Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 333 Monk Wei: Battalion Commander, Didn't You Teach Me Not To Empty Thieves?

Chapter 333 Monk Wei: Battalion Commander, Didn't You Teach Me Not To Empty Thieves?

Wang Chengzhu withdrew his gaze, and said slowly: "We met this devil cavalry when we were in Jiangjunling."

Duan Peng recalled violently: "Regimental Commander, you mean, this devil cavalry is the Black Island Cavalry Regiment?"

Wang Chengzhu nodded: "Not bad!"

Monk Wei suddenly became interested: "This is really a narrow road to the enemy! When we were in Jiangjunling, these grandsons made our independent camp suffer a lot. Commander, should we fuck the fuck first? Take some interest from these little devils first."

Wang Chengzhu said coldly: "Monk Wei, do you still remember the purpose of our independent camp?"

Monk Wei: "It is necessary. You said that our independent camp does not engage in loss-making business. As long as the gunshots are fired, we must get some benefits back. It doesn't matter what it is, whether it is weapons and equipment, or food and clothing. all will do.

Too much is not too much, and too little is not too little, but we can’t have nothing. "

Wang Chengzhu pointed at the devil's stronghold, and pressed a large group of devil cavalry, and said, "Then do you think we can benefit from these devils?"

Monk Wei fell silent.

With their skills, it is not a big problem to kill a few devils with black guns while the devils are not paying attention.

It is not a big problem to retreat completely.

But in doing so, the target would be exposed, and today's reconnaissance operation was declared over before it even started.

As for the seizure of some weapons and equipment, or supplies, that is just a dream...

Because the road had been occupied by devils and put under martial law, Wang Chengzhu and the others could only take another path.

Under the cover of night, they walked about 15 kilometers, and they came to the edge of the ditch on the south side of Zhengtai Highway.

Since the Japanese army occupied Taiyuan, they have been strengthening the security of Zhengtai Railway and Tongpu Railway, because these two railways can be called the two lifelines of the Japanese First Army.

If the Japanese First Army is compared to a body, then these two railway lines are the main arteries of the body.

The way the Japanese army dealt with the Eighth Route Army was the cage policy of using railways as pillars, highways as chains, and bunkers as locks.

The Japanese army built solid strongholds in towns, stations, bridges, and tunnels along the railway line, guarding them with tens to hundreds of troops, and sending armored trains to patrol.

By the beginning of 1940, the Japanese army had built hundreds of large and small strongholds in the eyeliner of the Zhengtai Railway, and built a line of outlying strongholds at key points 10 to 15 kilometers from the north and south sides of the Zhengtai Railway, and built roads to connect these strongholds in series.

A trench more than 4 meters wide and more than 3 meters deep was dug on the outside of the road, and a barbed wire fence with barbs was pulled up around the trench to isolate traffic.

Therefore, the area of ​​10 to 15 kilometers on both sides of the Zhengtai Railway has become a railway-like existence, which is called an inaccessible area by the little devil.

Beginning in 39, the Taihang area and the Eighth Route Army in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area were divided into several parts by the Zhengtai Railway.

This has made it many times more difficult to exchange personnel and materials between the major bases.

However, it is still unrealistic for these barbed wire fences and trenches to stop the agile Wang Chengzhu and the others.

In particular, these barbed wire fences are not electrified.

Of course, it's not that the little devils don't want to, the main reason is that their productivity is limited and they simply can't send out so much electricity.

Under the cover of night, Wang Chengzhu directly took out a pliers from his rucksack, and then cut a hole in the barbed wire for three people to pass through.

Then, the three of them passed through the opening one by one, took a few steps, and easily crossed the 4-meter-wide trench.

Because the three of them wrapped a thick layer of cotton cloth under the shoes, the movement of landing was very small.

Therefore, although there was a devil's gun tower more than 100 meters away, it did not alarm the puppet troops on duty on the gun tower.

After crossing the trench, Wang Chengzhu and the others first found a hidden place nearby to hide. He first signaled Duan Peng to take out the map prepared in advance, and then picked up the binoculars to observe carefully.

There was a dim light coming from inside the blockhouse, flickering on and off, presumably it should be a candle or an oil lamp, and the fireworks swayed from side to side due to the air flow, making the light flickering on and off.

If it is an electric light, the light should be relatively stable.

With the help of the dim light of the fire and the size of the gun tower, Wang Chengzhu began to estimate the size of the defense force in the stronghold.

At this time, Duan Peng had already taken out a map from his backpack and spread it on top of the backpack.Then he took out the flashlight and covered it with a cotton cloth. When the flashlight was turned on, only a little faint red light was revealed.

Duan Peng seems to have been trained a long time ago. This red light is close enough to barely see the map, but it will not be noticed by people in the distance.

With the help of this light, Duan Peng began to search for it on the map.

Wang Chengzhu had already observed almost everything, and asked, "Have you found it?"

Duan Peng: "I have found the location of the Huangyan stronghold, and I will soon find our location."

After waiting for a while, Duan Peng said: "I found it, this place is called Cucumber Village."

The map provided by Director Chen records the stronghold of this devil, but it does not record the size of the stronghold and the strength of the troops in detail.

Wang Chengzhu said: "Remember, this is a small stronghold. There is one main battery building, two and a half floors; two auxiliary bunkers, one and a half floors. There are trenches and barbed wire outside the battery building. The number of devils is at most one detachment, and the puppet army is at most one platoon."

This is the usual style of little devils. Wherever they set up camp or build a stronghold, they will dig a circle of trenches around the periphery and pull up barbed wire.

Hence the name Southeast Asian marmot.

Of course, this is a derogatory term for the British, American and Japanese troops on the battlefield in Southeast Asia.

As for why the gun towers and bunkers have two and a half floors and one and a half floors, the main reason is that half of these bunkers are on the ground, which is also for the enemy inside to hide and shoot.

"Yes!" Duan Peng promised in a low voice, and then quickly made a record.

After Duan Peng finished recording, the three of them continued walking along the road.

Monk Wei muttered as he walked, "Headmaster, are we going to do this together tonight?"

Wang Chengzhu didn't answer but asked instead: "Then why do you think we are here?"

Monk Wei: "This is too boring. Don't you always teach me the principle of not being a thief? We have come here, so we can't make a trip for nothing, right?"

Duan Peng, as the captain of the Spike Special Forces, has much higher ideological awareness and strategic vision than Monk Wei. He explained: "The so-called sharpening the knife is not the same as chopping firewood. We record these for the purpose of fighting the devils in the future." ready."

Wang Chengzhu said: "Of course, if there is a chance, it is not impossible to kill a few little devils by the way."

They didn't go far when suddenly a bright beam of headlights shone in front of them.

At that time, the air was not so polluted, and the lights could shine far away. Fortunately, this section of the road was not a straight line, otherwise Wang Chengzhu and the others would have been exposed directly.


(End of this chapter)

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