Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 212 The situation is urgent, Li Yunlong leapfrogs the report

Chapter 212 The situation is urgent, Li Yunlong leapfrogs the report

Independent camp.

As soon as Wang Chengzhu came back, Wang Shugen, the commander of the reconnaissance company, rushed out to greet him: "Battle Commander, you are finally back."

Wang Chengzhu: "Are you aware of the information Zhu Ziming conveyed to the devil? Go in and talk."

After finishing speaking, Wang Chengzhu walked into the battalion department.

Wang Shugen followed up and said, "That's right, the investigation is clear. He told the devils the location of our Eighth Route Army headquarters. Moreover, that devils are the Yamamoto Special Forces that attacked the headquarters in Daxiawan last time."

"That guy Zhu Ziming doesn't feel any guilt about surrendering to the devils and becoming a traitor. After passing information to the devils during the day, he is only worried about being exposed because he is worried about being exposed."

Hearing this, Wang Chengzhu's face darkened immediately: "Damn it, it's a good thing I kept an eye on it, otherwise if the Yamamoto Special Forces were to approach our Eighth Route Army headquarters, with the elite combat power of this devil, our headquarters might not be able to return to the headquarters." It's really dangerous."

Wang Shugen: "Battle Commander, what should we do now? Are we going to arrest Zhu Ziming directly and hand him over to the organization?"

Wang Chengzhu thought carefully for a moment, and said: "No! Since ancient times, only a thousand days can be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against a thief.

If the Yamamoto Secret Service is not eliminated, it will always be a disaster for our Eighth Route Army. "

"If we arrest Zhu Ziming and hand it over to the organization, then this matter will definitely be noticed by the Yamamoto Special Team.

There is no crisis in the headquarters for the time being, but the Yamamoto Secret Service is still a sharp knife hanging over my Eighth Route Army headquarters.

That being the case, why don't we just give him an Infernal Affairs and use our tricks, and when the Yamamoto Special Forces strikes, we just pull the net open and wipe him out in one fell swoop? "

Wang Shugen: "But, is this too risky?"

Wang Chengzhu: "There is a little bit of risk. In this case, I will report this matter to the head of the team first and see what he has to say."

Immediately, Wang Chengzhu left the battalion headquarters and went straight to the regiment headquarters.

At that time, Li Yunlong was about to go to bed, and when he saw Wang Chengzhu rushing over, he couldn't help wondering, "Zhuzi, what's the matter with you coming to the regiment headquarters so late?"

"Captain, it's like this..."

At that moment, Wang Chengzhu told Li Yunlong the ins and outs of the whole matter in detail.

After hearing this, Li Yunlong's expression darkened immediately: "Damn it! I never thought that this Zhu Ziming would surrender to the devil and become a traitor! Fortunately, you discovered it in time, otherwise the situation would have been dangerous."

"No, I will notify Lao Ding and Lao Kong to arrest this bastard right now!"

Wang Chengzhu said: "Leader, wait a minute, arresting Zhu Ziming is a small matter, protecting the headquarters, and eliminating this Yamamoto secret service team is a big deal.

You listen to me first. "

Li Yunlong: "Tell me."

Wang Chengzhu: "My plan is to use all the tricks to lure this Yamamoto secret service into our encirclement, and then wipe it out in one fell swoop."

"Of course, this matter is very important. We can't make the decision, and you can't make the decision either. You have to report it to the headquarters to see what the boss wants."

"He said he would fight, and he said he would transfer."

"In addition, the Yamamoto Special Team likes night raids very much, and it may launch operations tonight, Commander, no matter what, you have to prepare early!"

Li Yunlong: "I'll call the headquarters right away."

Immediately, Li Yunlong came to the telephone and said to the communication soldier on duty: "Call the headquarters immediately."


The communications soldier made a promise, and immediately began to dial the number by shaking the dial of the telephone.

Originally, the independent regiment was not qualified to directly call the headquarters. If something happened, it had to go through the brigade and division, and then report to the headquarters layer by layer.

But now that the situation is urgent, Li Yunlong can't take care of so much anymore.

"Hello!" The call was quickly connected, and the operator's voice came.

Hearing the sound, Li Yunlong immediately picked up the phone and said, "I'm Li Yunlong, head of the 386th Brigade Xinyi Regiment, pick me up at the headquarters immediately, I have something important to report to the boss."

The operator hesitated and said, "Commander Li, why don't you get the report from the brigade department first?"

Li Yunlong's face darkened, and he scolded: "If you are asked to pick up the headquarters, you will pick up the headquarters for me immediately, cut off the fucking nonsense, what time is this, and you are still talking about those rules with me, let me tell you, this matter is very important , if the fighter plane is delayed, you can't afford to walk around."

"Okay! I'll pick up the headquarters right now."

The operator knew Li Yunlong's character, which was notoriously hot. At the same time, he also knew that if the situation was not urgent, Li Yunlong would not directly report to the higher level.

Start connecting now.

Soon, the phone was connected, and the message from the communications officer at the headquarters came from the other end: "Hello, hello, this is..."

Before Li Yunlong could finish his sentence, he interrupted impatiently: "I am Li Yunlong, the head of the new regiment of the 386 Brigade, where is the boss, are you asleep?"

The communications soldier was confused by Li Yunlong's question, but he still replied: "Not yet."

Li Yunlong: "I haven't slept well yet, let the boss come over to answer the phone quickly, and tell him that I have important information to report to him."

"Leader Li, wait a moment."

The communications soldier explained something, then got up, walked to the desk not far away, and reported to the boss: "Boss, Li Yunlong, the head of the new regiment of the 386 brigade, called and said that he has important information to report to you."

"Li Yunlong called me?"

The boss was taken aback for a moment, he knew Li Yunlong's character, since the other party made a phone call in the middle of the night, he must have important information, so he stood up and walked towards the phone.

Before the phone was hung up, the boss picked up the phone and said, "Li Yunlong, what's the matter with calling so late?"

Li Yunlong's voice quickly came from the other end of the phone: "Boss, the situation is like this. There is a traitor from the Independence Regiment named Zhu Ziming. He has revealed the location of our Eighth Route Army headquarters to the Japanese army..."

After Li Yunlong reported the situation to the boss in detail, he also told about Wang Chengzhu's opportunity.

The boss fell into deep thought, because although he had never seen the Yamamoto Special Forces, he had experienced the strength of the opponent.

At that time in Yangcun, the Independence Regiment paid the price of hundreds of casualties, but they did not cause any casualties to the other side.

However, fortunately, the independent regiment moved to Yangcun at that time, otherwise the headquarters would be in danger.

The boss thought for a while, and said in a solemn tone: "Is Wang Chengzhu sure of defeating the Yamamoto secret service?"

Hearing this, Li Yunlong turned his head and glanced at Wang Chengzhu next to him. Seeing Wang Chengzhu nodding at him, he gritted his teeth and said, "Wang Chengzhu said he was sure!"

"At Maple Leaf Ridge, it was the Yamamoto Secret Service Team led by Wang Chengzhu to ambush. In addition, Wang Chengzhu's troops also fought face to face with the Yamamoto Secret Service Team in Qingshan Prisoner-of-War Camp, and eliminated a dozen or [-] devil agents in the frontal battle. .”

"In order to deal with Yamamoto's secret service team, Wang Chengzhu followed suit and formed a similar special forces team."

"So, if we want to find a unit in our Eighth Route Army that can deal with the Yamamoto Special Forces, the only one is Wang Chengzhu's unit."


(End of this chapter)

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