Chapter 68

On the second day, the exercise competition officially started. Jiang Ran was sitting on the highest stand. At first glance, it seemed that all the contestants were crowded. It's not too crowded.

On the first day of the big competition, there was no direct arrangement for everyone to fight, but to break through the barriers in groups.For this reason, Tiangong deliberately set up a lot of complex arrays on the field. There will be various crises in the array. The monks who enter the array need to pass through these arrays safely and get out of it smoothly. The sooner the time, the better the results.

It can be said that this magic circle not only tested everyone's swordsmanship, magic circle, and the use of various spells, but also the ability to respond on the spot. No wonder it was used in the audition of the first level.Only after passing this match and obtaining a place to break out of the encirclement can it be regarded as an official entry into the latter one-on-one fight.

Jiang Ran took a closer look and found that the disciples of the preaching hall passed very quickly, and there was basically no situation of being trapped by the magic circle.Qing Jue was the fastest in the Sword Array level.I have to say that the master of the mission hall still taught very carefully, and the magic circle of the first level is not too difficult for them.

She immediately put down her heart and turned her attention to the mortal monks in the other side of the venue. After all, the Emperor of Heaven had told her to select talents from here.

She recalled the list subconsciously, and when she was trying to meet the cultivator in the next circle, her eyes were instantly attracted by a female cultivator in the circle. She was a female cultivator in red, looking like a The basic skills are very good, and in the formation method, it can be regarded as easy to dodge, dodging various attacks, and it is much easier than others.

It's just her body style...

Jiang Ran always felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it before.It wasn't until she entered the level of the sword formation and directly summoned the spirit sword to start the formation, with a dashing and agile figure, so graceful that she danced with afterimages, and she suddenly reacted.

"This swordsmanship is..."

"His Royal Highness, that is the chief disciple of the Tianhua faction, Fu Hongye." Seemingly discovering that she had been paying attention to the woman in red, Jun Ziheng, the law star sitting next to him, immediately explained, "This person is also on the list. On top of that, the aptitude exercises are among the best among these monks."

Jiang Ranxi recalled that there was indeed Fu Hongye on the list yesterday.

"Tianhua faction?" She always felt that she had heard this name before, and with the opponent's swordsmanship, she subconsciously looked back at someone beside her.

"It's your photo-taking technique." Sure enough, a sound transmission sounded in his mind the next moment, and the little lotus responded in a deep voice, "A Ranke still remembers that when we were chasing the Demon God Fengli, we passed through a mortal village."

Jiang Ran thought for a while, and then suddenly recalled, as if there was such a thing.Back then, it could be said that there were not many living people in the mortal world. It was very difficult for mortals to live. Most of them were kept in captivity by the demons as training materials, and when the time was right, they directly slaughtered broken souls.

And that mortal village is very lucky, because of the boundary, there is a spiritual mine underground, and surrounded by mountains to form a natural barrier, the spiritual energy only gathers in the valley, and does not radiate out.Demons have always disliked spiritual energy, and the cultivators couldn't find it, but miraculously, the village was protected from the ravages of demons. For a long time, no one found that there were many mortals living in it.

But such a natural sanctuary, once discovered by the devil, will also usher in a catastrophe.At that time, they were chasing the breath of the Demon God Fengli, and they happened to pass by there and found that several demon tribes were slaughtering the village before they attacked the demon.Because it is rare to see such a magical terrain, she still has some impressions, and that village... seems to be called Tianhua Village.

"A Ran, in order to let those mortals have the ability to protect themselves, you left them with the exercises you practiced, and wanted to lead them into the Dao." Fan Chen added another sentence.

"You mean..." Jiang Ran was startled, "Is this woman a descendant of that village?!"

Only then did she react, why did she feel that the opponent's sword moves were familiar, but strange.Her swordsmanship has been constantly improved in battles.Taking pictures is also one of them, but when she passed by that village, the swordsmanship was not as powerful as it was later, so it was considered an immature work.

I just didn't expect that thousands of years later, this swordsmanship has actually been passed down.

"The Tianhua School has been established for thousands of years, and it is considered to be the most profound among the immortals." Zi Heng said with some admiration, "I heard that the founder of the Tianhua School was a mysterious immortal who loved red clothes a thousand years ago. The exercises in the sect are all from her inheritance, if you can practice it to the extreme, you can even kill the demons, it can be comparable to the top-level immortal techniques."

"..." Jiang Ran only felt a black line, she wasn't, she didn't, she didn't build the sect, and she didn't like to wear red clothes. At the beginning, the clothes were all the blood of those demons.

After taking a look at the field again, I saw that the woman named Fu Hongye had already passed the magic circle, so she stopped paying attention and added several other monks on the list one by one.

This is the first day of the big competition. The important thing is the fighting skills in the next two days. That is the real important game. The leaders of the temples from all sides did not come today.She didn't need to come, but as the representative of the organizer, she wanted to come and see in advance, and Qing Jue and the others were going to compete, and by the way, she also recognized the people on the list.

She looked at it for a while, didn't stop for a long time, said hello to Ziheng, and returned to the yard where she was temporarily living with Xiaolian.As soon as she entered the hospital, a figure rushed over quickly, and she couldn't dodge in time. If Xiao Lianhua hadn't helped her behind her, she would have almost collapsed.

"Your Highness, you are finally back." Huang Xue plunged her head into her chest, just rubbing her head, "I miss you so much."

"Sister..." Qi Kuo also came over from the house, looking at Huang Xue, who was lying on Jiang Ran's chest like a koala, and suddenly annoyed, he stepped forward a few steps and forcibly pulled someone out, "What are you doing? My sister is still mortal now, how can I stand up to you, let it go!"

Even Fan Chen raised his brows, supported Jiang Ran and took a few steps back, "Mr. Huangxue, please be careful."

"Cut!" Huangxue glared at the two of them without fear of death, "Dog man, it's just jealousy." Saying that, he threw off Qi Kuo's claws, and continued to go forward and hug Jiang Ran's arm, shaking it from side to side, "Your Highness, you go. What, I came to find you as soon as I arrived at Xumi City, and I have been waiting for a long time." Huang Xue went back to the Western Regions first, and then led the immortals to participate in the competition, so he came a little slower than the others.

"I'm going to watch the big competition, let's go in and talk!" Jiang Ran replied, and then entered the room with them. Thinking that Huangxue and Qi Kuo have been in the Six Realms all year round, they should have some understanding of the mortal world. Ask the sect on that list.

Suddenly, a voice came from outside, "Your Highness, there is a Tianhua faction who calls himself Fu Hongye outside the house, asking to see him."

(End of this chapter)

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