Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 448 Li Yunlong bombarded the city gate, and the panicked local tyrants and evil gentry


"Boom, boom boom!—"

More than 10 shells landed on the east gate of Pingding County and exploded one after another. The sound of the continuous explosion was as terrifying as the sky falling apart. Countless fragments of shrapnel flew along with the explosion shock wave, destroying everything including the city gate and building. .

Under the light of the fire, the entire city gate collapsed immediately, disintegrated in an instant, and turned into ruins.

All kinds of broken masonry and rubble were scattered everywhere.

As for the dozens of devils and puppet soldiers who were waiting in full battle near the gate of the city, they were blown up to the point where there were no bones left, and they didn't even have a chance to call for help or scream.

Some devils and puppet soldiers who were a little further away were also blown away by the raging explosion shock wave, and smashed heavily under the city wall several meters high, turning into a pile of rotten meat.

After a round of salvo, the team members of Spike quickly manipulated the artillery on the armored train to carry out the second and third rounds of salvo...

All of a sudden, the buildings inside and outside the entire East City Gate were destroyed one after another, explosions continued, and scarlet flames shot up into the sky one after another.

At first glance, the entire East City Gate was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and the raging flames even made half of the sky red.

Among them, the trajectory of the howitzer is a parabola, falling obliquely onto the city wall, while the trajectory of the two 75mm dual-purpose cannons is a straight line.

Of course, it is not completely a straight line. As the distance increases, coupled with the effect of gravity, the trajectory of the shell is strictly a parabola, but the arc of this parabola is smaller than that of the howitzer. a lot of.

The shells of the two cannons hit the front of the city wall straight, blasting bullet holes in the front.

Originally, the power of a 75mm caliber cannon was not enough to destroy a city wall nearly two meters thick.

But it is precisely because of the assistance of these two cannons that the explosive destructive power of the 105mm caliber howitzer and the 150mm caliber heavy howitzer has been greatly improved.

One was blasted from the front, and the other was bombarded from above. In just a few rounds of bombing, the east city gate was blown down by one or two meters.

The broken bricks and stones collapsed, forming a buffer zone of one or two meters high under the city, although it was not enough for the new group of soldiers to rush directly to the city wall.

But it only takes a few more rounds of bombardment, and the buffer zone formed by the collapsed masonry is enough to pave a road for a new group of soldiers to rush straight into the city.


"Boom, boom boom!—"

The bombardment of the armored train continued, round after round, and the large-caliber shells, which were so extravagant that Li Yunlong had never seen before, were like stones that cost no money.

But Li Yunlong didn't feel distressed, because this thing didn't belong to him, but Wang Chengzhu's.

What's more, even if he doesn't use it, the armored train will definitely be destroyed when the devil's aviation unit is dispatched at dawn, and it's just used as waste now.

At the same time, thousands of Eighth Route Army soldiers from the 772nd, 771st, and 769th regiments rushing along the Zhengtai Highway heard the earth-shattering explosion from a long distance away.

"Siege the city, the Xinyi Regiment has already begun to attack the city!"

"Quick, speed up the march!"

"Hurry up!"

The battalion commanders kept urging the soldiers to move faster. Although they captured Pingding County in time, it was not the first county captured by the Eighth Route Army, but today was the first time they attacked a county occupied by the Japanese army and stationed with a garrison. , don't mention how excited they are, they don't want to miss it.

And the thousands of soldiers of the new regiment, led by the battalion commanders, rushed towards the city of Pingding quickly...

within the county.

The citizens and common people in the city have been surprised by the huge explosion sound from their sleep. Many people turned pale with fright, looking for a place they thought was safer to avoid being affected by the flames of war.

Among them, the most worrying ones are naturally those local tyrants and evil gentry.

They betrayed their country for glory and befriended devils and puppet soldiers in order to get each other's protection.

Therefore, their news should be much better, knowing that the Eighth Route Army is going to attack the county.

Naturally, they have heard of what kind of existence the Eighth Route Army is. It is a group of people who hate evil like enemies.

These local tyrants and evil gentry also know how many evil things they have done in their life by bullying men and women. If they fall into the hands of the Eighth Route Army, they will definitely not be able to please them.

Especially those local tyrants and evil gentry who once framed and betrayed the Eighth Route Army, causing them to be persecuted by the devils. They knew very well that if the Eighth Route Army invaded the county, they would seek revenge against them.

At this time, these local tyrants and evil gentry who usually run rampant in the countryside and stand aloof at the top are now looking sad, and they are as anxious as ants on a hot pot, and they no longer have the prestige of the past.

It is impossible to escape from the city, and the Eighth Route Army is currently attacking the city. Wouldn't it be that if they escaped from the city, they would hit each other's guns.

Isn't that playing lanterns in the latrine, looking for (shit) to die?

Besides, even if the Eighth Route Army didn't kill them, the devils defending the city would never let them go.

Because what they did was tantamount to disturbing the morale of the army, and it was impossible for the devils to open the city gate.

Therefore, the only thing these local tyrants and evil gentry can do is to pray that the devil's garrison can hold the county and continue to keep them safe.

Of course, what is most anxious to calm down the county at the moment is definitely not the gang of local tyrants and evil gentry, but the gang of devils defending the city, especially Watanabe Kogoro, the squadron leader of the Watanabe Squadron.

Due to the disordered diet and work and rest time for two consecutive days, the devil actually had diarrhea when he got angry, and he had diarrhea more than a dozen times in one night.

One of them, before he had time to run to the latrine, he slammed into the crotch of his pants.

But at this moment, this little devil is squatting in the latrine and enjoying himself.

While he was enjoying himself, there was a sudden earth-shattering explosion sound, which scared the old devil's chrysanthemum tight. He didn't care if he didn't clean it, let alone wiped it. He put on his pants and ran straight out of the hut .

When he was at the door, he happened to bump into Nojiri Shinhei, the deputy of the squadron.

As soon as Kogoro Watanabe saw Nojiri Shinpei, he asked, "Nojiri-kun, what's the matter with the explosion?"

Nojiri Shinpei reported eagerly: "Squadron leader, the Eighth Route Army of China manipulated the Imperial Army's armored train to attack the East City Gate."

"Originally, the sentinel at the east city gate had called to warn the police a few minutes ago, but... it's just that you, the squadron leader, were in the latrine, and your subordinates thought you would finish soon, so they didn't report.

But right now, I have no choice but to come and report, because, because the artillery fire is too violent. "

"Go, go back to the headquarters!"

When Watanabe Kogoro heard the sound, the expression on his face became even uglier. He passed Nojiri Shinpei and went straight to the headquarters...


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