There is a section of the armored train that is specially loaded with coal and water. Counting from the direction of the front is the second section.

On both sides of the rear of this carriage, there is a semicircular machine gun nest that protrudes outwards. As soon as the armored train stopped, the 7.7mm Type [-] heavy machine gun on the machine gun nest immediately turned its muzzle and pointed it at the platform. .

It has to be said that the devil's vigilance is still quite high, even in his own stronghold, he did not relax in the slightest.

The workers on the platform who were waiting to add coal and water to the train saw the black muzzle of the gun, and they were so frightened that they fell silent, not daring to take a breath.

They are all disguised by the Spikes.

The appearance of being silent like a cicada is naturally a disguise. In order to prevent the devils from becoming suspicious, they have to do this.

And camouflage is also a compulsory skill for special forces members.

Not far away, Sun Hu immediately took Duan Peng to the train door and put on a flattering smile.

Immediately, the iron door on the side of the tender compartment was opened from the inside, and a devil second lieutenant walked out of the compartment.

"Sun Sang!"

Every time the Devil's armored train passed the Pingding Railway Station, it would stop to add water and coal, and each time it was received by Sun Hu, so the Second Lieutenant of the Devil already recognized Sun Hu.

"You only have 15 minutes, fill up the coal and water quickly!

"Hi Yi!" Sun Hu nodded and bowed like a devil, and shouted at Duan Peng and other coal invaders: "Why are you still standing there, why don't you hurry up and fill up the imperial army's train with coal and water?"

"Remember, you only have 15 minutes, if you are late, you will lose your head!"

"Yes Yes!"

The workers made a promise and immediately started to get busy.

Second Lieutenant Guizi seemed a little impatient. After arranging the task, he went straight to the toilet not far away.

Sun Hu hurriedly accompanied him around.

Duan Peng was still thinking about how to deal with this devil second lieutenant quietly, and then led his troops into the train, which would be more convenient.

He glanced left and right, and after making sure that the devils in the machine gun nest could not notice him, he immediately dodged towards the toilet.

In the toilet, Sun Hu was lighting the second lieutenant's cigarette.

When men go to the toilet, they usually light a cigarette. Firstly, they only have free time to go to the toilet. Secondly, the smell of the toilet is too strong. The smell of smoke can greatly reduce the smell of the mixture in the toilet.

Second Lieutenant Guizi obviously enjoyed Sun Hu's service very much. He nodded in satisfaction and said in broken Chinese: "Sun Sang, you are very capable. I will definitely recommend it to our brigade leader when I have a chance..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, a powerful big hand surrounded him from behind, grabbed his neck, and interrupted his words.

The second lieutenant Guizi was startled and wanted to warn the police, but just as he opened his mouth, he was tightly covered by another powerful hand.

Then there was a crisp sound of 'click', the second lieutenant's neck bone was shattered, his neck was tilted, and he was no longer alive.

It was none other than Duan Peng, the captain of the Spike Special Forces.

After killing Second Lieutenant Guizi, Duan Peng took off Second Lieutenant Guizi's military uniform and put it on himself.

Duan Peng's height is in his early 170s, but this devil's second lieutenant is only around 160.

Duan Peng, his military uniform, obviously didn't fit him well.

Duan Peng moved his hands and feet and tried it, and it was true.

In order to facilitate his movement, he lifted his arms upwards vigorously, and there were two "hissing" sounds, and the wiring under his arms immediately burst into two holes.

Try again, and you will be much more flexible than before.

Then Monk Wei cut the crotch line with a bayonet, and changed the army trousers of the second lieutenant Guizi into crotch trousers.

The appearance is a little ugly, but for the smooth progress of the action, it can only be worn casually.

15 minute later.

The coal and water were all filled up, and Duan Peng also took the special forces members disguised as workers to pick up the weapons hidden in sight and jumped into the compartment, and closed the compartment door again.

Armored trains are different from ordinary trains. In order to prevent bullets, the few windows are also very small, and the view from the inside is very limited.

So they didn't notice that there were coal workers jumping on the train, and the train started slowly. By the time the devil's machine gunner could see the platform where the tender tank was parked, nearly half of the workers on the platform were gone.

The remaining half was disguised by the puppet army.

However, these devil machine gunners didn't think much about it, they only thought that some workers had already left.


As the train started, Duan Peng also began to quietly deploy the entire action plan on the carriage.

Among them, the five members of the first team are led by the deputy captain Zhao Handong and are responsible for controlling the locomotive.

Zhao Handong used to be the deputy captain of the train, and he knew how to drive the train. He was rescued by Wang Chengzhu in the Dashawan Mine, and then joined the Second Independent Regiment.

At that time, his military ability was not very outstanding. Because of the policy of technical talents, he was specially recruited by Wang Chengzhu into the Spike Special Forces. After training hard, he was promoted to be the deputy captain.

With a gesture from Duan Peng, Zhao Handong immediately led his five opponents to touch the front of the car.

When they came near the connecting door of the carriages, two ghost boilermen happened to come in and shovel coal.

These two guys never imagined in their dreams that this iron-like armored train was actually mixed with enemies.

And there are so many more.

However, because the lights in the carriage were extremely dim, the Devil Boilerman only thought it was a patrolling soldier, and didn't care at first.

After seeing the situation clearly and finding something wrong, two big hands covered their mouths, and then there was another flash of cold light, and two bayonets stabbed their hearts.

"Puff, puff, puff!—"

To be honest, the Wolf Fang players made a lot of noise, but the noise made by the iron wheels of the train rolling over the rails was even louder.

The trains at that time could not be compared with the current trains, and the noise reduction function was almost non-existent.

Therefore, the ghost driver and others in the front of the car did not notice anything.

Immediately, Zhao Handong led five team members to continue to move forward, while Duan Peng looked at the rear, that is, the two heavy machine gun nests behind the tender tank.

On the left and right sides behind the aisle of the tender tank, there is a small box similar to a train box. This is not a soft sleeper VIP position for people to rest, but a machine gun nest for devils. The box is the operating room.

There is a main shooter and two assistant shooters in the operating room.

One deputy shooter is responsible for feeding the ammunition, and the other is responsible for turning the machine gun nest, which is something like a turntable.

The heavy machine gun is mounted on it, and the shooting direction can be adjusted by turning the dial.

As the train pulls out of the station, the Jap machine gunners immediately go into combat readiness.

The Eighth Route Army just attacked more than 120 small strongholds along the Zhengtai Railway last night, and it is very likely that they will go further to attack the remaining large strongholds or directly attack the railway.

Therefore, the Devil's machine gunners did not dare to be careless. They manipulated the machine guns, and the muzzle direction of the guns was always facing the position illuminated by the searchlights. If there was any abnormality, they would immediately fire and kill the targets within the field of vision.

It's just that these ghost machine gunners are defending outside but not inside. They don't know that the crisis has come...

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