Chapter 70

Although there were many people participating in this competition, the total competition time was only three days.The first day is the audition, and more than half of the people will be selected. On the second day, the top three in the fairy group and the mortal group will be directly determined, and the third day will be the real leader.

Sure enough, the next day, all the leaders of the various factions in the stands were present, and even the leader monks of the Immortal Sect of Mortal Worlds had already arrived at the stands early.

"I have met His Highness Fengtian." As soon as she arrived, all the immortals in the stands stood up and saluted in her direction.

Although she is just a mortal, she is a princess certified by the Heavenly Dao. In terms of identity alone, apart from the Heavenly Emperor and the immortals from all directions, her title of princess can be regarded as the highest one.In addition, this time it is representing Tiangong to preside over the competition, so even if it is just for etiquette, all the immortals have to stand up and salute.

"Everyone, you are welcome, continue to watch the game." Jiang Ran didn't mean to be polite to them, and said something, and walked towards the central seat with Xiao Lianhua behind him.

Since this competition was held together with Zhentian Pavilion, Qi Kuo's seat happened to be on her left side, and Huang Xue had firmly occupied the position on the right side of the main seat at some point.

The two just happened to occupy two key seats, one on the left and the other on the right, and they were notoriously difficult to mess with in the Six Realms.Although the immortals were a little curious about her, the princess in the oracle, they didn't dare to go past the two of them and came here for a chat, which saved a lot of trouble.

"Ah Ran, why did you come here?" Huangxue came over immediately, and said with a bright smile, "Your family's cabbage head has already entered the top ten."

Jiang Ran was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look down at the stage below, and saw Qing Jue who was waiting next to her at a glance. wearing something.She came late today, and she didn't expect that the top ten had already been decided so soon.

"She is a disciple of our preaching hall. What's so strange about being in the top ten?" What's more, it was taught by her sister herself. Qi Kuo snorted and trembled instantly.Just about to show off something, when he looked up and saw the person following Jiang Ran, he froze immediately.

Fan Chen hid his aura and appearance, and came here with Jiang Ran. Everyone only regarded him as the fairy servant next to the princess, so that Qi Kuo recognized him when he got close, and subconsciously wanted to find him a seat, but the chief seat There's only one spot left here.

Qi Kuo struggled in his heart for a moment, and then... he sat without moving with peace of mind, and even dragged the chair closer to the middle. Maybe the uncle likes to stand, and he doesn't want to sit too far away from his sister. Very difficult!
╯ (╯ ▽ ╰) ╭

Fan Chen didn't care about the seat, and stood behind Jiang Ran as before, and when he heard Huang Xue's reminder, he also glanced at the field, and then said in a deep voice, "It seems that she is going to stop here."

"How could it be?" Huangxue retorted subconsciously. She had been watching the Xiaobaicai competition just now. With the opponent's strength, not to mention winning the championship, the top three should be no problem, but when she turned her head and looked at the field again, she was shocked, "Damn it!" , she's a bit unlucky, why is she meeting Wei Xi now?"

Wei Xi?

Isn't that what Lou Shuo mentioned, Yan Qi's disciple?
Jiang Ran's heart sank, and he took a closer look at the field, and he saw a blue-body fairy flying onto the stage, with a solid aura on his body, and it seemed that he had been suppressed by the magic circle.Looking young, with a youthful look on his face, the long sword in his hand responded to the sword energy around him, making bursts of buzzing, which showed that his sword skills were indeed good.

This is Yan Qi's disciple? !
Jiang Ran suddenly became a little worried, Qing Jue's next opponent was this person.

The next moment, the two had already fought, and a large piece of sword light flashed, covering the entire venue for a while.The young man in blue showed his peak in his moves, with an indomitable spirit.Qing Jue's sword moves are dexterous and light, which always catches people by surprise.The battle between the two is evenly matched.

It's just that the two sword moves seem to be completely different. If you observe carefully, you will find that the moves of the two have the same shadow, and the more the fight goes to the back, the more similar the swordsmanship becomes.

Jiang En was a little dazed for a moment, as if the young man with red hair, who was a bit squeamish at the beginning, would throw away the sword and look at him with teary eyes, "Sister, I don't want to practice swords." She kicked into the demon cave, and never dared to let go of the sword in her hand.

Is she too strict?That's why he longed for his real family so much later!
"Ah Ran!" A hand suddenly fell from her shoulder, interrupting her thoughts for an instant. Fan Chen gave her a worried look and reminded, "The winner will be decided soon."

Jiang Ran looked at the two people fighting below, and one of them slowed down obviously, and it was Qing Jue.

"It's a pity!" Huangxue also sighed, "If this little cabbage's cultivation level is higher, today's result may not be certain."

Indeed, although there is a magic circle to suppress the cultivation base in the field, the cultivation base after suppression is always different from the original cultivation base of only the earth immortal.Especially in terms of spiritual power, there is ultimately a difference between having only one bucket of water and using only one bucket of water.

Qing Jue had indeed never beaten that male immortal named Wei Xi, and after exhausting the last bit of spiritual power, he was still defeated.It's just that there was no sign of failure on his face, but his eyes were shining brightly, and he respectfully conceded defeat with his fists cupped, his face full of joy after meeting his opponent, as if he was not affected by this kind of victory or loss at all.

"You are not arrogant in victory, and you are not discouraged in defeat. This girl has a good heart!" Qi Kuo rarely boasted, and she deserved to be the person brought out by her sister.

"It's not bad." Jiang Ran was also a little relieved.

On the contrary, Huangxue took a look at her, and said in a low voice with some taste, "I said, Ah Ran, are you addicted to taking care of your apprentices? Do you want me to help you find some obedient and well-behaved ones to play with..." Her eyes rolled Turn, I am planning to go crazy about Amway or something.

Suddenly a delicate voice came, "Ah, it's so lively here."

The voice was not loud, but it deliberately carried spiritual power, and it spread throughout the entire stand in an instant.Everyone looked back, only to see a woman dressed in a costume flying towards here with a dozen or so immortal attendants.

Maybe it was so different from the weak face last time that Jiang Ran almost didn't recognize it.It wasn't until Qi Kuo and Huang Xue who were beside her all turned dark, that she realized that the gorgeously dressed woman in front of her was the Yuzheng Princess.

"Why is she here, is she looking for death?" Qi Kuo frowned, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

The immortals in the stands were also taken aback, but it was the leader of the Beiyun Temple, Xianjun, who was the first to react, and immediately got up to greet him, "Your Highness Yuzheng, why are you here?"

When he opened his mouth, he revealed the identity of the other party. For a while, except for the three people in the seat, other immortals also stood up and saluted.

(End of this chapter)

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