Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 365 Wang Chengzhu's plan to defeat the enemy, the battle of 120 strongholds started at

Wang Chengzhu smiled and said: "Brigade Commander, I really have thought of a plan to defeat the enemy, but whether it can be used or not needs to be decided by the leaders. In addition, our overall goal is to destroy the entire Zhengtai Railway Line. It is possible to attack Yangquan county alone, because this battle plan of mine still needs the full cooperation of the remaining regiments of the 129th Division."

The brigade commander nodded, and said, "Go ahead."

Wang Chengzhu: "In order to complete our battle plan and achieve the ultimate goal of destroying the Zhengtai Railway, we first need to understand the strength of the Japanese army and the deployment of troops at each stronghold."

As he said that, Wang Chengzhu picked up a baton and walked to the wall, pointed at the map and said, "In order to facilitate the attack, I divided the current targets of the Zhengtai Railway into three levels according to the strength of the Japanese and puppet troops stationed."

"The first level is the four county towns garrisoned by devils. They are Jinzhong, which is garrisoned by the headquarters of the 9th Brigade of the Japanese Army, Yangshou, which is garrisoned by a part of the 9th Brigade, and Yangquan, which is garrisoned by the independent and mixed 1st Brigade. The first part of the independent mixed 1st brigade was stationed in Pingding, plus Niangziguan, a total of 5 targets.

The targets of these devils are the most difficult bones to crack, but Shouyang and Pingding only have bones, while Jinzhong, Yangquan, and Niangziguan have meat besides bones.

Taking Jinzhong and Yangquan can get all the supplies of the Japanese 9th Brigade and the Independent Mixed 1st Brigade, and taking Niangziguan can get a lot of machines in the ordnance station, which can be used by me. "

"But these strongholds are at least guarded by a devil brigade or above, and there are strong walls. It is not easy to take them down."

"The second level is a medium-sized stronghold garrisoned by at least one devil squadron or above, such as Jucheng, Lijiazhuang, Pingping, Nanyanzhu, etc., with a total of 12 targets.

In addition to devils, these strongholds also have a large number of puppet troops, and they have also built complete fortifications, and there are a large number of small strongholds around them. "

"In the face of such a large stronghold, if the main regiments do not have heavy artillery and other offensive firepower, and take a strong attack, the casualties will definitely be huge."

"The third level is a small stronghold with only one squad or less of devils stationed there, and some of these strongholds even have only puppet troops in them, not even devils.

There are more than 120 such strongholds, which are deployed within 10 to 15 kilometers from the north and south sides of the Zhengtai Railway. "

After a pause, Wang Chengzhu changed his voice and continued: "For such a small stronghold, the main groups can easily do it, and even deploy several strongholds at the same time."

"But what I want to emphasize is that the troops must move quickly when launching the operation, otherwise, if it is delayed for a long time, the devils in the surrounding middle and large strongholds will definitely send troops to help.

Of course, this is not the most critical, because we can also divide our forces to block the attack, or even set up an ambush halfway to destroy it!
What we really need to guard against is the 36th Division and 114th Division of the Japanese Army stationed in southern Shanxi and Baoding. "

Brigadier: "Zhuzi, since you have thought of this, you must have a countermeasure. Tell me about your detailed plan."

Wang Chengzhu picked up the baton and said with a serious face: "First of all, the entire combat operation can be roughly divided into three stages."

"The first stage is to clean up the periphery, dispatch all combat troops of our 129th Division, and strive to remove all small strongholds along the main railway line in the shortest possible time."

"At the same time cut off all the telephone lines. As a result, the devils in the 12 large strongholds and 4 county towns and Niangziguan became blind and deaf, and the initiative of the war fell into our hands."

"At that time, we will be carrying out the second and third phases of operations, launching attacks on 12 large strongholds, as well as 4 county towns and the devils in Niangziguan."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chengzhu described his battle plan in detail.

His battle plan is roughly the same as the battle plan formulated by the headquarters, because this is what he formulated based on the historical Hundred Regiments Campaign with slight improvements.

The only difference is that the Hundred Regiments War in history only carried out the first two stages of Wang Chengzhu, and did not attack the county seat.

After Li Yunlong heard Wang Chengzhu's battle plan, he immediately exclaimed in his heart that if he really did this, he would have to apply for the main attack mission, so he would definitely be able to earn a lot of money.

Ding Wei and Kong Jie were also a little ready to move, because the Eighth Route Army had never carried out such a large-scale combat plan since its establishment, which was unprecedented.

Of the main regiment leaders, only Cheng Xiazi and Xu Shengji had serious expressions on their faces, not knowing what was going on in their hearts.

The chief of staff said: "Zhuzi, it's true that our entire army can break through all the small Japanese strongholds, but the problem is that those large strongholds, and even the devils in the county will definitely not just watch us act, instead of Send troops for reinforcements?"

Wang Chengzhu smiled and said: "We are afraid that the little devils will not send troops to reinforce, otherwise, if they really send troops to reinforce, we can set up an ambush on the way to attack.

This can facilitate the second and third stages. "

"But I predict that the devils in the large stronghold will never dare to divide their troops to rescue them, because once the telephone line is cut off, they will have no idea what is going on outside."

"Moreover, more than 100 strongholds were attacked at the same time, and the mobile brigades of the 9th Brigade and the independent mixed 1st Brigade could not save them at all. It is impossible to divide several infantry brigades into more than 100 units.

Moreover, they did not dare to take the risk of emptying the county town to come out. "

"As for the 2nd Independent Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army, it is the general reserve of the 1st Army stationed in Shanxi. It will not be dispatched unless it is absolutely necessary."

"So I conclude that once the small Japanese strongholds are attacked at the same time, the Japanese army will definitely give up rescue, and then order the Japanese and puppet troops in the small strongholds to retreat, and stick to the 12 large strongholds, as well as Niangziguan and 4 counties. In order to look for opportunities to counterattack!"

"Therefore, the first phase of the operation must be fast, precise and ruthless. Each regiment must achieve concealed contact with the enemy as much as possible, and then all troops will act together to fight for more than 100 small strongholds at the same time."

"The most important thing is that we must not only take down these strongholds, but also wipe out all the Japanese and puppet troops in these strongholds. We must not allow these thousands of Japanese and puppet troops to retreat to large strongholds."

"Otherwise, it will not only cause serious interference to the next second phase of combat operations, but may even cause all follow-up plans to be aborted!"

The brigade commander thought about it for a long time, calculated it in his heart, and then said firmly: "The first phase of the operation can be guaranteed. As long as we can covertly engage the enemy, there will be absolutely no problem. At least it can guarantee that most of the Japanese puppets in the stronghold will be wiped out." military!"


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