Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 78 Immortal Beasts in Space

Chapter 78 Immortal Beasts in Space
When Jiang Ran opened her eyes again, she was the only one left, not to mention the four star kings, and even Yu Wei and Yuzheng who came in ahead of her disappeared. Thinking about it, they should have been sent to another place. .

What I can see is a dense forest. At first glance, the forest is full of tall and towering giant trees. The wide tree poles have grown for a long time, like a forest that has not been stepped on for a long time.But the miraculous thing is that the spiritual energy here is not too rich, even a little thin, completely incomparable with the spiritual energy just entered.

And in such a place where no one has set foot, there should be Lingzhi fairy grass that has grown enough years, but half of them can't be found in this forest, even these trees are just tall and ordinary trees, compared to Immortal world those spirit woods are not as good.

Jiang Ran glanced around, the doubts in his heart were even greater, and he asked softly, "Little Lotus, do you think this place is a little familiar?"

After the words fell, the space beside her was turbulent, as if something had been uncovered, and Fan Chen's figure appeared beside her.Jiang Ran was not surprised that he followed, and had already sensed his breath, and in such a place, he naturally worried that she would come alone.

"I just entered the magic circle..." Fan Chen pondered for a while, then replied in a deep voice, "It's your 'secret secret', but it has lost its barrier effect over time, so it appeared in the world."

Jiang Ran sighed, and the guess in her heart was verified. It was no wonder that this space would exclude everyone who entered, but she and the Princess Yuzheng were drawn in.

"This space should have been opened up by you back then." Fan Chen affirmed.


The space she opened up naturally wouldn't prevent her from entering, and Yuzheng was afraid that because of the same aura and spiritual power attributes on her body, this gradually invalid space also took her in as her own.

"I didn't open up a lot of space with the Secret World Secret Art back then, and I don't remember any that haven't been released yet." Jiang Ran frowned. After all, although this kind of space is highly secretive, it has a fatal disadvantage, that is, it cannot be perceived. Things outside the space, once discovered by the devil, the people hidden inside are almost the end of the group, so she doesn't often use this method.

Fan Chen also pondered for a while. It is true that this kind of temporary space was mainly used to simulate various scenes during wartime, or to create some illusions for training. Generally, it will not take long. lifted.

"Looking at the situation in this forest, this space has existed for at least a thousand years. If it is said that it happened a thousand years ago, and it is related to immortal beasts, then..." Fan Chen was suddenly stunned, as if thinking of something, "Ah Ran, can you still remember what happened on the Xuantian River when the Tianhe River collapsed?"

Jiang Ran was stunned for a moment, then understood in an instant, and said in surprise, "You don't want to say that the fairy beast in this Xiao Mi?"

"It should be right."

Jiang Ran's mouth twitched, and he said in disbelief, "No, didn't you put it out after I left?"

Xiao Mi is a Xuanshuixian beast. When the Tianhe River collapsed, the entire Xuantian River was flooded.Jiang Ran and a few people happened to pass by and found a dying fairy beast. It was seriously injured and had demonic energy in its chest. It was obvious that the inner alchemy had been taken out by the demons.But it tried its last breath to protect a weak cub.

Jiang Ran rescued the cub, and seeing that it looked like a kitten, he took the name Xiao Mi by the way.Xiao Mi was born a high-level immortal beast, and she understands human nature and language. Because she was rescued by them, she always wanted to recognize her as the master.But because of being attacked by demons, his body is very weak.

At that time, they were busy living their lives in the Six Realms, and they had no ability to take care of such a young beast.In addition, at that time, Yan Qi hadn't changed shape yet, and it was the time of rebellion.

Naturally, Xiao Mi couldn't defeat Yan Qi, who has the blood of the God Race, which caused the injury to become serious. Later, Jiang Ran had no choice but to separate the two, returned to the Xuanshui River to find a hidden place, and used the 'Close the World Secret Art'. 'It opened up such a space, and sealed Xiao Mi, who had aggravated injuries, in it.

On the one hand, using the spiritual energy of the space, Xiao Mi can slowly recover from her injuries while she is sleeping, and on the other hand, it can help her to advance in cultivation.

For this reason, she and Xiao Lianhua also deliberately set up a heavy circle outside to completely hide this space to ensure its safety.It stands to reason that even if she leaves, Xiao Lianhua and the others are the ones who knew about this space back then. Why haven't they come out yet.

Fan Chen also had a black line, his face turned red and said, "After you was so confusing that I didn't even think about it."

Her disappearance back then was a heavy blow to the Six Realms. They were all busy looking for her, how could they have imagined a fairy beast locked in space.

Therefore, everyone forgets it for a thousand years, and until the hidden magic circle fails, this space does not reappear in the world.

Jiang Ran: "..."

Fan Chen: "..."

It's just... embarrassing.

I don't know if Xiao Mi, who understands the truth, will be so angry that she will tear down her house!
"Forget it, if it's really Xiao Mi, the seal should be in the middle of the forest, let's have a look." Jiang Ran pointed at Lin Zhongdao with a warm face.

Fan Chen also nodded, turned around and walked towards the forest together.

In the end, it was the space they created. Although the terrain has changed over the past thousand years, according to the direction of the spiritual energy, the two of them quickly reached the center of the forest.

Sure enough, the tall trees around him disappeared, and a huge sealing circle appeared in front of him.

Yes, it really is!
Jiang Ran took a step forward and looked at the ground carefully, but found that there were several cracks in the golden formation, "This formation... has it been destroyed?"

Fan Chen also found it, and after a while, he said, "This trace should have been caused by a forcible impact from the inside. It seems to have happened a thousand years ago. Calculate the time... It should sense that your breath has disappeared. So try to seal the conflict out."

Immortal beasts have always been sensitive, and Xiaomi has always wanted to recognize her as the master. Even in the space, it is not surprising to notice that her breath has disappeared, but it should not be well at the time, so this magic circle only destroyed part of it, and fell asleep again. past.

Jiang Ran couldn't tell the feeling in his heart, he was a little sad and moved. He looked at the seal in front of him, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"A Ran, do you want to let it out?" Fan Chen said with some hesitation. In the current situation of A Ran, it is not the best choice to recognize it.

After all, Xiao Mi is a fairy beast, plus she has been sealed here for a few years, and she is unreasonable and simple-minded. Although she was an obedient beast back then, it is difficult to guarantee that she will not be noticed by people who have a heart. As a result, it may run counter to Ah Ran's expectations. .

"Let it go, it has recovered from its injuries, and it can't sleep forever." She sighed, but she couldn't bear it anymore.

Fan Chen didn't hesitate, and was planning to lift the seal.

Jiang Ran stepped forward, grabbed his hand and said, "I'll come, I promised it, and I will come and pick it up in person."

(End of this chapter)

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