Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 125 New 1st Regiment's Independent Battalions Gather in Dongyang Village

Chapter 125 The Independent Battalions of the New First Regiment Gather in Dongyang Village ([-])

On the mountain ridge on the left side of Dongyang Village.

Seeing that the devils at the bottom of the mountain did not chase the villagers, but swarmed toward the foot of the mountain like a tide, a company of soldiers immediately stopped their advance, and looked for a suitable location nearby, relying on rocks, trees, etc. as shelters, to build firepower fortifications .

This is a good thing in the mountains, there are bunkers everywhere, and there is no need to deliberately dig trenches.

A platoon leader looked at Xu Hailang who was not far away and said, "Company commander, there are a lot of devils in this team. It seems that there is indeed a large team."

Xu Hailang: "Don't panic, our task is to cover the retreat of the people of Dongyang Village, not to wipe out this devil."

"In addition, I have already reported this matter to the battalion commander. At the same time, the second company, third company, cavalry company and other departments are also on their way, and they will arrive here in a short time."

"Now we have the advantage of the geographical advantage. As long as the reinforcements arrive, then these devils will die!"

"Give me an order to disperse the platoons as far as possible, and each find a favorable terrain to defend against the attack of the devil's artillery!"

"Machine gunner, once the devils attack, concentrate your firepower and hit me hard!"


The messenger next to him promised, and then passed on Xu Hailang's order.

The ghosts of Yamazaki Brigade were very fast, and they rushed to the foot of the mountain in a short time.

"Warriors of the empire, attack, attack! Kill the Chinese Tubalu on the mountain, and kill the chicken!"

With the order of the former enemy commander, hundreds of devil infantrymen rushed up the mountain ridge under the cover of machine gun fire, shouting the slogan "onboard, onboard".

Unfortunately, these little devils still underestimated the combat effectiveness of the [-]st Company of the Independent Battalion.

Although the first company is only a company in name, its total strength is close to 400, comparable to a battalion.

And the equipment is not bad. The heavy machine guns are equipped to the platoon level, and the light machine guns are equipped to the squad level. Some squads even have more than one. All the light and heavy machine guns add up to more than 30.

In addition, each squad is also equipped with at least one grenadier.

Of course, the class of the independent camp is not an ordinary class, the number of people is at least more than 20, and the platoon has more than 60 people.

"Tut, chug, chug, chug..."

"Crack, clap clap..."

Before the devils from the Yamazaki brigade rushed to the middle of the mountain, there was a burst of intense gunshots on the mountain, and then dense bullets poured down to cover them.

At the same time, one after another, smoking grenades also flew down, exploding one after another as soon as they landed.


"Boom, boom, boom!—"

The devils who had no time to dodge suddenly screamed and fell down. These little devils died in different ways, some were killed by dense bullet rain, some were killed by grenades, and some were injured by grenade fragments.

"Hidden, hidden!"

The rest of the devil soldiers immediately dispersed, looking for a nearby bunker to avoid, and then began to raise their guns to fight back.

In this way, although the casualties of the Yamazaki Brigade were stopped, the offensive also collapsed.

Yamazaki Zhihei, who supervised the battle in the rear, saw that the troops' attack was blocked, and couldn't help frowning: "The combat effectiveness of this Eighth Route Army is really good. It seems that it is undoubtedly an independent battalion. No wonder it can repeatedly attack the stronghold of our Imperial Japanese Army!"

"Order the first squadron to turn around from the left, and the second squadron to turn around from the right!"

"After they are in position, each squadron will launch an attack at the same time!"

"Hi Yi!"

Several ghost messengers promised, and then ran forward quickly.


On the other side, after 20 minutes of raiding, the monkey finally reached Sunjiazhai, and told the sentinel on duty about the situation of the devils going to the countryside to sweep up.

After listening to the monkey's words, the sentinel didn't dare to delay at all, and immediately led the monkey to find Zhang Dabiao, the battalion commander who personally trained the big sword and sword skills in the training ground.

"Battalion Commander, something is wrong, the devils are here to clean up!"

Hearing this, Zhang Dabiao was startled and asked, "Where are the devils, and how many people are here?"

The monkey said: "Battle Commander Zhang, there are a lot of devils here, at least several hundred of them, and they are now in our Dongyang Village. Hurry up and take people to rescue the elders and folks in our village!"

Zhang Dabiao of Dongyang Village knew about it. He also formed a militia team in Dongyang Village at that time. However, the devils came to hundreds of people. Obviously, the few broken guns of the militia team could not withstand it. The team has been wiped out.

Not to mention the militia, even his first battalion probably won't work well.

But the villagers of Dongyang Village had to save them!
After pondering for a moment, Zhang Dabiao gritted his teeth and shouted: "Notify all companies and platoons to assemble quickly and rush towards Dongyang Village!"

"In addition, send a few more people to inform the Second Battalion, the Third Battalion, and the Independent Battalion that I, Zhang Dabiao, have stewed a pot of meat in Dongyang Village, and invite them to come and taste it!
Tell them to be quick, late and there will be no soup! "

A devil army of hundreds of people, this is a big piece of fat, if it is eaten up, at least the strength of the first battalion can be doubled.

However, Zhang Dabiao also knew that his weight was too heavy. With the strength of the first battalion alone, he obviously couldn't eat this piece of fat, so he had to invite the rest of the battalions to help out...

After receiving the order, the companies and platoons of the first battalion immediately stopped their training and rushed towards Dongyang Village one after another.

At the same time, several signal soldiers also rode towards the headquarters of the second battalion, the third battalion, and the independent battalion respectively.

Since Li Yunlong checked the battalions last time, Zhang Dabiao, Shen Quan, and Wang Huaibao also knew the location of each other's battalion headquarters.

During this time, they even conducted several joint operations.

However, the 20nd and [-]rd battalions were located far away from Sunjiazhai, but Wang Chengzhu's independent camp was less than [-] kilometers away from Sunjiazhai.

Before Zhang Dabiao asked for help, Wang Chengzhu had already received the information from the reconnaissance company.

When he learned that more than a brigade of devils had gone to the countryside to sweep, he immediately realized that this was an opportunity to practice.

After all, it is easy to find a large group of devils, but it is not easy to find a large group of devils who are alone.

So he decisively led the fourth company, the fifth company, and the artillery company to dispatch, leaving only the reserve company to guard the garrison.

In addition to the battalions of the new regiment, the independent regiment also noticed the fat of the Yamazaki brigade.

Since the first battle in Yangcun, Ding Wei and Kong Jieke have been trying to find ways to develop the army and get rid of the label of making dough.

Therefore, Ding Wei also sent a large number of scouts to collect intelligence.

The scouts of the independent regiment also reported the situation to the regiment headquarters immediately after discovering the Yamazaki brigade where the lone army had penetrated deeply.

At this time, Ding Wei and Kong Jie were also on their way to Dongyang Village with their troops.


Three more bursts, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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