of swordsmanship was very good. Thorough, even pointing her from time to time.

It's just that she has just started to practice, her spiritual power has not continued, and she has never fought against anyone.She was not allowed to tell her what she was pointing out, so everyone didn't know.Only the masters can see that their Highness is a genius.

"It would be great if His Highness could participate." Those who can't participate in the Earth Immortal Group, can also participate in the Fan Xiu Group, and His Highness will definitely win the championship.

Jiang Ran smiled and didn't care about it at all. Instead, she pinched the cabbage Bangzi on her cheek in a funny way, "Then you have to work hard and win back the share of helping me."

Just as she was about to say a few more words of encouragement, she heard a familiar whistle sound in her ear, if it dissipated in the wind, she froze for a moment and turned to the topic, "By the way, I just saw that there seems to be something over there. I have tea ready, I'll bring it over."

"I'll take it."

Qing Jue subconsciously stood up, and was pressed back by Jiang Ran, "It's okay, it's not far, it's just over the ship warehouse. You're about to have a big competition. Let's discuss sword moves with Lou Shuo and Lin Ling."

After speaking, he turned around and headed towards the ship warehouse, Qing Jue had to sit back again.

Sure enough, as soon as she walked to the side of the boat warehouse, a big hand suddenly stretched out and dragged her into it with a swish.

"Sister, elder sister..." Qi Kuo took her hand and said excitedly, "I asked Dabi to reserve two places with the best view on the stand. You don't have to participate anyway. If not, just watch the game with me in the next few days.”

He had already figured out that it was reasonable and reasonable for the participating disciples to follow the team leader, and it would not attract attention, that's why he robbed the team leader.Being able to follow Zun Shang as before, without Huang Xue getting in the way, is really nice.

"I'm afraid not." Before he was happy for a long time, Jiang Ran immediately refused.

"Why?!" Qi Kuo's face collapsed instantly, and his round eyes looked pitifully at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran sighed, rubbed his head and said, "The Emperor of Heaven sent me a message and asked me to lead the immortals of the Heavenly Palace to participate in the competition. Therefore, I can't be with you."

In addition to being a disciple of the preaching hall, she is also the Princess Fengtian of the Tiangong, which is why she is going to Xumi City, because she wants to represent the Tiangong and go as a princess.Heavenly Emperor also wanted to take this opportunity to let her appear in front of the Six Interfaces.

Qi Kuo: "..." Is it too late to join the Tiangong camp now?

(End of this chapter)

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