Chapter 36 Yangcun Encounter

The devils penetrated into the northwestern area of ​​Shanxi and the hinterland of the Eighth Route Army occupied area. They wore anti-reflective helmets, M3 submachine guns in front of them, tactical vests filled with ammunition and grenades, and pistols and military daggers on their waists. .

With the help of the faint moonlight, they could vaguely see their epaulets and the red plaster flag on their helmets.

This army of devils is not an ordinary army of devils, but Kazuki Yamamoto's secret service team.

Kazuki Yamamoto, Japanese special operations expert, founder of special forces theory.

This person has received advanced military education and has extremely high military accomplishment and courage.

Kazuki Yamamoto has more than 80 special agents, all of whom graduated from the Munich Special Forces School in Germany. They have received strict military training, and their combat skills in individual combat and teamwork are impeccable.

The devils of Yamamoto's special team use American equipment and use prisoners of war to carry out killing training for a long time. They are brutal and brutal, and their combat effectiveness is far superior to that of ordinary devil soldiers.

Because the subject that Kazuki Yamamoto researched and respected - special operations, was too unpopular during World War II, while other Japanese military officers and high-level officials all respected and studied large corps operations. Often squeezed out by colleagues.

However, Kazuki Yamamoto, who has a firm personality, has always believed that, on the premise of acknowledging that great men create history, he will never ignore the possibility of small men creating history.

Therefore, he has been looking for an opportunity to prove himself.

But today, as long as he can complete his battle plan, he can thoroughly prove himself and special operations!
To attack the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and complete the beheading, this is Kazuki Yamamoto's battle plan for this trip.

Right now, the Yamamoto Secret Service is less than 3 kilometers away from the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Mansion Bay.

After walking quietly for a while, a village suddenly appeared in Kazuki Yamamoto's eyes.


Kazuki Yamamoto raised his hand and made a stop gesture, then took out the map and looked at it, and compared it with the surrounding terrain reference.

He lowered his voice and said: "Attention, we are now 3 kilometers away from the target Dadanwan, and the village in front is Yangcun!"

"Now I order the first team to open the way in front, the second team to cover, and the third team to be the guard!"

"Remember, quietly go around the village in front of you, don't shoot!"

"Keep going!"

"Hi Yi!"

Under the cover of night, the ghost agents of the first team moved forward quietly.

There is a small river on the flank of Yangcun. It is the dry season, and the river is very shallow and narrow.

If you want to bypass Jingyang Village, you must cross this small river.

The leading devil, Shao Zuo, came to the river embankment to observe for a while, decided to cross the river bed, and then made a gesture to move on.

As a result, a ghost agent used too much force when crossing the river, and his feet made a "wow" sound when he stepped on the gravel-covered river bed.

Immediately afterwards, an Eighth Route Army sentry appeared behind the reeds on the river bank: "Who is it! Password!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the devil agent who was leading the way, and then he pulled out the dagger from his waist, and a hungry tiger rushed towards the Eighth Route Army sentry who was shouting.

The distance between the two was no more than 3 meters. In the blink of an eye, the Eighth Route Army sentry had no time to pull the bolt of the gun and pull the trigger, and the Devil's agent had already bullied him.

Then, with a flick of the dagger in his hand, there was a 'poof', and the neck artery of the other party was cut in an instant.

Another sentinel of the Eighth Route Army not far away happened to see this scene. Without saying a word, he pulled the bolt of his gun and raised his hand to shoot.


The Devil's agent moved very quickly and easily avoided the shot. Then, another Devil's agent raised his hand and shot in short bursts.


The Eighth Route Army sentry didn't have the skills of a devil's agent, so he was shot and fell to the ground in an instant.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the Yamamoto Secret Service was completely exposed.

The sentinels of the Eighth Route Army on duty near the entrance of the village reacted and immediately raised their guns and fired towards Xiaohe.

The two sides fought immediately.

"Crack, clap clap..."

"Tut, chug, chug, chug..."

The night, which was still silent a moment ago, suddenly sounded like thunderous gunshots.

Independent regiment.

Kong Jie was soundly asleep, and after being awakened by the gunshot, he hurriedly got up from the bed: "Where did the gunshot come from? What happened?"

You know, the Independence Regiment has just been deployed to Yangcun for a few days, and this is the hinterland of the Eighth Route Army's occupied area, so how could there be gunshots?
Thinking hard!
Kong Jie's head suddenly buzzed.

A staff officer in charge of duty hurried over to report: "Report to the commander, the enemy is attacking!"

"According to the report from the outpost, there are not many devils in this group, but their fighting power is extremely strong. All the submachine guns used should be elite devils!"

Kong Jie was taken aback: "Strong fighting power? The elite devils? I fight the elite devils!"

"If it falls into my hands, any elite devil will only have a dead end!"

"Order the first battalion to support from the front and hold this little devil!"

"Order the second battalion and the third battalion to outflank from the left and right wings respectively, and cooperate with the first battalion to eat all the devils!"


The response speed of the independent regiment's various departments was still very fast, and they got up and dressed almost immediately after the gunshot sounded.

In less than 3 minutes, most of the battalions gathered their troops.

After receiving the order, the three battalions immediately divided into three groups and launched an encirclement attack on the Yamamoto Special Forces.

The [-]st Battalion, which attacked from the front, was the first to engage the Yamamoto Special Forces.

Although the Eighth Route Army is good at night battles, the soldiers of the independent regiment can't take advantage of the Japanese agents of Yamamoto's special team, whether it is weapon firepower, individual soldier quality, or the cooperation between soldiers.

"Tut, chug, chug..."

"Crack, clap clap..."

The devil's marksmanship was extremely tricky and ruthless, and they almost all aimed at the vital points such as the heart and head of the soldiers of the independent regiment.

Their marksmanship is also extremely accurate.

Just a moment after the exchange of fire, many soldiers of the independent regiment were hit by the oncoming bullets, and they all screamed and fell into a pool of blood.

With the passage of time, the casualties of the independent regiment continued to increase, and there were too many people. At this moment, not only did it fail to become an advantage, but it increased the target.

Here, the ghost agents of the first team have achieved impressive results, but Kazuki Yamamoto, who is in the second team behind, has an extremely gloomy face.

The goal of his trip was the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. Now that he was exposed here, no matter how impressive the record was, the operation had failed.

Moreover, if this operation failed, the Eighth Route Army headquarters must strengthen its defenses, and it would be almost impossible to make another surprise attack in the future.

"Ba Ga! What a bunch of stupid pigs! You actually exposed your target here!"

Kazuki Yamamoto's face was full of unwillingness, but he was not overwhelmed by anger, but kept calm and gave the order to retreat: "Order the first team to turn in immediately!"

"Second and third teams cover!"


(End of this chapter)

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