Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 375 Li Yunlong: Follow the pillars to eat meat, keep an eye on the independent 2nd regiment

"Report to Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, I have found the whereabouts of the Second Independent Regiment of the 129th Brigade of the 386th Division of the Eighth Route Army!" The devil's intelligence officer nodded again, repeating what he said before.

"Yo Xi!"

Naotomi Hattori finally heard clearly this time, he couldn't help showing a cold expression like a wild wolf on his face, and asked again: "Where are theirs?"

Devil intelligence officer: "Pingtou Town, Zhaojiaao."

Naotomi Hattori has been studying maps recently, so he naturally knew about Zhaojiaao in Pingtou Town, so he immediately asked, "Is the news reliable?"

Devil intelligence officer: "According to the report of the scouts, the Eighth Route Army stationed in Zhaojia'ao has at least 1000 people. Even if this is not the entire strength of the Second Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, it is definitely its main force!"

Naotomi Hattori: "Order the scouts to continue to closely monitor every move of the Second Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. Remember, you must not startle the enemy by making mistakes. As soon as there is news, report to me immediately."

"Order the 15th Regiment of the Imperial Army Infantry and the Security Regiment of the Imperial Army to assemble urgently and prepare for battle!"

Naoko Hattori never wanted to avenge Wang Chengzhu and his Second Independent Regiment, and when he heard the news about the Second Independent Regiment, he immediately couldn't sit still.

"Hi Yi!"

The devil's intelligence officer suddenly turned around again and left, acting as a messenger for the time being, conveying orders.

The Chief of Staff Yasuda Makoto next to him frowned and warned: "Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, no! Now is the critical moment of your Excellency Commander's Plan A, and you must not rush out.

You should know the strength of the Second Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. It is not so easy to eliminate it. If you fall into the trap set by Wang Chengzhu, you will not be rewarded..."

Before Baotian Zhen could speak, Hattori Naotomi interrupted sharply: "Hota-kun, you are showing the prestige of the Eighth Route Army in Nagachina, destroying the morale of my Great Japanese Imperial Army!
I don't deny that the Second Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army is stronger than the other Eighth Route Army, but that's all. It is absolutely impossible to be stronger than my invincible Imperial Japanese Army!
Besides, although the Second Independent Regiment won the battles between Huluxia and Wangjiacun, their own casualties were definitely not small.

According to the information I have received, their current strength will not exceed 2000 at most.

With this strength, it is almost impossible to resist the attack of a regiment of the Imperial Army and a security regiment of the Imperial Association Army!
It is true that Wang Chengzhu has some tricks and is very good at playing some tricks.But what I want to tell you is that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy will be vulnerable! "

Makoto: "But..."

Naotomi Hattori: "There is nothing wrong! Yasuda-kun, you should be clear that the Second Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army not only brought great shame to our Great Japanese Imperial Army, but is also a serious threat to our Great Japanese Imperial Army.

This time, if we can wipe out the Eighth Route Army Independent Regiment before Plan A is fully launched, this will actually be very beneficial to the entire battle plan!

I believe that even if Your Excellency the Commander knows, he will never stop me. "

Seeing that Naoko Hattori's mind was determined, Baotian knew that it would be pointless to continue admonishing him, so he changed his voice and said, "Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, have you ever thought that if Zhaojiaao's is not the Second Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army?

So, shall we send some more scouts to make sure? "

Naotomi Hattori frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Well, it seems reasonable, although the elimination of a regiment-level combat unit of the Eighth Route Army is a big gain for the Imperial Army, but if this unit is not the Second Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army , there is absolutely no need to go to war like this.”

Yasuda Shinichi was overjoyed, and said again: "Your Excellency, brigade commander, then I will send some scouts to confirm?"

Yasuda really had a very simple idea. Since he couldn't dissuade Naotomi Hattori, he could only start from the Second Independent Regiment, or wait for a while, and wait for the order from above to come down, so that he would no longer worry about Naotomi Hattori's unauthorized actions.

In other words, they lied directly, saying that this unit is not the Second Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army.

As for reporting to the Headquarters of the First Army, Makoto Yasuda did not have this idea. It is a very bad thing to report to the higher level, especially in the Japanese army where the hierarchy is extremely strict.

If Yasuda really leapfrogged the report, even if Naotomi Hattori could be prevented from acting without authorization, he would definitely be retaliated wildly by Naotomi Hattori afterwards.

Hattori Naotomi didn't think much about it, he just waved his hand and said: "No need, I will handle this matter myself..."


the other side.

The new regiment.

Li Yunlong was studying the topographic map near Niangziguan when the first battalion commander Zhang Dabiao hurried in from outside.

Li Yunlong turned to look at Zhang Dabiao, and asked, "First Battalion Commander, I asked you to keep an eye on the Second Independent Regiment. Has there been any movement over there recently?"

Zhang Dabiao: "Leader, I came back to report this matter to you."

When Li Yunlong heard it, he suddenly became energetic: "Tell me about it."

Zhang Dabiao: "The first battalion and the second battalion of the Second Independent Regiment suddenly left Baijiagou a few days ago and went to Zhaojiaao, Pingtou Town to establish a base, and then intentionally or unintentionally reported the news that the Second Independent Regiment was headquartered in Zhaojiaao If it is revealed, I don’t know what Captain Wang intends.”

In the past, when Wang Chengzhu was an artilleryman, or even a battalion commander, Zhang Dabiao always called him Zhuzi, but now that Wang Chengzhu is the regiment commander, the title was naturally changed to Wang Tuanchang, and it was obviously inappropriate to call him Zhuzi again.

Li Yunlong found the location of Zhaojiaao on the map: "Zhaojiaao already belongs to Shouyang County, and it is at the junction of Shouyang and Jinzhong. What is Wang Chengzhu going to do?"

Speaking of this, Li Yunlong suddenly fixed his eyes on the location of Jinzhong County, and continued: "Could it be to deal with the Devil's 9th Brigade?"

Zhang Dabiao: "According to reliable information, Naotomi Hattori, head of the Devil's 9th Brigade, has been looking around for the whereabouts of the Second Independent Regiment after he learned that our 129th Division had moved to the southeast of Shanxi.

He was captured by Commander Wang in Huluxia back then, so he must have been thinking of revenge against Commander Wang all the time.

I guess, Commander Wang must have also heard the news, that's why he came up with such a move, trying to lure the 9th Brigade of Devils out and catch them all. "

Li Yunlong: "Zhang Dabiao, your analysis is good, it must be like this!"

Zhang Dabiao smiled foolishly, and asked again: "Commander, what should we do now, should we send some people to Pingtou Town to share a piece of meat?"

Li Yunlong: "Now is not the time. If we send troops to Pingtou Town now, maybe we will scare the snakes and make the little devils alert and realize that this may be a trap."

"At that time, if the old devil Hattori Naotomi is scared away, let alone a piece of meat, I'm afraid I won't even have to drink the soup!"

"Give me an order to prepare the whole regiment for battle, and let me keep an eye on the devils in Jinzhong County. As soon as they make a move, we will send troops immediately!"


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