Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 148 Wang Chengzhu's plan shocked Li Yunlong

Chapter 148 Wang Chengzhu's plan shocked Li Yunlong

When the Independent Battalion launched a general attack on Lijiapo, Li Yunlong had brought the guard Huzi to a place only two kilometers away from Lijiapo.

Li Yunlong was very curious as to why Wang Chengzhu was able to develop the artillery platoon to a scale of more than 1000 people in just one month.

He also wanted to see Wang Chengzhu's tactical command ability. Seeing that the independent battalion had launched a general attack, he immediately came to a position with a wide view and observed carefully with a telescope.

Soon, Li Yunlong saw some clues, and couldn't help admiring: "This Wang Chengzhu is really a good material for war, and he can come up with such a unique offensive tactic."

Hu Zi, a guard on the side, asked curiously: "Regimental Commander, why do I feel that the tactics of the Independent Battalion are so disorganized? You can see that their soldiers are so scattered that they can't concentrate their firepower at all. Just made it to the top of the mountain.”

Li Yunlong: "That's because you are stupid, you can't see the clues! When the independent battalion attacked, although the formation was a little loose, it was very organized."

"You see, the distance between each of their fighters is basically the same, even if they are moving forward, it is also maintained like this, and the same is true between the combat groups.

This shows that the formation of the independent battalion is not loose, but deliberate. "

"The advantage of this is that it can greatly reduce the casualties of encountering heavy fire such as enemy machine guns and artillery during the attack."

"In the past, when our Eighth Route Army launched an attack, the soldiers basically gathered together and rushed forward in a swarm. The Devil's machine guns swept away a large area, and the Devil's artillery blasted a large area."

"But now, the independent battalion can greatly reduce casualties by setting up such an offensive formation. Moreover, their cooperation is also very tacit. When a combat team is suppressed by firepower, the next combat team will immediately provide fire support. Devils counter-repress."

Li Yunlong has rich combat experience, so it is easy to see the extraordinaryness of the three-three system tactics.

Hu Zi was still a little surprised: "Regimental Commander, are you really as amazing as you say? It is clear that the independent battalion has the upper hand in terms of firepower and troops, so that they can tear through the devil's defense line and rush to the devil's position."

Li Yunlong: "You know what! Where did the independent battalion's weapons and equipment come from? Could it be pulled out from the latrine? If Wang Chengzhu had no means, how could he get so much good equipment?"

"Hey! By the way, when I mentioned this, I thought of something. Didn't Wang Chengzhu say that the independent battalion is about to be closed? Why is there a war here? These guys are more lively than each other?"

"Damn it! I've been hunting wild geese all day long, and my eyes were pecked! The last time I was in Wangjia Village, I was fooled by this kid, Wang Chengzhu!"

"Let's go, let's go! Find Wang Chengzhu!"


As the main force of the independent battalion rushed to Lijiapo, there was no suspense in this battle. In the end, even the first company and the cavalry company rushed up to enjoy themselves.

Of course, when they rushed up, they could only collect the corpses of the devils from the Yamazaki brigade.

And Li Yunlong, led by scouts from the Independent Battalion, came to the attack position of the Independent Battalion.

After hearing the news, Wang Chengzhu immediately went up to meet him: "Hey! Captain, what wind brought your old man here?"

Li Yunlong's face darkened and he scolded: "I said who in Northwest Shanxi is so courageous, the movement of feelings is really caused by you, Wang Chengzhu!"

Wang Chengzhu was taken aback: "Head, what do you mean by that?"

Li Yunlong: "Do you know why we came here? That's because the boss called the regiment headquarters of our Xinyi regiment!"

"You're so fucking happy, you broke the sky, but in the end you let me wipe your ass!"

"If it weren't for the boss, we really didn't know that you had such a great ability to attract devils from Luliang, Jia County, and Fangshan County. Aren't you afraid of setting yourself on fire?"

Of course, this is Li Yunlong pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner, because the boss is looking for the brigade commander, and the brigade commander is looking for him.

Wang Chengzhu said with a sneer: "Although this movement is a bit big, isn't it to help you complete the task and develop the new group?

Besides, didn't the boss promise us that we don't need to report all the combat operations in the past three months?Otherwise, we would not dare to act without authorization. "

Li Yunlong was almost amused: "This movement is a bit big? Could it be that the devils in Taiyuan are also dispatched to make a big movement?
Yes, the boss always promises that our Xinyi regiment does not need to report on the combat operations here and within three months, but that refers to ordinary small-scale operations.

You're almost breaking the sky, how can you expect the boss to show mercy?
We don't care, anyway, you provoked this matter, if the boss blames it, I will push you out! "

Wang Chengzhu: "Regimental Commander, I originally thought about handing over the devil's equipment that I just seized from this brigade to a part of the regiment headquarters, but since you said so, then I might as well hand over all these equipment to the boss!"

Hearing this, Li Yunlong was almost stunned: "What are you talking about, the equipment of a brigade of devils?"

Soon, Li Yunlong seemed to have thought of something, and continued: "You mean, your independent battalion just wiped out a brigade of devils?"

Wang Chengzhu: "Not bad!"


After receiving Wang Chengzhu's affirmative answer, Li Yunlong immediately gasped. He knew exactly how powerful the devil's fighting power was.

At least for the new group before Cangyunling, it was almost impossible to defeat a devil brigade in a head-to-head confrontation, let alone eliminate it.

In Cangyun Ridge back then, it was only by chance that they found the headquarters of the Sakata Regiment and blew it up, so they were able to break through.

But even so, in the battle of Cangyunling, the casualties of the Xinyi Regiment were far greater than those of the Sakata Regiment.

Now that the Independent Battalion has wiped out a brigade of devils so easily, how strong is the combat effectiveness of the Independent Battalion?
At first, when Li Yunlong observed from a distance, he only thought that the independent battalion had surrounded a small army of the devils, at most a reinforced squadron, but he never expected that it had surrounded an entire brigade.

"No wonder the devils are in such a hurry, they all rush to Hexi Township in a swarm. It turns out that there is a large group of devils surrounded by us!"

After sighing, Li Yunlong asked again: "By the way, Zhuzi, why did this group of devils appear here, and what about the reinforcements from Luliang, Jiaxian, and Fangshan counties?"

"The situation is like this..."

Immediately, Wang Chengzhu sent the Yamazaki Brigade to the countryside to mop up, and was surrounded by the Independent Battalion, as well as the rest of the Xinyi Regiment, and the Independent Regiment came after hearing the news, and finally followed Wang Chengzhu's suggestion to encircle the devils to help them. Tell the original story again.


(End of this chapter)

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