Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 80 After the immortal beast was conquered

Chapter 80 After the immortal beast was conquered
Yuzheng was completely suppressed by Xiaomi, and its cognition was still completely stuck when it was a cub, and it just wanted to be closer to its master.So I kept sticking and licking towards each other and couldn't stop at all.

Yuzheng's original cultivation was just average, and he couldn't break free at all. Even Yu Wei, who was next to him, panicked for a while, not knowing what to do.Although his cultivation base can completely slap Xiao Mi away, considering that this is just a fairy beast Yuzheng is thinking about, and he is afraid that the shot will be too heavy and hurt one person and one beast, so he has not shot.

So the whole space was filled with the screams of Yuzheng, until even Jiang Ran couldn't stand it anymore. He reached out and touched the storage bag with him. Mi handed it under her nose.


Sure enough, the next moment, Xiao Mi's eyes widened instantly, and she dropped the rain kite, which had been licked wet by it, and instantly shifted her target to the fruit, squatted on the ground and nibbled happily, her mouth ooh ooh ooh happy 's cry.

Only then did Yuzheng get up, her eyes terrified and she retreated for a long distance. She hid behind Yu Wei with lingering fears, as if she was afraid that the other party would rush over again, and took a few deep breaths, only then did she realize that it was Jiang Burning the fruit attracted the spirit beast.

"You..." She looked surprised.

Jiang Ran explained casually, "It grows in this forest, it should like to eat fruit."

Her expression became unnatural for a moment, and after a while, she said, "My sister really knows a lot." Maybe it was the scene of losing face just now, and the patience that was worn away, but the expression she just pretended to be lost in her expression. Gentle, with a little more sharpness, he pulled out a stiff smile and said, "It's just that you saw it just now, this fairy beast has already chosen me, so it won't choose her again, and I will take it back to Beiyun in the end. ."

After speaking, he directly took the spirit beast bag, squeezed a formula, and put Xiaomi in it.

Jiang Ran frowned, but he didn't stop it, but there was a sudden turmoil around him, and the green jungle space suddenly began to twist and shatter.

"This space is about to collapse!" Yu Wei was startled, he immediately got up with his sword in hand, stretched out his hand to Yuzheng and said, "Zheng'er, we have to find the exit quickly!"

Yuzheng's expression also changed, Lima grabbed the opponent's hand and flew with her, suddenly thought of something, turned around with a bit of arrogance and said, "Sister Fengtian, your cultivation base is low, can you help... "

The busy word hadn't come out yet, but he saw that the other party had already flew up with Yu Jian to be level with the two of them. He even pointed to the right direction and said, "The exit should be on the right side, come with me!" He turned around and flew towards that direction.

Yuzheng's face turned dark, and the familiar feeling of suffocation came out again, and her heart was full of anger. Mo Ming wanted to go in the opposite direction. Obviously, she was just a mortal who had not cultivated an immortal body. She didn't believe the other party. I can really see the mystery of this space.

The next moment, Yu Wei's voice came from his side, "There is a different spiritual energy over there, and the exit is indeed there."

"..." Yuzheng's face darkened, but Yu Wei was Yu Jian, so he could only endure it, and followed the other party in the direction of Jiang Ran's disappearance.


Outside the space at this time, the four star kings are still struggling to break the barrier at the entrance of the space, and they will become more anxious as time goes on.Their mission was originally to protect His Royal Highness and successfully conquer the fairy beast.Now that His Highness entered, they were stopped outside.

It would be fine if His Highness didn't encounter a fairy beast, but if he did...

He didn't dare to think about it, His Highness is only a mortal body, and it is impossible to subdue ordinary immortal beasts, not to mention that this is an immortal beast that can only trigger the phenomenon of heaven and earth.

The four of them felt their scalps go numb just thinking about it. It was the first time they encountered such a difficult thing since they became immortals, so they tried their best to crack the space entrance.

It's just that before a few people thought about the direction to enter the space, the space changed one step earlier. The originally opened entrance suddenly began to vibrate, and the space around the entrance began to distort.

"The space is about to collapse, someone has subdued the immortal beast." I don't know who shouted. The immortals who were originally surrounding the entrance stopped one after another and looked at the center curiously.

The space is about to collapse, then Your Highness...

The four Xingjun felt tight, and became more and more anxious, but the next moment they saw that the entrance shook for a while, and a figure flew out of the sword slowly from inside.

It was their worried Highness Fengtian.

"His Royal Highness!" Xingjun Lanyi called out and flew over immediately, almost crying with excitement, "You finally came out?!"

The rest of the stars also went up to meet them, their eyes looking like searchlights, and they checked them carefully. They were relieved until they confirmed that there was no damage to the other party, "It's great that you're okay."

"Well." Jiang Ran nodded towards several people.

Several people still had expressions of fear on their faces, glanced at the space that was still collapsing, and couldn't help asking, "You... haven't encountered that fairy beast?"

"I met it." She smiled and said, "I'm just sorry, I couldn't conquer the fairy beast..."

"No no no, this is all our dereliction of duty." Xingjun Lanyi quickly replied, they had never thought that His Highness could conquer any immortal beast, "The most important thing is that Your Highness can return safely."

"That's right, it's great that His Highness is safe." Several other Xingjun also nodded.In fact, after seeing Immortal Venerable Yu Wei take action in person, they had no hope for immortal beasts. If they still hurt His Highness, they would have to go back to the Heavenly Palace to return to life.

Compared with the safety of His Highness, the immortal beasts are completely unimportant.

"So, the immortal beast was captured by Immortal Venerable... oh no, it was taken over by Princess Yuzheng." It was the immortals who were watching her, and when they heard her words, they showed such an expression. After all, Immortal Venerable came in person. .

"Come out, come out!"

I don't know who reminded, everyone's eyes immediately turned to look at the exit of the space, wanting to see the immortal beast for the first time.

Sure enough, the next moment, the two figures flew out from the inside. I saw the two of them riding the same sword. The person in front of them was dignified and dignified. Naturally, it was the Northern Cloud Immortal Venerable, but standing on his right. A... mad woman? ! !

There was a sudden silence in the audience, and all the immortals were startled.

No wonder everyone was surprised, but Yuzheng's current image was too shocking, her clothes were soaking wet, sticky drool was dripping from her body, her hair was messy, and her originally exquisite and elegant headdress was crooked.

More importantly, Xiao Mi is a big cat, and there are small barbs on the cat's tongue. Although Yuzheng Immortal's body will not be hurt by these barbs, but the head and face are repeatedly licked, and it is still on her face. A series of red marks were left on it, and the strands of hair were combed straight upwards.

That image is really...not the usual non-mainstream.

The space just collapsed too quickly, she didn't even think about sorting it out, and she was even thinking about how to release the fairy beast in front of the immortals to prove herself.

It wasn't until she saw the indescribable eyes cast by the immortals from Qi Shushu that she reacted violently.



A scream pierced the sky again.

(End of this chapter)

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