Chapter 145

In order to lure devils from Luliang, Jiaxian, and Fangshan counties into the camp as soon as possible, the independent battalion gradually increased its attack power. As a result, the pressure on the Yamazaki brigade was also increasing.

Looking at the shells that kept falling down, Yamazaki Zhihei's face became more and more ugly: "Baga! I really underestimated the fighting power of this Eighth Route Army!"

After cursing secretly, Yamazaki Zhihei asked Kobayashi Jiro on the side again: "Kobayashi-kun, where are the captain and the others?"

Kobayashi Jiro replied truthfully: "Reporting to the captain, the joint captain has led the 6th Battalion to Lion Mountain, and the 7th Battalion has arrived near Dadong Ridge. As for the imperial army in Fangshan County, it is a little far away. It’s only near Yuanyang Mountain!”

"Lion Rock and Dadong Ridge?"

Yamazaki Zhihei immediately looked at the map and found Lion Rock and Dadong Ridge on the map.

"If there are no accidents, the 6th and 7th Battalions of the Imperial Army will arrive at Lijiapo in at most an hour!"

"Although the offensive of this Chinese army is fierce, it shouldn't be a problem for us to hold on for another hour!"

"Give me an order, no matter what the cost, we must withstand the attack of the Tuba Road! We must not let it rush to the top of the mountain!"

"Artillery squadron, be ready to fire at any time!"

"Hi Yi!"

The ghost messenger next to him nodded heavily, then turned and left to deliver the order.

The reason why Yamazaki Zhihei is confident to persist for another hour is because the hole card of the artillery squadron has not been used yet.

The reason why he has not used this hole card is also very simple, that is, the firepower of the artillery squadron is far less than that of the independent battalion. If it is used rashly, it may have a miraculous effect and catch the independent battalion by surprise.

But in this way, the artillery position will definitely be exposed, and then it will be countered by artillery fire from the independent battalion, so he wants to use this hole card at the most critical moment.


On another hill, Wang Chengzhu was watching the attack of the Fourth Company and the Fifth Company.

The fourth and fifth companies were supported by artillery companies. Although they preserved their strength, their offensive was still fierce.

However, they did not rush straight to the top of the mountain in one go, but started a positional battle with the devils halfway up the mountain, and then used the rocks and terrain on the mountainside as cover to push forward little by little, and from time to time they would tactically move backwards Back off a little.

While this put enormous pressure on the Yamazaki brigade, it also gave the opponent a glimmer of hope.

At this time, Wang Shugen, the commander of the reconnaissance company, suddenly ran over from the foot of the mountain in a hurry, stood up and saluted Wang Chengzhu and reported: "Report!"

Wang Chengzhu: "Speak!"

Wang Shugen: "According to the intelligence sent back by the scouts ahead, the devils who came for reinforcements from Luliang, Jia County, and Fangshan County have already exchanged fire with our defense forces.

Because our army seized the dangerous position in advance and set up an ambush, very good results were achieved at the beginning of the battle. "

"Especially the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army, Commander Chu Yunfei, as you expected, Battalion Commander, set up an ambush in their defense area and stopped the devils from Fangshan County for us."

Wang Chengzhu was not surprised by this, because he knew Chu Yunfei's character. Chu Yunfei was different from most other national army officers. In the face of the righteousness of the family and the country, Chu Yunfei will not hesitate to choose the righteousness of the family and the country.

At least, during the unified war of resistance, they will never harm friendly troops.

In the TV series "Bright Sword", when the Battle of Ping'an broke out, Chu Yunfei sent troops to intercept the devil's reinforcements, and said the classic line that was widely circulated: No matter who is fighting Ping'an, I 358 The group must help out.

Because of this sentence, Chu Yunfei also got a famous nickname: Chu Bangchang!
After a pause, Wang Shugen continued: "In addition, the 771st and 772nd regiments seem to be rushing to the front lines such as Shizishan and Dadongling. It seems that the regiment leaders have also come."

Wang Chengzhu: "The 771st Regiment, 772nd Regiment and regiment leaders have all been dispatched. It seems that the brigade headquarters has received the news."

"Don't worry about it, since the fish has been hooked, we can also catch the net!"

"Give me an order, and the artillery company will fire at full force immediately, and wipe out as many devils as possible on the top of Lijiapo.

And ordered the second company, third company, fourth company, and fifth company to prepare for the attack, and immediately launched a full-scale attack after the artillery company's shelling ended, and the battle must be ended within an hour! "


The messenger made a promise, then turned and ran down the mountain.

Xu Hailang: "Battalion Commander, are we in a company?"

Chen Xiao: "Battalion Commander, our cavalry company?"

Xu Hailang: "Your company suffered heavy casualties in the previous battle, and the cavalry company, as a special unit, should not participate in such a tough battle.

So as a reserve team, wait for the rest of the companies to rush to the top of the mountain, and you will dispatch again! "

Chen Xiao: "It's time to dispatch. Isn't that the only way to collect the devil's corpse?"

Wang Chengzhu's face sank and he said, "This is an order!"


Chen Xiao straightened his body, and suddenly agreed.

Artillery company positions.

After receiving the order, Liu Qiang, the company commander, suddenly burst into a cheerful smile that he couldn't hide: "Is it finally possible to open up your hands and feet and blow it up once?"

"Pass me the order, the artillery company, immediately fire at full power!"


The messenger made a promise, then quickly ran to the position, and instructed: "Artillery company, fire at full speed, get ready!"

After receiving the order, the main gunner immediately began to adjust the firing angle to aim, and the ammunition hand immediately brought the shells.

The [-]-type infantry gun is a rear-loading artillery. After the main gunner took over the shells from the ammunition hand, he immediately loaded them into the barrel and closed the gun door.

The 60-type light mortar and the [-] mortar are front-loading artillery. The shells are loaded directly from the muzzle and fired directly after hitting the primer, so the main gunner did not load directly after receiving the shells.


The messenger gave an order and waved the command flag in his hand heavily.

After receiving the order, the main shooter of the Type [-] infantry gun immediately pulled the firing rope, while the artillerymen of the mortar directly inserted the shells from the muzzle into the barrel.


"Tom tom tom tom!—"

More than [-] artillery shells of various calibers, after leaving a cloud of choking smoke, spun away from the barrel at high speed one after another, and bombarded towards the top of Lijiapo Mountain two kilometers away.


"Boom boom boom boom!—"

One high-explosive grenade fell to the ground and exploded one after another, immediately blasting out scorched earth craters of different sizes on the top of Lijiapo Mountain.

Large expanses of sand, gravel and soil were scattered and scattered everywhere with the impact of the explosion, and the devil soldiers near the impact of the shells were affected one after another, or they were directly blown out with their guns, or they were looted away. grenade fragments hit.

Countless casualties in a short time...

(End of this chapter)

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