Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 233 The Independent Regiment Meets the Special Agent Team Yamamoto Again, the Proud Kong Jie

Chapter 233 The Independent Regiment Meets the Special Agent Team Yamamoto Again, the Proud Kong Jie
Independent regiment defense zone.

After the outpost troops of the independent regiment discovered the Yamamoto special team, they immediately blocked it with firepower.

However, it is a pity that they were not the opponents of Yamamoto's special team when they were not superior in number, and more than ten people were killed or injured soon.

After the situation was wrong, the first company commander of the fourth battalion stationed here immediately sent someone back to the regiment headquarters and reported the situation to the deputy commander Kong Jie.

Independent regiment.

After listening to the messenger's report, Kong Jie let out a puff of smoke ring: "What? You said that your Fourth Battalion and Company were attacked by devils wearing strange military uniforms near Huangniling?"


The signal soldier nodded heavily: "This army of devils is very well equipped, all automatic firearms. In just one encounter, our company lost more than a dozen brothers."

"Fortunately, we occupied favorable terrain ahead of time, so we didn't lose ground, but I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for too long."

"Special Team Yamamoto! It must be the special team Yamamoto who attacked my Independence Regiment in Yangcun back then! It's really a narrow road for enemies!"

Through the introduction of the messenger, Kong Jiedang even judged the identity of the Yamamoto special team.

In the first battle of Yangcun, the independent regiment suffered hundreds of casualties, but only one helmet of the opponent was left behind.

Afterwards, Kong Jie was criticized by the boss for being a pig-like conductor, and the independent group was also criticized for distributing dough. If Ding Wei hadn't pleaded for mercy, he would have been sent to feed the horses.

The battle of Yangcun was undoubtedly a great shame for Kong Jie. Since then, Kong Jie has been holding back a bad breath in his heart.

Although he also wiped out many devils later, he lost the place in the hands of the Yamamoto Secret Service, and if he doesn't get it back from the Yamamoto Secret Service, his bad breath will be hard to get rid of.

Therefore, when he learned that the Yamamoto Special Forces had broken into the territory of the independent group again, Kong Jie was more excited than fearful.

Because the chance for revenge has finally come.

Of course, Kong Jie had seen the combat effectiveness of the Yamamoto Secret Service, and he didn't think that the fourth battalion alone was the opponent of the Yamamoto Secret Service.

However, the current Yamamoto special team has just finished attacking the headquarters, with more than half of the casualties and a lot of ammunition consumed.

Coupled with the long journey, the physical exertion is also very serious, and it is daytime again, and the Yamamoto Special Forces cannot carry out a surprise attack. As time goes by, the Fourth Battalion may not be without the possibility of defeating the Yamamoto Special Forces.

Thinking of this, Kong Jie immediately raised his voice and shouted: "Order!"


Soon, a messenger walked in quickly from the outside. He saluted Kong Jie and asked for instructions: "Regimental Commander!"

Kong Jie: "Order all the companies of the Fourth Battalion, as well as the special agent company directly under the regiment headquarters, and the guard platoon to assemble immediately! Target Huangniling!"


The messenger made a promise, then turned around and walked out the door.

Soon, all the units of the Independent Regiment were assembled. After Kong Jie briefly mobilized, he led his unit to Huangniling.

Ten minutes later, when Kong Jie led his troops to Huangniling, the battle here was over.

Kong Jie found the first company commander of the Fourth Battalion and asked, "First company commander, where are the devils from the Yamamoto Special Forces?"

The first company commander: "Report to the deputy commander, this devil seems to have no intention of fighting. After encountering our army, they didn't get too entangled, so they retreated back."

Kong Jie: "Which direction are they retreating?"

The first company commander: "Southeast, because their firepower is too fierce, they may cause too many casualties, so I didn't dare to pursue them deeply."


Kong Jie muttered to himself, then took out the map and began to study it quickly.

"Hulu Gorge! These devils want to go to Hulu Gorge to rescue the trapped 9th Brigade!"

Soon, Kong Jie deduced their strategic intentions through the retreat direction of the Yamamoto secret service, and then asked, "How long have these devils been gone?"

Company commander: "About 5 minutes."

"5 minutes, there's still time!"

Withdrawing his thoughts, Kong Jie immediately gave instructions: "Zhoujiapo, go to Zhoujiapo immediately, take the trail and stop these devils, and we must not let them go to Huluxia!"


After the order was issued, the troops directly under the Fourth Battalion and the Independent Regiment headed towards Zhoujiapo under the leadership of Kong Jie.

Since the area around here was the defense area of ​​the independent regiment, and Kong Jie was very familiar with the surrounding terrain, Kong Jie arrived at Zhoujiapo half an hour later before Yamamoto's secret service team.

Of course, they weren't too far ahead.

Even before the fortifications could be built in the future, the shadow of the Yamamoto Special Forces appeared in the col a few hundred meters ahead.

Kong Jie is well aware of the strength of Yamamoto's secret service team. This group of devils not only have precise marksmanship and fierce firepower, but also cooperate with each other very tacitly.

Of course, the Yamamoto Special Team is not without its weaknesses, that is, although the firepower of the submachine gun is fierce, its range is limited, only about 200 meters, which is far less than that of rifles and light and heavy machine guns.

At the same time, due to the need for mobile operations, the Yamamoto Special Forces did not carry heavy firepower weapons.

Therefore, as long as they rely on the advantage of heavy firepower to block the Yamamoto Special Forces 200 meters away, it will be difficult for them to exert their combat effectiveness.

Thinking of this, before the devils from Yamamoto's special team approached, Kong Jie immediately issued a combat order: "The machine gun team suppresses firepower, everyone, immediately fire with full firepower, and beat me hard!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Da da da!--"

"Crack, clap clap clap!—"

After receiving the order, the Eighth Route Army soldiers of the Independent Regiment set up their guns as quickly as possible and pulled the trigger decisively.

All of a sudden, there were gunshots, and the dense bullets, engulfing Kong Jie's anger, went straight to the mouth of the mountain a few hundred meters away and poured over it.

Due to the lack of live ammunition training, the Eighth Route Army soldiers of the Independent Regiment were far inferior to the Japanese soldiers in marksmanship. Except for some soldiers with shooting talents, it was difficult for the rest to even hit humanoid targets 100 meters away.

However, as long as the firepower is strong enough, it is enough to cover up the disadvantages of their lack of marksmanship, which is the case at this time.

Dense bullets poured over, and the mountain pass not far away was immediately covered with smoke and dust. Several devil agents who were exploring the way in front of their heads were also hit by stray bullets, and fell to the ground screaming one after another.

"Not good! There are Chinese troops ahead!"

The ghost agents who followed immediately stopped in their tracks.

"Baga! Damn it!"

Kazuki Yamamoto was a decisive person. He simply looked at the mountain in front of him and gave the order to retreat: "Retreat, don't get entangled with this Eighth Route Army, go around from other places!"

So, after leaving a few corpses behind, the Yamamoto special team turned around and left without even firing a single shot.

The nearby scouts discovered the situation and immediately ran to Kong Jie to report: "Deputy commander, these devils have run away again?"

Kong Jie had already fully understood the other party's mind, he sneered and said: "Don't worry, these devils can run away, monks can't run away from the temple!
As long as they want to go to Hululing, they can't escape from Lao Tzu's palm! "


(End of this chapter)

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