Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 433 Li Yunlong: I was careless, I should have followed Zhuzi to attack Yangquan County

Chapter 433 Li Yunlong: I was careless, I should have followed the pillars to fight Yangquan County
Inside the flat stronghold.

A group of devils and puppet soldiers also saw the bright beam of light shining from the east, and heard the roar of sirens.

The noise that originally made them extremely annoying, now sounds like the sound of nature.

Because the armored train came, it meant that they no longer had to hide in the stronghold and be beaten passively, and finally they could vent out the useless spirit in their hearts, and even rushed out of the stronghold to wipe out all the Eighth Route Army outside.

When the armored train passed by here before, they were still cursing, cursing that the guys on the armored train were blind, didn't they see that the flat stronghold was attacked by the Eighth Route Army?
Unexpectedly, they didn't know to stop and provide them with some firepower guidance.

Thinking about it now, it must be because the battle situation at Niangziguan was more urgent, which forced them to go to Niangziguan first, and when the battle over there was over, they immediately came to support them.

Well, that must be it!
Although ordinary devils and puppet soldiers thought so, the devil's major who was sitting in the flat stronghold sank to the bottom of his heart after seeing the beam of light shining from the armored train.

Because he had already received a telegram from Taiyuan that the armored train had lost contact and was most likely snatched by the Eighth Route Army.

Moreover, the Niangziguan stronghold and the county brigade headquarters have also lost contact. If there is no accident, it should also be captured by the Eighth Route Army.

Major Guizi had just received the news, and he hadn't had time to announce it yet, so the devils and puppet soldiers below didn't know the news yet.

Originally, the offensive of the 772 regiment had already caused the Devil Major a headache, but now with the armored train, they had almost no chance of winning.

The fall of the flat stronghold seems to be only a matter of time, no, it should be said, it will not last long at all!

Thinking of this, Major Guizi suddenly darkened his face and ordered: "Send the order, everyone, immediately prepare for the battle!"

It is impossible to break out of the siege, because the order from above is to let them stick to the flat stronghold. If they choose to break out, even if they can break out, it is tantamount to a mission failure, and they will also be charged with a crime of abandoning their defense and fleeing.

So they simply have no choice but to fight to the death, living and dying with the stronghold!

"Hi Yi!"

The devil's orderly paused abruptly, then turned around to convey the order...

The screen is pulled to the side of the 772 regiment.

Cheng Xiazi has led the whole group to lurk on both sides of the railroad track. They not only placed a lot of explosives on the railroad track, but also placed a lot of stones to hinder the passage of the train.

However, just as they were making all preparations, the devil's armored train slowly began to slow down, and finally stopped at a position about 3 kilometers away from the flat stronghold.

It was only 200 meters away from the blasting point set by Cheng Xiazi!
The chief of staff asked urgently: "Commander, why did the devil's armored train stop suddenly? Could it be that we were discovered by the devil?"

Cheng Xiazi also looked puzzled. Although they placed a lot of explosives and stones on the railway tracks, they were all placed in the blind spots of sight. Besides, there were many stones on the railway tracks, so they shouldn't be discovered.

At this moment, the commander of the first battalion next to him was a little surprised and said: "Commander, look, there seems to be a lot of people sitting on the roof of the armored train in front, and it seems to be the Eighth Route Army uniform."

"What did you say?"

Cheng Xiazi looked suspiciously in the direction of the first battalion commander's finger. Because they were under the illumination of the train searchlights and their vision was obstructed, they couldn't see the specific situation ahead.

This is like standing in a bright place, it is difficult to see the situation in the dark place, but it is easy to see the situation in the bright place when standing in the dark place.

However, Cheng Xiazi squinted his eyes and watched carefully, but he was still able to vaguely see part of the situation ahead.

Hey!Good guy, it's really the Eighth Route Army sitting on it, and it's jumping down along the window and other places at the moment.

Moreover, people were constantly squeezed out of the train.

It's our friendly army, you can't go wrong!

Blind Cheng rubbed his dazed eyes and said, "It's the Xinyi Regiment. It must be the Xinyi Regiment who came to reinforce us after they captured Niangziguan!"

Chief of Staff: "It looks like it should be Xinyi Regiment, if they have the assistance of armored trains, it is indeed an extremely simple matter to take down Niangziguan.

The so-called gun tower, under the bombardment of the 105mm caliber howitzer, will not be much stronger than the ordinary earth wall! "

Cheng Xiazi regained his energy in an instant, stood up and rushed forward.

Because of the reflection of the train searchlights, Zhang Dabiao, the first battalion commander who got off the train first, saw Cheng Xiazi walking towards this side at the first time, and he also knew the other party, so he greeted him immediately.

"Captain Cheng!"

Walking closer, Zhang Dabiao raised his hand to salute Cheng Xiazi.

Blind Cheng returned a salute and said, "Battle Commander Zhang, where are your regiment commanders, are you here too?"

Zhang Dabiao: "Here we are, on the train behind."

Cheng Xiazi: "Li Dayu can do it, but he actually got on the train instead of the shotgun. Your Xinyi Regiment also made history and became the first unit of our army to use train mobility."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Xiazi led the chief of staff to continue walking forward, and then directly boarded the command car.

Cheng Xiazi walked over, touched the leather sofa under Li Yunlong's buttocks, and said, "Li Da Yehu, is this sofa comfortable to sit on?"

Li Yunlong grinned: "Of course it's cool, you want to have a good time too?"

"Must." Cheng Xiazi was not polite, and sat down on his buttocks. Not to mention, it was really soft, much more comfortable than a wooden stool.

After feeling the leather sofa, Cheng Xiazi asked again: "Since you have come to Pingping, the Niangziguan Railway Station must have been taken down by you, right?"

"Hi!" Li Yunlong sighed, "Speaking of which, it's all thanks to Zhu Zi, if it weren't for his Spike Special Forces to snatch the devil's armored train, even if we were able to win Niangziguan, it wouldn't be so easy. "

Li Yunlong is not greedy for merit, he tells the truth.

After a pause, he changed the subject and continued: "Not to mention, Zhuzi is really talented. He not only robbed the devil's armored train, helped us take down Niangziguan Railway Station, but also took down Yangquan Railway Station." county seat."

Blind Cheng was shocked when he heard the words: "What? Brother Zhuzi has already taken down Yangquan County?"

Li Yunlong: "What's the matter? Not only took down Yangquan County, but also wiped out all the devils in the city, and didn't let anyone go."

After a pause, Li Yunlong sighed and continued: "Hey! I should have given the main mission of attacking Niangziguan to you and Kong Er, and followed Zhuzi to fight Yangquan.

There are more than 3000 devils in Yangquan County, and the devils are independently mixed into the military supply warehouse of the 1st Brigade. How can there be less spoils? "

"There are still so many local tyrants and evil gentry in the city, even if we collect a little wool, it is enough for our new group to eat and drink for several years.

It's all right now, it's all for that boy Ding Wei. "


(End of this chapter)

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