Chapter 9 The First Blind Date

"Your Highness, please come this way." Zi Heng stepped aside to lead the way.

"Oh, thank you." Jiang Ran adhered to the principle that as long as he is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed, and followed directly.

Xing Jun in front seemed to feel that the traces of the performance of this chance encounter were too heavy, his face turned red, and he became more and more nervous. He didn't even walk as firmly as before, and the fairy marks on his side were scattered all the way , covering the path that was already shrouded in fairy mist, making it even more difficult to see clearly.

Jiang Ran didn't have any cultivation base at all, so she couldn't dispel the fairy mist, and Qing Jue helped her dress up too solemnly and "heavily". It was so heavy that it made her neck sour.So he had to follow behind Zi Heng step by step, for fear that if he was not careful, he would be tripped and fell down.

One of them led the way, the other followed, and they were silent for a long time. Jun Xingxing, who was in front of him, seemed to have regained his composure, and said, "Hey, Your Highness is new to Tiangong, are you still getting used to it?"

"Yeah." Jiang Ran put all his attention on himself, and responded casually.

"The Xingqi Hall where I live is not far from the Fuyun Hall." Zi Heng made up his mind, and then continued, "If you have any difficulties, please tell Your Highness."


"Actually..." His face became hot, and he continued, "Your Highness and I have met before, and I was there when you were summoned to the fairy world that day." After finishing speaking, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, wondering Whether the other party has an impression.

But after waiting for a while, there was still a faint voice behind...


He couldn't help being a little disappointed. Although it was His Majesty's arrangement for the two to meet, he had been working hard to cultivate since before his ascension, especially when he achieved the position of Star King, he devoted himself to his immortal position .This is the first time to spend time alone with the opposite sex with a clear purpose, so naturally some expectations arose.

It's just that... His Highness doesn't seem to be very happy.

"Your Highness is honorable, and you have the oracle of heaven, which is extremely important to the Six Realms. Your Majesty is benevolent. Although this is for the sake of the Six Realms, I will definitely not ignore your wishes."


"Your Highness, don't have too many burdens. If you don't want to, no one can force you. I... the same way."


"Although the Six Realms are still relatively peaceful, there are many people who are interested. Although my cultivation is shallow, but fortunately, I am the King of the Laws and Laws who is in charge of the punishment of the Six Realms. Since I am lucky... I will not let anyone offend His Highness."


"So..." He is really not good at dealing with this kind of scene, the more he talks, the more nervous he is and he doesn't even dare to look behind Jiang Ran, but he has always been straight-tempered, not used to all kinds of beating around the bush, so he just gritted his teeth and planned to say everything in one go come out.

So he stopped walking and turned around abruptly, "Your Highness thinks that I..." What?

When he stopped suddenly, Jiang Ran, who was following closely behind him, was taken aback and couldn't stop at all. Due to the difference in height between the two of them, her precious gold hairpins were directly on the other's face.

Coincidentally, someone who was in a state of confusion and nervousness forgot to release the immortal energy for body protection.


There was only a bang, accompanied by two snapping sounds.

Ziheng's two bloody front teeth fell straight down, revealing two eye-catching holes.

Jiang Ran: "..."

Azusa Xingxing who had his front teeth knocked out: "..."

For a while, the two of them stared wide-eyed, and there was a suffocating silence at the scene...

Just when Jiang Ran didn't know how to speak, the smell of blood came from the other party's mouth, and he felt dizzy for a while, and passed out directly when his eyes went dark.

Well, no need to explain this time.


Floating Cloud Palace.

"Your Highness has nothing wrong with his body, but he has been contaminated with too much mundane turbidity for many years, and impurities have accumulated in his body, which makes his body weak, so he will faint when he is slightly stimulated." Beard opened his mouth.

"Uh..." Jiang Ran was just about to explain that her body was just a little dizzy, but Qing Jue next to her was startled and said first.

"How could it be? Your Highness has been eating food produced by spiritual energy these days. It stands to reason that no matter how many impurities have been eliminated, why did you suddenly faint?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, the Heavenly Emperor Mingxi next to her also looked at the Immortal Doctor, "Old Yao, what's going on?"

"Hey." The Immortal Doctor sighed, and continued, "Your Highness is not a fairy body, so she can't absorb much spiritual energy. In addition, she has an old disease, and she should be in a situation where her vitality is about to be cut off for a long time, resulting in a poor physique. It's a bit weaker than ordinary people."

"Life cut off?" Both Emperor Tian and Qing Jue were shocked, and turned to look at Jiang Ran. She had encountered such a thing before. Is Tianwai so dangerous?
Jiang Ran was stunned for a moment, remembering the ten years when he traveled back and became a vegetable, so he explained, "I had a serious illness five years ago."

The expressions of the two people beside the bed became more and more worried, and Ming Xi asked anxiously, "Is there a cure for that?"

"Her current body cannot be eradicated by ordinary medicines, and the elixir and elixir cannot bear it. It is really difficult." The medical fairy frowned and became a little embarrassed, "Unless she can improve her physique, if she can become a spirit body, The disease will naturally heal without medicine.”

Ming Xi carefully thought about ways to improve his physique. There are still ways to become a spirit body in the fairy world, but without exception, they have to go through pills, or formations, and the mortal body can't bear it at all. , let alone Fengtian.

There is only one method left.

"Fengtian..." Mingxi said with some hesitation, "Are you willing to cultivate to become a fairy?"

"..." Can you say you don't want to?No matter how she went around, she still got to this matter, she just wanted to show it off.

"Although it is always difficult for mortals to practice immortality, don't worry, I will definitely find the best teacher for you." Ming Xi was afraid that she would not be willing, so she quickly explained, "You just need to practice well and take care of your body. Don't be afraid, I will find the elixir and elixir to break through for you." Leaving aside combat power and magic, her body is the first element, and the savior is still waiting to be born.

"..." No, won't you mislead your disciples by persuading you to study the Fa?

"Of course, if you are interested in cultivation, it is also possible to become a celestial being." Ming Xi said with a persuasive face, "As long as you remember to take some time to spend more time with male immortals." It's best to pass by. have a baby.

Jiang Ran has black lines, knowing that after her relatives have passed away, she actually doesn't have much obsession with the original world.It doesn't matter whether she goes back or not. Originally, her plan was to love whoever she was, but anyway, she was messed up, and the life of a mortal is only a few decades. For a god, it may pass in an instant.I never thought about cultivating to become a fairy, living longer or something.

Who knew there was such a thing, was this forcibly prolonging her bad performance?
"My illness...must I become a fairy to be cured?"

"Isn't that so!" The medical fairy next to him explained at the right time, "Cultivation is the safest way, mainly to lead the spirit into the body and improve your weak physique. When your body can bear more spirit energy, even Even if you have not cultivated into an immortal body, even with the help of elixir, your physical weakness can be eradicated."

"Oh." That's fine, you don't need to work hard to practice, at worst, you can deal with it casually when the time comes.

(End of this chapter)

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