Chapter 95

"How?" Jiang Ran looked at Fan Chen who had just finished investigating the seal.

After returning to Zhentian Pavilion, the first thing they did was to check the seal of the entire Moyuan.

"It's not abnormal." Fan Chen shook his head. Whether it was the upper seal or the lower seal, it was exactly the same as when he left, and there was no change.

"That's weird..." Jiang Ran frowned, more and more confused.Could it be that the abnormality she felt during the fire in Qianling City was really just her illusion?Or are their previous guesses wrong?

"Ah Ran..." Fan Chen couldn't help but comforted, "Maybe we come back early, and the other party hasn't had time to start, so we can ask Hong Yi, what happened in the pavilion during the two days we left?"

Jiang Ran nodded, and did not continue to struggle with this matter. After all, it is a good thing to seal the integrity. He looked up and looked at the layers of seals ahead. The golden streamer reflected the dark abyss below into a golden color, but through the layers of the magic circle After that, the black aura can still be seen surging all the time.

"By the way..." She remembered something, turned her head to look at Fan Chen seriously, and said, "I've been wanting to ask you something, except what you said last time, that the seal was affected by the magic talisman and caused a riot, did it still appear before? What happened?"

Fan Chen was stunned for a moment, his face became unnatural for a moment, and the line of sight that had been looking directly at her subconsciously staggered, "Why... so ask?"

However, her brows wrinkled deeper, and she continued, "The longer I stay in Zhentian Pavilion, the more I feel that the power of this seal is draining too fast." Originally, she thought it was because of the long time. After all, thousands of years have passed, and the seal has Looseness is also normal.

But after careful observation, I felt that this array should not be so weak. This is the array that Tiandao taught her back then, and there was a trace of the power of heaven in it. For Tiandao, time has no meaning at all, let alone a thousand years. , There is no difference between ten thousand years and hundreds of millions of years. How could it be possible that after only a thousand years, it can be affected by a mere magic talisman.

"Did something else happen before the magic talisman triggered the seal riot?" She asked again, although it was a question, her tone was positive.

Fan Chen tightened his hand, then raised his head, looked at her with deep eyes, and said solemnly after a while, "A Ran... I said that after you left, we have been looking for you everywhere, naturally... Including here."

This is the place where her breath finally disappeared. Naturally, they could not wait to turn the entire sea area over. They didn't say that they didn't know that this was Moyuan at the time, and even if they knew, how would they care.


Jiang Ran had a black line, and then he realized that the first person to break the seal was actually Xiao Lianhua and the others.For a while, I only felt that the five flavors were mixed. It turned out that the reason why the seal was so much weaker than before, and it was still affected by the magic talisman, was because of myself.

"Forget it... Let's go back." She sighed, scratched her face in embarrassment, and pulled Xiao Lianhua away from the lower level of the sealed land. Forget it, if it's a big deal, she'll just stay here more in the future.


After checking the seal, Jiang Ran said goodbye to Xiao Lianhua, who went to ask Hong Yi about the recent situation in the pavilion, and went straight back to the yard. After lunch, he planned to take advantage of the free time to copy... Oh no, it was to finish some vacation homework.

But the amazing thing is that Qing Jue didn't prepare lunch for the first time. The table in the room was empty, not even a cabbage seedling.She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and went out to look for it, only to see Qing Jue sitting on the threshold of the kitchen in a daze.

She sat upright but her brows were deeply wrinkled, her face was rarely tangled and embarrassed, and she was holding a cabbage in her hand. There is no focal length, and I don't know where my mind wanders.

"Qing Jue... Qing Jue!" Jiang Ran called out several times until he reached out and waved in front of her.

She was stunned for a moment, then came over and turned to look at her, "Your Highness, you are back so soon! I...I'll cook now!" She subconsciously wanted to get up, but she moved too fast and got mixed up. It looked like he was about to fall to the ground.

"Take your time, why are you in such a hurry?" Jiang Ran quickly supported the person, pressed her back, turned around and sat on the same threshold, and swept the cabbage leaves from her body and said, " What's the matter with you? Is something wrong? Can I help?"

Qing Jue was stunned for a while, and her eyes immediately turned red when she looked straight at her, and she was faintly filled with water, she took a breath and said, "His Royal Highness... I just received a message from Tiangong Xiaoqingcai, she said... I have found the trace of Sister Radish, I...I..."

"..." What radish and greens?Jiang Ran listened to the vegetable market in her head, but seeing how excited she was, she could only soften her voice and asked, "Who is Xiaoqingcai?"

"It's Bi Cui next to Heavenly Emperor. She flew to the Immortal Realm with me." Qing Jue explained, "Not only her, but also mustard greens, coriander, broad beans, pumpkin..."

"..." Did you fly an entire vegetable garden back then?

Jiang Ranxi thought back on that, there was indeed a Tsing Yi Immortal Servant beside the Emperor, who should be the little green cabbage in her mouth, so he continued to ask, "Then... Who is Sister Radish?"

"Sister Radish is... the elder sister of everyone in our entire Xianlang Blessed Land back then." Qing Jue's eyes flashed with a hint of sadness, and she said solemnly, "Because we were born in a Blessed Land back then, there were a lot of people in the whole area. Plants are lucky to be enlightened. And Sister Radish is the first one among us to be enlightened and change shape, just..."

She paused, and her voice became more and more serious, "Sister Radish did not enter the immortal realm like us, but because we entered the demon..."

Qing Jue then explained the cause and effect. It turned out that she was born in a place called Xianlang Paradise.Although it is located in the demon world, it is a rare fairyland, and the location is extremely hidden. The spiritual power is so strong that many plants have opened their wisdom and understood the method of cultivation.

Originally, they all wanted to cultivate immortals, and they had no plans to become demons.But such a blessed land will naturally arouse the coveting of others.Decades after their enlightenment, some demons discovered this place.

Not only did it break into the blessed land, it even coveted the spiritual power in them, even knowing that they were enlightened, and wanted to eat them and turn the spiritual power into cultivation.But they are all cultivating the immortal way, and they can't change shape before they become immortals, and they have no resistance at all.

When Qianjun was fired, the radish spirit with the highest cultivation level among them, desperately turned the whole body's spiritual power into demon power, directly transformed into a demon, repelled the monster that broke into the blessed land, and has since entered the demon path.

Since then, the radish demon has also given up on becoming an immortal, and has been guarding in the blessed land, watering the vegetables, catching insects, etc., and protecting their untransformed kin.

It's just that one day, this radish sister went out to inspect the blessed land and never came back.Until many of their companions became immortals, they could not see each other again.Although the mind is clear, the other party may be dead, but every once in a while, these little sisters, they can't help but inquire about the other party's news.

Until this Apocalypse Festival, Fairy Beicui accidentally learned from an immortal that she had seen a demon clan similar to their sister radish in the demon world, so she sent a letter to Qing Jue.

(End of this chapter)

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