Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 185 Prison robbery, 1 trick, eating all over the world, wearing a devil's military unif

Chapter 185 Prison robbery, a fresh move, eating all over the world, wearing a devil's military uniform, it is convenient!

The leader, the devil captain, saw a group of people rushing in, couldn't help but his face sank, and he scolded: "Baga! You broke into the headquarters without asking for instructions. Who told you to come?"

However, what responded to him was a sharp dagger. By the time the devil's staff and communication soldiers reacted, Wang Chengzhu, Chu Yunfei and others had already bullied them.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of 'puchi' sounds of daggers piercing the flesh.

After killing the devil's staff and communications soldiers, Wang Chengzhu said: "Brother Yunfei, search the devil's headquarters to see if there is any valuable information."

"Genzi, take the devil's radio station and code book, and then lead two brothers to search the residence of Hirata Ichiro. This old devil has been in Heyuan County for a while, and he must have searched for a lot of people's hearts and minds. Let's come Now, you can’t make a trip in vain.”

"The rest follow me to the prison!"

When Chu Yunfei heard Wang Chengzhu's words, he couldn't help being speechless for a while, he is a miser, and he never forgets to rob houses to take advantage of them.

However, being speechless, Chu Yunfei still didn't say much.

Each act according to the plan.

The prison is located underground.

Because they were wearing devil military uniforms, Wang Chengzhu and his party walked in with a swagger.

Soon, several devil guards guarding the prison found Wang Chengzhu and the others, and immediately changed their expressions, and asked, "Stop, who are you working for? What are you doing in the prison?"

Wang Chengzhu responded in Japanese: "Officer Ikeda was worried that an enemy would sneak attack on the prison, so he sent us over to strengthen the prison's defense force."

Staff Officer Ikeda was the devil captain in the headquarters. After Wang Chengzhu killed him, he learned his name through his military officer certificate.


The ghost guards had already learned that Hirata Ichiro and others were assassinated in Juxian Tower, so they had no doubts about Wang Chengzhu's words, and even felt a sense of security because of their arrival.

Wang Chengzhu turned his head and gave Monk Wei and the others a wink, then took out a pack of cigarettes, stepped forward and distributed them to several devil guards.

"Come on, smoke a cigarette and refresh yourself!"

For men, cigarettes are hard currency and a necessity at any time.

Not only can it be refreshing, but it can also make people forget their fears.

Therefore, in wars, alcohol is generally prohibited, not smoking.

The ghost guards had just finished smoking their cigarettes, and when they saw the cigarettes in Wang Chengzhu's hand, their eyes lit up, and their affection for him increased a lot.

"Yo Xi!"

The ghost guards took the cigarettes from Wang Chengzhu, took out their matches, lowered their heads, and started to light their cigarettes.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Monk Wei and the others had already rushed forward, drew out their daggers and slashed at the necks of the devil guards.



The Devil Sentinels just lit the cigarettes in their mouths, and before they had time to take a puff, they felt a sharp pain in their necks.

They subconsciously covered their necks with their hands, then raised their heads and looked at the 'companion' in front of them with a look of astonishment, not understanding why the other party would attack them.

He opened his mouth, wanting to question, but in the end, only blood foam kept gushing out of his mouth.

"Baga! Who do you guys work for?"

Two devil guards came back from patrolling the depths of the prison. When they saw this scene, they subconsciously took off the rifle on their shoulders, and then pulled the bolt to prepare to pull the trigger.

However, Wang Chengzhu took out the pistol from his waist first, then quickly pulled the trigger, and fired two clean shots.

"Ah, ugh!!"

Plasma exploded from the heads of the two devil guards, and they fell to the ground in response.

It's not that Wang Chengzhu doesn't want to use cold weapons to deal with these two devils, but the main reason is that the distance is too far, exceeding 15 meters.

Fortunately, the prison is underground, and the city is already in chaos, with gunshots and shouts of killing everywhere, so there is no need to worry about the problem being exposed.

"Baga! Enemy attack!"

In the depths of the prison, several other devil guards heard the gunshots and immediately ran over with their guns in hand.

When they saw Wang Chengzhu and his party in military uniforms, they were stunned for a moment, and in this moment, Wang Chengzhu, Wei Monk and others had already pulled the trigger.

"Crack, clap clap clap!—"

After a burst of gunfire, the devil guards in the prison screamed and fell to the ground.

"Monk, quickly, open all the cells!"

Wang Chengzhu took out the key from the dead devil guard and threw it to Monk Wei.


Monk Wei promised, took the key, and opened each cell one by one.

Wang Shugen's information was obviously wrong, because there were not only the member of the underground party in the prison, but three or forty people were detained, including guerrillas, special agents, some national army officers, and some anti-Japanese fighters. Patriots.

These people were dressed in ragged clothes, and their bodies were covered with bloodstains. Obviously, after being captured by the devils, they all suffered inhuman torture.

"Who is Liu Mou?"

Wang Chengzhu asked loudly to the crowd.

Liu Mou was the arrested member of the underground party.

Hearing Wang Chengzhu's words, a middle-aged man covered in injuries walked over from the crowd: "I am Liu Mou, who are you?"

Because Wang Chengzhu and others were wearing devil's military uniform, when Liu Mou looked at Wang Chengzhu, there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

He was worried that this was a bitter trick used by the devils to extract information about other underground party members from him.

Not only Liu Mou, but everyone else looked at Wang Chengzhu warily.

Wang Chengzhu glanced at the crowd, and said: "I am Wang Chengzhu, the commander of the Independent Battalion of the New First Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. The reason why I wear the devil's uniform is to rescue you."

"I'll talk about the rest when I go out, quickly pick up your weapon, and follow me out of here!"

"You are Battalion Commander Wang Chengzhu?"

Wang Chengzhu's name has already spread throughout Northwest Shanxi, and everyone has naturally heard of him.

After listening to Wang Chengzhu's self-introduction, everyone immediately felt relieved, and immediately stepped forward to pick up the weapons dropped by the devil.

Liu Mou came up to Wang Chengzhu and said, "Battalion Commander Wang, Officer Zhu of the Xinyi Regiment was also arrested by the devils, have you rescued him too?"

Wang Chengzhu: "Officer Zhu? Zhu Ziming?"

Liu Mou: "That's right, that's him! A few days ago, Officer Zhu and I were arrested by the devils together. However, Officer Zhu was not imprisoned in the prison of the Devil's Gendarmerie. I don't know where he was locked up."

Hearing this, Wang Chengzhu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. In the TV series "Bright Sword", it was Zhu Ziming who couldn't bear the devil's torture to extract a confession, and finally surrendered to the devil and became a traitor.

Then he cooperated with the Yamamoto Special Forces to destroy Li Yunlong's independent regiment headquarters, killed more than 300 innocent villagers in Zhaojiayu, and led to the arrest of Li Yunlong's newlywed daughter-in-law Xiuqin, and finally died tragically under the Italian artillery of the second battalion commander.

It can be said that this series of tragedies were all caused by Zhu Ziming, a rebellious cub...

PS!The third one is even later, because the third child’s body has not recovered yet, so the writing is a bit slow, my benefactors are sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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