Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 320 Kazuki Yamamoto: With all due respect, the 1 system tactics are just talking on paper

Chapter 320 Kazuki Yamamoto: With all due respect, the three-three system tactics are just talk on paper


Japanese 1st Army Headquarters.

Although the Japanese army did not take any action to curb the development of the Eighth Route Army during this period, it has been monitoring the actions of the Eighth Route Army, and even dispatched many spies as recruits to infiltrate various departments of the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, almost every day, a large amount of information was sent to the desk of Yoshio Shinozuka, commander of the Japanese First Army.

Therefore, Shinozuka Yoshio knew almost everything about the actions of the Eighth Route Army.

However, watching the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi region develop and grow unscrupulously under his nose, Shinozuka Yoshio could not see any expression fluctuations on his face.

Because the 1st Army's plan to encircle and suppress the Chinese army in the southeast of Shanxi is about to enter the stage of closing the net.

At that time, not only the southeast of Shanxi, but also the entire Shanxi, and even the entire Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei region of the Chinese army will be completely wiped out.


Time flies by.

Soon another week passed.

During this period of time, Wang Chengzhu did not recruit new soldiers, but devoted his energy to the military training of the soldiers.

In addition, the "Three-Three System Tactics" also began to be fully promoted in various departments of the Eighth Route Army.

Naturally, this matter could not be hidden from the eyes of the ghost spies, and they immediately reported the news to Yoshio Shinozuka.

"Three-Three System Tactics" was a very advanced product for 1940.

If it is an ordinary Japanese army officer, they only believe in large corps operations, and they will definitely not take this set of tactics seriously.

No matter how sophisticated your tactics are, I only use absolute troops and firepower for flat push.

But Yoshio Shinozuka's thinking is obviously different from theirs, otherwise, he would not reuse Kazuki Yamamoto who studies special operations topics.

In particular, when he learned that the "Three-Three System Tactic" was invented by Wang Chengzhu, he realized that this tactic is not simple.

Yoshio Shinozuka is studying "Three-Three System Tactics" carefully in order to find a way to crack it. After all, the results of the independent battalion before are obvious to all.

At this moment, Chief of Staff Jun Miyano suddenly rushed in from the outside: "Your Excellency, Commander, are you looking for me?"

Shinozuka Yoshio raised his head and said, "Miyano-kun, you came just in time, come and see these."

After finishing speaking, Shinozuka Yoshio handed over the information about "Three-Three System Tactics" in his hand.

Jun Miyano glanced at the document in his hand, and asked suspiciously: "Your Excellency, Commander, is this information about the China Army in Southeast Shanxi?"

Jun Miyano has recently focused on the southeast of Shanxi, so he subconsciously believes that this information is related to their "cage policy".

In fact, not only Jun Miyano, but almost the entire First Army has recently focused on the southeast of Shanxi.

Yoshio Shinozuka didn't explain, but raised his hand and said, "Miyano-kun, you have to read it first before talking."

Toshi Miyano saw that the Commander Yoshio Shinozuka was so mysterious, so he stopped talking, and carefully read the documents in his hand.

After seeing the content on the information, Miyano Toshi's brows immediately knit together.

Immediately with the passage of time, Miyano Jun's expression became more and more dignified.

After about 10 minutes, Miyano Toshi finally read the entire document carefully, and closed the folder again.

Shinozuka Yoshio slowly put down the teacup in his hand, and said, "Have you finished reading?"

Miyano Toshi: "It's over."

Yoshio Shinozuka: "What do you think?"

Miyano Jun: "This Wang Chengzhu is really a military genius, he can think of such a subtle tactic."

Yoshio Shinozuka: "Miyano-kun, do you really think this tactic is very subtle?"

Jun Miyano was taken aback, thought for a moment, and then continued: "I am stupid in my job, and I can't fully understand the mystery of this tactic. But looking at the results of the independent battalion of the Eighth Route Army of China, it seems to confirm the innocence of this tactic. Simple."

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded his head deeply, "If the Eighth Route Army Independent Battalion really used this tactic in previous battles, it would indeed prove that this tactic is not simple."

Jun Miyano asked in surprise, "Your Excellency, are you not sure about the mystery of this tactic?"

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded heavily, but he did not pretend to understand.

Miyano Jun: "If that's the case, I can recommend someone to you. He may be able to see through this tactic and think of a way to break it."

Yoshio Shinozuka: "You mean Kazuki Yamamoto?"

Miyano Jun nodded: "Not bad!"

Shinozuka Yoshio was thoughtful: "This tactic seems to have some similarities with Yamamoto-kun's special operations. Maybe he can really see this tactic and think of a way to crack it."

Thinking of this, Shinozuka Yoshio immediately raised his head and shouted at the door: "Communication soldier!"

"Hi Yi!"

Soon, a communications soldier walked in quickly from the outside, he gave Yoshio Shinozuka a sharp pause, and asked for instructions: "Your Excellency, Commander, please give me instructions."

Yoshio Shinozuka: "Call Kazuki Yamamoto immediately, ask him to come to the headquarters, and tell him that I have something important to see him!"

"Hi Yi!"

The devil's communicator paused again, then turned and left the headquarters...

Yamamoto Special Forces camp.

At that time, Kazuki Yamamoto was personally training the secret service.

In the Battle of Lingyang, the Yamamoto Special Service Team was successively blocked by the Spike Special Forces and the Independent Regiment. The casualties were very serious, and even the establishment was almost disabled.

However, the boat is easy to turn around.

The Yamamoto Special Forces has not many troops. As long as Kazuki Yamamoto is still there, it will not be difficult to reorganize. The only difficulty is that it is difficult to find suitable soldiers.

Fortunately, with the full support of Shinozuka Yoshio, the Yamamoto Secret Service team completed the replenishment in a short time.

After the Battle of Huluxia, Kazuki Yamamoto has been carrying out targeted intensive training for the secret service team.

However, due to the rush of time, the quality of these soldiers is much worse than that of the old members of Yamamoto's special team.

But talk is better than nothing.

At this moment, after receiving the instructions from Yoshio Shinozuka, Kazuki Yamamoto did not dare to delay at all, immediately set up camp and drove to the headquarters of the 1st Army...


"Come in!"

Kazuki Yamamoto straightened his collar and strode into the headquarters.

"Your Excellency, are you looking for me?"

After finishing speaking, he nodded to the Chief of Staff Miyano Toshi next to him to express his respect.

Shinozuka Yoshio: "Yamamoto-kun, come, let me show you a file."

After finishing speaking, Shinozuka Yoshio picked up the documents on the tea table next to him.

Kazuki Yamamoto stepped forward quickly, picked up the information, and read it carefully.

Ten minutes later, Yoshio Shinozuka saw that Kazuki Yamamoto had finished reading the materials, so he asked, "Yamamoto-kun, what do you think of the "Three-Three System Tactics" invented by Wang Chengzhu?"

Kazuki Yamamoto said with a blank expression: "Your Excellency, please forgive me, in my opinion, Wang Chengzhu's "Three-Three System Tactics" is just talk on paper, and it has no arbitrary meaning for large-scale operations."


(End of this chapter)

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