Chapter 72
Perhaps she was really frightened by the air machine released by Huangxue, Yuzheng didn't stay in the stand for long, and left first after the game of the Northern Cloud Immortal.

Jiang Ran and a few people have watched the whole process, and the results of the top three have come out. Except for Wei Xi, who won Qing Jue, the other two are all disciples of the preaching hall.And the immortals in Tiangong also achieved good results, and several were among the top ten.

Jiang Ran wanted to drop by to see Qing Jue, who regretted not making it to the finals. Huang Xue and the others wanted to follow, but they were too conspicuous, so they had to go back first and head towards the disciples of the preaching hall alone. .

I just didn't expect that I had just left the field of competition, and by coincidence I bumped into the princess Yuzheng who seemed to regard her as her opponent. The opponent was standing under the tree by the crossroads, with her usual face With a delicate and shy smile, he was talking to a female cultivator, and his expression was a little excited.

Jiang Ran originally wanted to go around, but pretended not to see it, and the other party saw her at a glance.She was stunned for a while, not knowing what to think, but she called out to her, "Sister Fengtian, why are you here?"

She paused, and it would be rude to slip away now, so she stopped and nodded, "Princess Yuzheng."

"What a coincidence!" She glanced at her carefully, perhaps seeing her alone, so she stepped forward boldly and said with a meaningful smile, "I came out to just wander around, but I didn't expect to encounter this place. A red leaf girl, we chatted so much that we forgot the time."

Only then did Jiang Ran discover that the woman behind her was the mortal girl Xiufu Hongye who had a relationship with the wrong person before.

"His Royal Highness..." The female cultivator behind the other party also took a step forward, and her eyes instantly turned to look at her. She clasped her fist with a bit of excitement and said, "Hongye has seen His Highness!"

"Well." She nodded habitually.

"His Royal Highness..." The other party seemed to be even more nervous. Wheat's skin suddenly became a little flushed, and he added a little nervously, "I... I just entered the top three in the competition, did your Highness see it? "

"Really?" Jiang Ran chuckled lightly. Just now, she had been paying attention to the competition in the Mission Hall, but she didn't pay attention to Fanxiu's side. It turned out that she had entered the top three, so she casually boasted, "It's amazing, come on."

The other party's eyes opened wider, as if inspired by something, he nodded vigorously, and his face turned even redder.

"Sister Hongye is very powerful, don't you know Fengtian?" Yuzheng spoke again, with a hint of bragging in her words, and began to praise her vigorously, "Sister Hongye is the most famous among all the immortals in the mortal world. As for Tianjiao disciples, among the monks in this competition, she has the best aptitude, and she is just around the corner."

Jiang Ran couldn't guess what she meant.

Yuzheng continued, "Actually, I heard about her before the big competition, no, I heard that she wanted to see me, I wanted to take the initiative to find her, but I didn't expect to meet here, we are really destined So much!" She smiled with joy, as if she was really happy to have made a new friend, then turned to look at her and said, "Oh, by the way, seeing how happy I am, I forgot to ask Fengtian what is this? Where are you going?"

"..." Jiang Ran was a little speechless, and then she reacted after realizing it, she suddenly pulled her and said a lot of intentions.This is the purpose of knowing that she is in charge of the competition, to select talents for Tiangong, and knowing that she has seen Fu Hongye, thinking that Tiangong intends to recruit.So you deliberately showed off in front of her and stole the person who stole her, should you be afraid of her?

Just... the idea is quite novel!
"I'm planning to go to the West Court to meet the brothers who just competed." Jiang Ran was in a hurry to see Xiao Baicai, but he didn't feel in the mood to accompany the princess to play the children's fruit-sharing game, so he said directly, "The two hit it off. There must be a lot to say, so I won't bother, and say goodbye!"

The expressions of the two of them changed, Hongye was reluctant to part with regret, and Yuzheng seemed to be completely unmoved when she saw the other, a little unwilling, as if she had been preparing for a long time but punched cotton, as if she could not do anything. Touch the other person's mood in general.

She was anxious and rushed out, "By the way, sister Fengtian knows, how is Fairy Rongruo now?"

Jiang Ran looked back suspiciously.

Yuzheng's tone suddenly became sharper, losing the negotiation just now, "Because I didn't get the treatment of the medicine pill, Rong Ruo... Hundreds of years of cultivation have been destroyed in one fell swoop, and even the immortal body is a little bit shattered. I can't keep it, is my sister happy with this result?" She contained obvious accusations, saying that if she hadn't refused to help her ask for medicine, Fairy Rong Ruo would not have done this at all.

Jiang Ran's calm and indifferent face finally had another expression, he frowned slightly, turned around and walked back, looked at Yuzheng's eyes seriously and said, "Your Highness Princess should not tell me this, You should go down to the world and ask the people of Longwei Kingdom, are they... happy?"

"..." Yu Zheng's face instantly turned pale, and under the gaze of the other party, he subconsciously took a step back.A sense of shame immediately swept through her. She originally wanted to use her friend's status quo to cause her shame, but she forgot that it was the other party's fault, and in the end, it was herself who felt ashamed.

She stayed where she was, waiting to react, but the other party had already left.Yuzheng's face darkened, and the hand on his side was instantly clenched tightly.


Jiang Ran really couldn't figure out what this Princess Yuzheng was thinking, as if she really regarded her as an opponent and an imaginary enemy.Since she unexpectedly met at the crossroad that day, she suddenly became busy and began to frequently meet the monks from the mortal world, especially the top ten monks who won yesterday. Almost every one of them received an olive branch from her, and even There is also the plan to bring back Beiyun directly after the big competition.

"His Royal Highness, do you want to meet the winners of the Fanxiu Grand Competition?" The law star Jun Ziheng couldn't help but propose.After all, among the cultivators the other party met, there were also a few who were favored by the original Tiangong. Now that the big competition has not ended, it is still possible to win people over before it is completely settled.

"No need." Jiang Ran shook his head, with the princess' idea of ​​treating her as an opponent, if she really went to see someone, the other party would only work harder to pull them to Beiyun, "This time, Ben It is to investigate whether these ordinary cultivators have the qualifications to become immortals, and if they start to fight for them before they become immortals, it would not put the cart before the horse."

Zi Xingxing was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. Oh yes, they are the one who will be assessed. When did the candidates choose which camp to enter?If they were to be used by the fairy world, they would have to wait for them to become immortals.

"I'm being stupid, thank you Your Highness for the suggestion." Zi Heng respectfully saluted in Jiang Ran's direction, put the matter behind him, and stopped paying attention, "I'll arrange for tomorrow's leader to compete with each other. thing."

After speaking, he glanced at the other party with a bit of excitement, and then saluted and retreated. He suddenly understood that the Heavenly Emperor had entrusted Princess Fengtian with a heavy responsibility. This princess from heaven does have something unique.

"A Ran." When Ziheng went out, Fan Chen's eyes darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Does the princess need me..."

"No!" Jiang Ran chuckled and didn't pay much attention, "It's just like a child's jealousy, just wanting to debate the order, how can it be so serious?"

She had finally figured out the princess's thoughts, and it was like having a second child at home. The older one was mentally unbalanced, so she wanted to compete with her everywhere, just to prove that she was better.

She didn't take it to heart at first, it was just annoying, and the other party didn't actually do anything bad, so she didn't need to specifically target it.

(End of this chapter)

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