Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 240 The Price!Independence Battalion suffers heavy casualties

Chapter 240 The Price!Independence Battalion suffers heavy casualties
In the canyon, the little devils of the 9th Brigade were all tortured by peppers and couldn't open their eyes, and became a group of blind men.

Coupled with the panic in their hearts, they could not exert one-tenth of their combat effectiveness.

Some little devils waved their weapons indiscriminately, causing many accidental injuries.

It's too easy to hit a blind man.

The soldiers of the new regiment swarmed forward, stabbing at the little devil's heart, lower abdomen, and neck and other fatal vital parts with each knife.

Many little devils just opened their eyes and wanted to see the surrounding situation clearly, but they felt a sharp pain in their chests. They lowered their heads suddenly, only to realize that at some point, a glaring bayonet had pierced their chests. Body.

With the sharp withdrawal of the bayonet, a large stream of blood gushed out like running water without money.

Then, a sense of powerlessness flooded their minds, their eyes went dark, and their consciousness was swallowed by endless darkness.Immediately, the body went limp uncontrollably.

Massacre, this is completely a one-sided massacre,

Soon, hundreds of little devils were either pierced through their bodies, or their necks were cut off, blood flowed across their faces, and they fell to the ground like dead dogs.

The defeat of the army is like a mountain, and this is also applicable to the little devil.

At this time, the little devils had no fighting power at all. When they tried to open their eyes and vaguely saw the surrounding situation, they immediately ran towards the east exit of the canyon as if fleeing.

Escaping is also contagious. As some little devils escaped first, more and more little devils also joined the fleeing army.

In their view, they don't have to defeat the pursuing Eighth Route Army, as long as they run past their companions, they can save their lives.

The road at the bottom of the canyon is not easy to walk, there are rocks everywhere, because it is difficult to open the eyes for a while, many little devils either slipped on the soles of their feet, or fell to the ground directly, they crowded each other, and many stampede incidents occurred .

Some of the rocks were quite sharp, and as their companions continued to step on them, the chests and heads of these little devils were directly cut by the sharp rocks, and they were either dead or injured, and they all let out screams.

The scene became extremely chaotic for a while.

The new group of soldiers behind took advantage of the victory and pursued, stabbing those who were close with bayonets directly, and shooting those who were far away with bullets.

For some little devils who fell to the ground and were injured, they would unceremoniously make up for it.

In the canyon, in order to run faster, the little devils of the 9th Brigade were no longer limited to running along the cliff, and many little devils even ran to the middle of the canyon.

In this way, they were completely exposed to the guns of the soldiers of the independent regiment on the top of the mountain.

Many fighters in the Independence Regiment had been persecuted by the little devils, and they would not show mercy, so they decisively pulled the trigger according to the gang of little devils.

"Tug, chug, chug, chug!"

"Crack, clap clap clap!—"

The dense bullets poured over, and the little devils in the canyon fell into a pool of blood screaming like a knife cutting wheat.

Some soldiers from the Independence Regiment also fired grenades and dropped them. These grenades fell into the pile of devils and exploded into a large area.

Facing the front and back attacks of the Xinyi Regiment and the Independent Regiment, the morale of the little devils of the Japanese 9th Brigade was extremely low. They could not think of resistance at all, so they could only continue to run towards the east exit of the canyon and continue to become the Xinyi Regiment. A living target for the fighters of the Regiment and the Independent Regiment.

Along the way, some little devils were either hit by bullets, blown up by grenades, or accidentally fell down and were pierced through the back by the Eighth Route Army soldiers chasing up...

"Baga! Stop, stop, there is machine gun fire from the Eighth Route Army at the exit of the canyon. Yamamoto-kun's reinforcements haven't arrived yet, so we won't be able to get out even if we escape there."

Kazuo Watanabe looked at the subordinates who kept falling, his heart felt like a knife was being twisted, and his face was extremely ugly, so gloomy that water could almost drip.

However, no matter how he yelled at him, the little devils around seemed to have not heard his order, and they were still running madly towards the east exit.

"Communication soldier!"

"Communication soldier!"

A communications soldier with a Taipower on his back squeezed through the chaotic crowd, came up to Kazuo Watanabe and asked for instructions: "Brigade Commander, are you looking for me?"

Kazuo Watanabe: "Give power to Yamamoto-kun immediately, explain the situation here to him, and then ask him to break through the blocking line of the Eighth Route Army of China as quickly as possible, and rush over to provide us with tactical guidance."

The devil's communications soldier looked at the situation in front of him and said with an ugly face: "Brigade Commander, I'm afraid this will be very difficult."

Kazuo Watanabe's face sank, and he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Ghost signaler: "Brigade Commander, there is no signal at the foot of this cliff. I want to generate electricity, so I have to go to an open place, but look..."

The devil's communicator pointed to the nearby open space, which was crowded with fleeing soldiers, and there would be bursts of bullets pouring down from time to time, so there was no space or opportunity to send telegrams.

Kazuo Watanabe glanced around with his red and swollen eyes, and also noticed this situation.

However, if they don't ask for tactical guidance right now, there will be only a dead end waiting for them, so he scolded, "Go to an open area to generate electricity immediately, and I will let the guard squadron cover you!"

"Guard Squadron, immediately cover the signal soldiers to generate electricity!"

"Hi Yi!"

As soon as the order was issued, the Devil's signal soldiers came to the open area in the middle of the canyon under the cover of the guard squadron.

Dozens of devil soldiers from the guard squadron pulled up a cordon to separate some little devils who fled.

The communications soldier kept blinking to make himself feel as comfortable as possible, while constantly changing positions, looking for signals.

Finally, after searching for half a minute, he found a location with a signal, immediately fiddled with the radio, and started to generate electricity for Kazuki Yamamoto.

"Didi, Didi, Didi—"

The devil's communicator manipulated the radio, tapped his fingers continuously, and finally sent out the complete telegram after 1 minute.

And at this moment, a large rain of bullets suddenly poured towards this side like plowing the ground.

The devil's communicator didn't have time to dodge, he was hit straight, and fell to the ground on his back.

At this time, the new regiment from behind was about to pursue them.

Kazuo Watanabe had no choice but to flee towards the east exit of the canyon with the army under the protection of the guards.


The front of General Ridge.

Kazuki Yamamoto has commanded the 22nd Infantry Regiment and the Kuroshima Cavalry Regiment to surround Wang Chengzhu's independent battalion.

Under the front and rear attack of the two Japanese regiments, the casualties of the independent battalion were very serious, exceeding 30%.

From the perspective of modern warfare, if the casualty rate of a general army reaches 20%, it will be in danger of losing combat effectiveness, and 30% is the casualty rate limit recognized all over the world.

If the casualties exceed 30%, the battle cannot be fought.

As strong as Germany in World War II, once the casualties exceed 30%, the troops will lose their combat effectiveness.

However, the Japanese army, which was brainwashed by militarism and Bushido ideology, would not be defeated even if the casualty rate reached 50%. This is an anomaly in the history of war.

The 9th Brigade of the Japanese Army, which was besieged in the Hulu Gorge, was an exception. After all, they had never confronted the Eighth Route Army from the very beginning, and had always been passively beaten.

Just like a wild boar, even if it is ferocious, after falling into the hunter's trap, and being attacked by the hunter with various means one after another, it will lose its temper and lose its wildness.

Of course, China also has no shortage of hard-core troops, especially in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, many volunteer troops did not retreat or surrender until the last one.

Although the independent battalion suffered heavy casualties at this time, it was far from being defeated and losing its combat effectiveness.

Moreover, because they occupied the favorable terrain in advance, the casualties of the little devils were only a lot more than theirs...

(End of this chapter)

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