Chapter 7 Going to the Blind Date

"His Royal Highness..." Qing Jue sighed and looked at her worriedly, "Do you know why His Majesty the Emperor wants to choose a Taoist companion for you, right?"

"Well." Not just to make her give birth to a cub.

"The Devil Abyss is a problem that has plagued the Six Realms for thousands of years. If the seal is broken, the Six Realms will be destroyed at once, but the person with your blood can solve all this. It means that he will save the Six Realms, which is the salvation of the world. The merit!" Qing Jue said solemnly.

"Now the whole six worlds know the oracle of heaven. You are the mother of the savior, but the father did not say who it is. This means that whoever can become your Taoist partner can become the father of the savior. Then this Naturally, he also has a share in the monstrous deeds of saving the world." Who would not want to take a meritorious deed of saving the world for nothing.

This is also not long after His Highness was summoned, and many people haven't heard the news yet, it is about to spread, and there will only be more people who come to see him.And the Sanxian and Earth Immortals who came over these few days just took advantage of His Majesty's time before officially starting to choose a Taoist partner for His Highness, and wanted to make a good impression on her in advance, so they picked up the mistakes.

Jiang Ran: "..."

Is there any other setting like this?

Dare to feel that in the eyes of the Six Realms, she is just a piece of Tang monk meat without an owner!
She suddenly felt a little absurd, and it would definitely be impossible to go on like this. Although it is not a big deal to meet, those are immortals, and immortals have no difference between day and night.No matter how patient she is, she can't stand it. These people ask for help day and night.

Jiang Ran thought for a while, and decided to ask Qing Jue to pack the gifts left by the immortals and send them directly to the Emperor of Heaven, and sued secretly in frustration.After all, their behavior of rushing to her in private to show their faces was to some extent challenging the authority of the Emperor of Heaven.

She guessed right, and sure enough, the next day, there was no fairy dressed up outside Fuyun Temple, who even made various excuses to meet her by chance.It's just that she didn't expect that this gift of hers would cause another trouble.

"Qionghua Immortal Society?" Jiang Ran was stunned for a moment, almost unable to hold the thermos in his hand.

"Yeah, just today, we have to hurry up and prepare." Qing Jue hurriedly pulled her to sit in front of the bronze mirror, and helped her braid her complicated bun with her fingers flying, "Your Majesty is considering this. Your mood, that's why it was deliberately advanced."

"It's still early?" She was dumbfounded, "Why?"

"Of course it's to introduce His Highness to the immortals sooner!" At the fairy meeting, all the immortals with the lowest level of golden immortal cultivation, with this comparison, those earth immortals and loose immortals will not dare to bother her anymore. Her highness is the future savior The mother, of course, deserves the best.

While dressing her, Qingjue continued, "The Qionghua fairy fair is only held once in a hundred years in the fairy world, and young talents from the whole fairy world will attend it. Your Highness is the most important protagonist. Don't worry, I will help you dress up carefully. It can overwhelm the crowd." As she spoke, she picked up all kinds of hair accessories and hairpins on the table, and piled them on her head without thinking.

Jiang Ran was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this so-called Qionghua Fairy Fair was a large-scale blind date banquet arranged for her by the Emperor of Heaven.I remembered that a few days ago, the Heavenly Emperor had indeed said that he would find a good time to introduce all the good young people from the six realms to her, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

It can't be because the complaint she made originally wanted to stop the harassment of those immortals, but instead reminded the Emperor of Heaven, making her think that she was dissatisfied with those little immortals, and instead advanced this fairy meeting?
Jiang Ran felt like she didn't know where to start complaining, but Qing Jue had dressed her up for several rounds, and that happy look seemed to be more exciting than her.After pulling her up and down for a full two hours, he finally put away his hand in satisfaction, turned around and found another fairy dress.

"Okay, Your Highness is indeed a beauty." He shook off the fairy skirt in his hand and said, "Next, as long as you put on this fairy skirt, you will be able to fascinate all the fairy kings."

Only then did Jiang Ran look at himself in the mirror. Indeed, the whole face has changed a lot. It could only be regarded as handsome at first, but under Qing Jue's make-up, there has been a change from rotten to magical, highlighting the advantages and covering up the shortcomings. It also showed a bit of an attitude of overwhelming the country and the city.

It's just that this is the Immortal World after all. Such an appearance may be rare in the mortal world, but it can only be regarded as a normal level in the Immortal World.Qing Jue is obviously because her own filter is too heavy.It's just... the bead hairpin accessories on the head are too many.

She didn't pay attention to it at first, until the first time she got up, she couldn't get up, her head was so heavy that she almost knocked her head on the table.Later, Qingjue stretched out his hand to support him, and finally stood up with his head weighing several kilograms.

"This hairpin..." She subconsciously wanted to unplug a few to lighten the load.

"Don't move!" Qing Jue grabbed her hand and firmly disagreed, "His Royal Highness, this is specially sent by Your Majesty, and every piece has been contaminated with spiritual power. Although it is jewelry, each piece is a fairy. What about the weapon! This proves that Your Majesty attaches great importance to you, but let the immortals take a look, so that they can also know that your status is precious."

"..." Regardless of whether it is expensive or not, it is really heavy.

However, seeing Qingjue's determined face, as if she dared to take one off, she would cry and show it to her. She was afraid that if she lacked one, she would be despised and bullied because of her mortal status, so she had no choice but to bear it. .Alas, isn't it just lifting iron? Anyway, it won't take long, and it can't dampen the child's wishes.

After finally changing their clothes, the two of them left the Fuyun Palace.Unlike when they went to Shangqing Palace and went directly to Tengyun, a very gorgeous mount had already parked outside at this time.

In front of the mount was a giant bird with blue smooth feathers all over its body and long tail feathers trailing behind its tail, but it had two heads.Seeing them coming out, the two birds turned their heads together and tilted their heads in the same direction to look at them, as if signaling them to get in the car.

"It's actually a two-headed green luan!" Qing Jue's eyes lit up, and he said more excitedly, "This is His Majesty's mount, and His Majesty must have specially ordered it to come and fetch His Highness."

The two got into the car, and Jiang Ran couldn't help looking at the bird curiously. It was a fairy beast. I thought that there were not many alive in the entire Six Realms. Now they can actually come out to pull a car and ask for a living. I really want to raise it if I have a chance. one.

Qingluan flew steadily and fast. In less than a moment, they had stopped on an immortal island. There was no immortal palace on the island, but it was surrounded by layers of rays of light, and it was planted with peach trees and undefeated. There are still flowers of various colors blooming on the ground, and the floor is covered with carpets. From a distance, you can hear the noise coming from the front, which should be the venue of the Fairy Fair.

As soon as I got out of the car, the fairy mist and glow in front of me dissipated automatically, revealing a platform. There were crowds of people standing on the platform full of immortal spirits. Some were chatting loudly, and some toasting and drinking were very lively.

As soon as she took a step, there was a loud notification sound in the arena.

"Princess Fengtian is here!"

The audience fell silent for a moment, and all the immortals looked at her in unison, curious, probing, and eager to try.

Jiang Ran, who had originally planned to sneak past in a low-key manner, was taken aback for a moment, but he could not help but stiffen his body, and showed a habit of smiling.

The next moment, the immortals seemed to have reacted, Qi Qi bowed to her, and the voice resounded through the entire immortal society.

"I have seen His Highness Fengtian!"

"..." Even more embarrassing, Yumuyou, what should she say, comrades?

(End of this chapter)

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