Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 112 Battalion Commander, I Didn't Expect You To Be An All-rounder

Chapter 112 Battalion Commander, I Didn't Expect You to Be a Generalist (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)

Independent camp.

After receiving the notice, the company commanders rushed over one after another.

Their faces were full of excitement, because every time battalion commander Wang Chengzhu said that an emergency meeting would be held, it meant that the independent battalion would have combat operations.

And this is also an opportunity for the independent camp to improve their lives and eat meat.

After everyone arrived, Wang Chengzhu looked around with sharp eyes and said, "I believe you are all curious, why did I call you all of a sudden?"

Before everyone could open their mouths, Wang Chengzhu asked himself and answered, "That's right, my independent battalion will soon have another combat operation. This time, the target is not a certain stronghold of the devils, but a transportation team of the devils."

"Genzi, tell the brothers what you have detected."

Originally, within the Eighth Route Army, people generally called each other comrades, but as a time traveler, Wang Chengzhu felt that brothers were more affectionate, so he habitually called everyone brothers.


Wang Shugen promised, then stood up, and told everyone the information he found in detail.

After listening, Deputy Battalion Commander Xu Hailang took the lead and said: "Battalion Commander, right now our independent battalion is in short supply of military uniforms, and it is indeed a good idea to rob the devils of these sewing machines and raw materials and start a military uniform factory by ourselves.

I think this deal can be done!

However, even if there is a machine, no one will step on it. Where are we going to recruit workers? "

Wang Chengzhu smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I am the best at stepping on machines! I can be responsible for the training of the employees of the military uniform factory.

After the opening of the military uniform factory, each company will implement the bottom elimination system, and those who are at the bottom of the training and fail to pass will be sent to the clothing factory to step on the sewing machine! "

Hearing this, Liu Qiang, the commander of the artillery company, was surprised and said: "I really didn't expect that our battalion commander is still a generalist, and he can even step on a sewing machine."

"No, it seems that there is no problem that can stump our battalion commander!"

The rest of the people followed suit.

"Okay! Now discuss the battle plan."

With that said, Wang Chengzhu stood up, came to the combat map hanging on the wall, pointed at the map with a baton and said: "Look, the devil's transport team wants to transport the sewing machine from Taiyuan to Heyuan County, it must be will go this way."

"And Jigong Ridge, Black Tiger Cliff, and Jiaoziding are the most suitable positions for ambushes.

Which location do you think is the best for us to choose? "

Wang Chengzhu took the baton and hit each of these positions a few times.

Everyone stared at the map for a while, some said Jiaoziding, some said Heihuya, but no one mentioned Jigong Mountain.

Wang Chengzhu waited for a while and said, "What if I say that I plan to ambush at Jigong Ridge?"

Everyone fell silent and began to think about Wang Chengzhu's intentions.

After a while, it was Xu Hailang who spoke first again: "Battle Commander, Jigong Ridge can be used as an ambush site, but the terrain of Jigong Ridge is far less dangerous than places like Heihuya and Jiaoziding. Should we set the ambush site as an ambush site?" Are these positions more appropriate?"

Wang Chengzhu is not afraid of his subordinates' opinions, because it proves that they are thinking about the problem. Even if the opinions are wrong, it also proves that they have room for improvement. A group of incompetent people.

The reason why he proposed three positions for everyone to choose, instead of directly saying Jigongling, is to cultivate the strategic vision and tactical guidance ability of his subordinates.

Because there are not too many soldiers in the independent battalion now, when there are combat operations, he can still command them personally.

But as the army grows, there will be more and more troops. He, the battalion commander, can't lead the team to charge at any time, can he?
Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the strategic vision and tactical guidance ability of subordinates so that they can have the ability to be independent in the future.

Wang Chengzhu pointed at the map with his baton, and explained: "In terms of terrain, Heihuya and Jiaoziding are indeed much more dangerous than Jigong Ridge, and they are more suitable for ambushes."

"But don't forget, the Devils only have a transportation team, plus a company of the Imperial Association Army. We are fighting for wealth this time, so the problem of the dangerous terrain is secondary.

What's more, besides annihilating the enemy army, our goal this time is to capture those sewing machines and supplies.

The terrain of Heihuya and the top of the sedan chair is too dangerous, which means that we need to place the ambush farther from the road, which greatly increases the possibility of stray bullets damaging the sewing machine. "

"Since the terrain of Jigong Ridge is not dangerous, we can place the ambush closer to the road. This will not only effectively kill the enemy, but also ensure that the sewing machine will not be damaged as much as possible!"

"The most important thing is that Jigong Ridge is deep in the enemy-occupied area, and there are several devil strongholds within 5 kilometers. In addition, the terrain is not dangerous, so the devil transport team definitely would not have thought that we would set up an ambush there.

Invisibly, the success rate of the ambush is greatly increased! "

"So, to set up an ambush, it is not necessary to choose the most dangerous position, but to choose the most suitable position according to the situation!"

"I understand!"

Xu Hailang nodded thoughtfully, and the rest of the people also showed a sudden look.

The reserve company commander Zhao Hong's admiration for Wang Chengzhu also increased a bit. The opponent's strategic vision and tactical guidance ability are completely inferior to his own.

Wang Chengzhu: "Okay! The ambush location has been selected, now let me talk about the battle plan."

"Jigongling is located deep in the enemy-occupied area, so we should not send too many troops, nor too few.

If it is too much, it will easily expose the target, but if it is too little, it will not be possible to wipe out the devil's transport team in the shortest time.

In particular, if one or two devils escaped and escaped from the encirclement to report, the consequences would be serious. "

"So, I plan that the Spike Special Forces and the company will be in charge of this combat operation."

"After dark, the deputy battalion commander and Duan Peng immediately led the troops to take the path to Jigong Ridge and wait for the enemy to enter the encirclement."

"Jigongling is still 20 kilometers away from Heyuan County. If there is no accident, the devil's transport team will arrive here at noon."

"After the battle is over, the special operations team immediately disguised themselves as devils and opened the way ahead, destroying the devil checkpoints along the way."

"As long as you return to the occupied area of ​​our army, the rest will be easy."

"As for the rest of the companies, they will stay at the station and strengthen training at the same time. When these sewing machines are delivered back, those who fail the training will go to the military uniform factory to step on the machines!"

"do you understand?"


The crowd agreed in unison.

"This is the end of the meeting, adjourn!"


Everyone stood up together, saluted Wang Chengzhu, and left the battalion headquarters...

(End of this chapter)

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