Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 311 The independent battalion develops and replenishes personnel, expands the arsenal

Chapter 311 The independent battalion develops and replenishes personnel, expands the arsenal

12 o'clock noon.

Wangjiacun Houshan school grounds.

Except for the seriously wounded, all the soldiers of the companies of the Independent Battalion arrived at the scene. They lined up neatly, and all their faces were filled with the confident expressions of victors.

A gust of cold wind hit, and the military uniforms on the soldiers rattled.

All the soldiers were carrying steel guns, their bodies were straight and their eyes were like torches, waiting for the inspection by battalion commander Wang Chengzhu.

Although the Independence Battalion suffered more than half of the casualties in the last few battles, the Japanese suffered more casualties, and the Independence Battalion was the winner every time.Even Masao Nishiyama, the brigade commander of the 4th Brigade of the Japanese Army, died in the hands of the Independent Battalion.

After repeated vicious battles, the soldiers of the Independent Battalion are no longer the ignorant recruits when they first joined the army, but have become veterans who have survived the bloody battle.

Those who have ghosts in their hearts, just seeing this battle will make their calves go weak with fright.

There was only one group of soldiers who seemed out of place with the main force of the independent battalion. It was not because their formation was not neat enough, nor was their expression serious enough.

The main reason is that they lack the self-confidence and murderous aura exuded from the inside out by the veterans of the independent battalion.

They are Song Hongwei's 3rd Battalion of the Imperial Association Army, which is now the 6th Company of the Independent Battalion, and Song Hongwei is the commander of the 6th Company.

Not long after, there was a sound of sonorous and powerful footsteps beside the school grounds. Everyone subconsciously looked for the reputation, and saw the battalion commander Wang Chengzhu walking towards the front of the school grounds with a simple loudspeaker.

Seeing this man, everyone couldn't help but show admiration in their eyes, and subconsciously straightened their bodies.

Under the eyes of everyone adoring, Wang Chengzhu strode to the high platform in front of the team and saluted everyone.

After everyone returned their salutes, Wang Chengzhu glanced around like a falcon, and said: "From the battle of the Huting stronghold to today, our independent battalion has gone through a series of vicious battles. Although we have won, many brothers have also left. us.

However, their sacrifices are worthwhile, because of their sacrifices, we have greatly hit the arrogance of the Japanese invaders in Northwest Shanxi, protected the people in Northwest Shanxi from the slaughter of little devils, and won the development of our Eighth Route Army. lot of time. "

"These brothers are all heroes, the heroes of my independent battalion, the heroes of the entire Xinyi Regiment and even the entire Eighth Route Army, and even our Chinese national heroes."

"I, Wang Chengzhu, am proud to have soldiers and brothers like them!"

"We will not forget them, and neither will the common people!"

"The road they haven't finished, we will continue to walk for them! Until all the little devils are wiped out!"

"Now, we observe three minutes of silence for those brothers who sacrificed their lives to defend their country."

After finishing speaking, Wang Chengzhu lowered his head towards the proposed loudspeaker in his hand.

On the school field under the stage, the soldiers of the Independence Battalion followed suit one after another.

The entire school ground was silent, and the breathing of the soldiers of the Independence Battalion could not even be heard, and even the cold wind stopped.

About 3 minutes later, Wang Chengzhu raised his head, and the soldiers of the independent battalion on the school field also raised their heads one after another.

Wang Chengzhu turned his head, fixed his eyes on the direction of the 6th company, and said: "The brothers from the 6th company have just joined my independent battalion and may not know me yet. Let me introduce myself here first, my sire Wang Chengzhu."

Speaking of this, Wang Chengzhu paused for a moment and then continued: "From this moment today, I will be your battalion commander.

Now that the country is in crisis and the nation is in crisis, our soldiers should swear to the death to defend every inch of the country, our country, and our national dignity!
From now on, if you join my independent camp, you will be Wang's brother, and I can't guarantee you will get promoted and get rich.But as long as we go to the battlefield in the future, no matter what happens, I guarantee that I will never abandon you, even if it is a sea of ​​swords and swords, Wang will advance and retreat with all brothers!Same life and death!If there is a promise, both humans and gods will punish it!

You can also shoot me black in the back! "

Wang Chengzhu said these words more than once, almost every time when recruits join the army, Wang Chengzhu would say something to the recruits, which seems to have become Wang Chengzhu's special speech to welcome the recruits.

But even after listening to it many times, as long as Wang Chengzhu said these words again, the soldiers of the independent battalion would involuntarily burst into excitement.

Because Wang Chengzhu's words are by no means as simple as just talking, he has always done this, and his words and deeds are consistent.

Song Hongwei has long heard of the outstanding achievements of the Independence Battalion and the great reputation of Wang Chengzhu. He has already regarded Wang Chengzhu as an idol.

Otherwise, when he was in Wanjia Town yesterday, his cousin Xu Hailang would not have agreed to the other party's invitation as soon as he opened his mouth, and rebelled against the water and joined the independent camp.

At this moment, Song Hongwei, who admired endlessly, was like a passionate young man adoring fighting heroes in the 21st century. Almost as soon as Wang Chengzhu's voice fell, he immediately took the lead in responding: "We swear to live and die with the battalion commander, and live and die together!"

"Swear to live and die with the battalion commander! Live and die together!"

"Swear to live and die with the battalion commander! Live and die together!"

"Swear to live and die with the battalion commander! Live and die together!" The other soldiers of the independent battalion present also raised their arms and shouted in unison.

The monstrous sound waves converged into strands, soaring straight into the sky, inspiring people's hearts.Invisibly, Wang Chengzhu, the famous anti-Japanese war god in Northwest Shanxi, has won the initial favor and good impression of the soldiers of the 6th company...

There are more than 6 people in the 300th company, plus veterans, the total strength of the independent battalion has more than 1600 people.

With so many troops, it can definitely be regarded as a super reinforced battalion, and even some regiment-level combat units only have more than 1000 people.

However, before the Battle of Huting stronghold broke out, the total strength of the Independent Battalion was nearly 3000 people.

Therefore, for the independent battalion, 1600 people are still in a state of very serious attrition.

Next, Wang Chengzhu plans to recruit a group of new recruits while developing the militia to supplement the strength of the independent battalion and restore the strength of the independent battalion.

But before that, Wang Chengzhu decided to take the production lines of Type [-] rifle bullets and Type [-] grenades out of the system space and put them into production.

With its own production line, the independent battalion no longer has to worry about ammunition.

Of course, it is obviously impossible to directly take out the production line out of thin air.

The method, Wang Chengzhu, has already thought of a way, that is to capture a devil stronghold, and then put the two production lines and raw materials in the devil stronghold, and then let the soldiers of the independent battalion transport them back to the base area.

In this way, although it will take a lot of effort, the two production lines can be cleaned up so that others will not discover his secret.

However, it is obviously impossible to attack ordinary devil strongholds, because the bullet production line is also very important equipment for devils, how could it appear in a small stronghold?
Therefore, Wang Chengzhu fixed his sights on the Fangshan County Railway Station, 50 miles north of Wanjia Town...

(End of this chapter)

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