Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 395 Li Yunlong: Damn, was led astray by Wang Chengzhu

Chapter 395 Li Yunlong: Damn, was led astray by Wang Chengzhu

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"Tut-chug! Chug-chug!—"

The gunshots rang out, and the militiamen who carried the ladders to clear the way were severely treated by the devils, and several of them were shot and fell down at once.

The remaining militiamen immediately lay down on the ground, not daring to show their heads.

"Damn it! It's really a tough nut to crack! But I like it!" Li Yunlong glared at the front and cursed, and then he yelled: "Mortar, bomb squad, open fire, kill these dogs Day's little devil!"

Although Li Yunlong regretted that he didn't ask for Wang Chengzhu's cannons at the beginning, he also captured a lot of cannons in the previous battles, and together with the cannons recruited from the battalions, he also formed an artillery company.

At this time, the artillery company was divided into four and cooperated with the four battalions to fight together.

It is precisely because Xinyituan has such firepower that Li Yunlong dared to fight for the main mission of Niangziguan.

"Tom! tom tom tom tom!—"

The four rows of the artillery battery were fully fired, and after a row of grenades crossed a beautiful arc, they landed in the devil's stronghold and exploded violently, and then a choking peppery smell permeated the air.

Some shells in the new regiment have been 'chemically modified'.

The so-called chemical transformation is to remove the fuze first, then take out part of the explosives and replace it with chili noodles, and then put the fuze back, and it becomes a chemical bomb.

This was created by Li Yunlong after experiencing the power of chili noodles in the battle of Huluxia.

The modified grenade may not be as powerful as before the modification due to the reduced amount of explosives, but because of the chemical attack characteristics of chili powder, its deterrence to the enemy is only increased.

This is undoubtedly a huge benefit for the new regiment, which lacks supplies and often needs to charge people.

It has to be said that Li Yunlong is really a military genius. Although he has never been to school or a military academy, his control of fighter planes and special research on tactics are definitely no less than those commanders with professional backgrounds.

Even some of his wild ways are more effective than those from many professional classes. If he doesn't play cards according to the routine, he will naturally make the enemy hard to defend.

After a few rows of 'pepper chemical bombs' fell, the air in the entire Linjiaji stronghold was filled with the smell of pepper.

Not only the devils in the foxholes outside, but also the devils and puppet soldiers hiding in the bunkers and gun towers began to cough violently.

Not long after, these guys coughed up snot and tears. Some guys wiped their eyes with their hands, but it was fine if they didn't wipe them.

"Attack, attack! The trumpeter blows the charge!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yunlong decisively gave the order to charge, while the trumpeter puffed up his cheeks and blew his bugle.

"Di da da, di di di di, di da da, di di di!—"

Amid the sound of the charge horn, the Eighth Route Army soldiers of the 4th Battalion immediately arranged a three-three formation and charged.

At this time, although the devils in the stronghold have basically lost their combat effectiveness, some devils are still gritting their teeth and insisting on resisting.

There was a ghost machine gunner whose eyes were red from the smoke, and tears kept flowing, but he still put his shoulder against the crooked light machine gun and fired frantically, and kept shouting "Baga, the Chinese people will die" bird language.

However, the continuity of firepower of the crooked light machine gun is far less than that of its improved handle, and it will freeze from time to time.

But despite this, the rain of bullets pouring from the crooked light machine gun still posed a great threat to the attacking Eighth Route Army soldiers.

Fortunately, the soldiers are all arranged in a three-three formation, and the formation is relatively scattered.

But even so, several soldiers were shot and fell to the ground one after another.

War is so cruel, life and death are only in the blink of an eye!
"The firepower is suppressed!"

The soldiers of the 4th Battalion's machine gun team immediately launched fire suppression.

It is a pity that this devil is hiding in the bunker, and there is only one shooting hole for shooting.

Therefore, these bullets only hit the wall at the edge of the shooting hole, and did not hurt the devil shooter inside, but they also exerted a certain degree of suppression.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the remaining soldiers of the Eighth Route Army rushed forward immediately. After sacrificing several soldiers in succession, several commandos finally rushed to the vicinity of the bunker.

The commandos leaned their backs against the wall and took a few deep breaths, then each picked up a cluster grenade, pulled the fuse, held it in their hands and waited for a few seconds before inserting it through the shooting hole.


"Boom, boom!—"

The commandos seized the time, almost as soon as the grenade was inserted, it exploded violently.

In a hurry, the devils and puppet soldiers inside had no time to push the grenades out of it, so they received the lunch box on the spot.

The nearly enclosed space allowed the explosive power of the grenade to be brought into full play, and some devils and puppet soldiers who were closer were blown to pieces on the spot.

The devils and puppet soldiers who were farther away were also killed by the torn shock wave on the spot, and their bodies were hit by countless grenade fragments, turning into blood hedgehogs.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of the 4th Battalion followed suit and destroyed the other two bunkers and gun towers one after another.

But the devils and puppet troops in the outer foxholes were not affected.

The puppet soldiers have been frightened by the murderous 4th Battalion soldiers who rushed forward.

"Baye! Don't kill me, I surrender, I surrender! Please give me a chance to be a man again!"

One of the puppet soldiers knelt down first, raised their hands and surrendered, and then the rest of the puppet soldiers also knelt on the ground together.

They were puppet soldiers just to make a living, so why should they fight with such a brutal Eighth Route Army?
If they hadn't had the opportunity to speak just now, they would have surrendered long ago.

These puppet troops secretly rejoiced that before, they were terrified because they were outside and wanted to retreat into the bunker.

Unexpectedly, it was a mistake and a blessing, and because of this, he took a life.

The puppet army surrendered, but the devils would not.

The remaining dozen or so devils still tried to resist, and holding the 4 cover with a bayonet, they screamed and jumped out of the trenches and foxholes, trying to fight head-to-head with the soldiers of the [-]th Battalion.

However, the soldiers of the 4th Battalion did not give them this opportunity at all, and just raised their hands and shot a few shots.

It's not that they are afraid of the little devil, it's just a problem that can be solved with a gun, why use a knife?
When Li Yunlong rushed over, these little devils had all been beaten into hornet's nests, lying on the ground dripping with blood.

Li Yunlong couldn't catch any of them, so he couldn't help jumping up and cursing: "4th Battalion Commander, don't you know how to save bullets?"

The 4th Battalion Commander looked aggrieved: "Commander, didn't you tell us that we can use guns to solve the problems, so why don't we use knives?"

Li Yunlong: "Did I say that?"

"The shitty ones were all led astray by Wang Chengzhu..."


(End of this chapter)

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