As more and more new regiments of fighters poured into the city, the situation has completely turned against them.

Soon they broke through the barricades of the devils one by one, and killed all the way to the original county government, which is the area where Watanabe Squadron is now.

It's a pity that Kogoro Watanabe has already fled to the west of the city with the devils from the squadron headquarters.

When Zhang Dabiao led his troops to occupy the headquarters of the Watanabe Squadron, it was already empty, only some unburned documents were still burning.

A company commander led his troops to search around and reported to Zhang Dabiao: "Report to the battalion commander, the devils in the headquarters have disappeared. They must have fled towards the west gate."

"I will lead my troops to pursue!"

Zhang Dabiao: "Of course we have to chase after them, but don't worry too much, they won't be able to escape!"

The company commander reacted abruptly: "That's right, there is a second battalion guarding outside the city, and these devils escaped from the city, but they were just throwing themselves into a trap."

"Let the first battalion eat this meat, and we should leave some soup for the second battalion."

Zhang Dabiao's expression was serious: "Pass my order, continue to attack, and make sure to eliminate the remaining enemies in the city, so that no one escapes!"


The company commander made a promise, then led his troops out of the headquarters, and continued to join the battle...

the other side.

Kogoro Watanabe, the leader of the devil squadron, has fled to the west of the city with Nojiri Shinpei, the deputy of the squadron, and about 10 devil soldiers from the squadron headquarters.

He looked back and saw that the gunshots seemed to be some distance away from the west of the city, so he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Presumably it was his headquarters that attracted the attention of the Eighth Route Army.

And the soldiers who stayed behind also bought him a certain amount of time.

Thinking of this, Kogoro Watanabe couldn't help but lashed the horse's back with a whip. The horse suffered from pain and let out a roar of 'rein', then spread its hooves and continued towards the west gate.

The ghost soldiers behind him ran and followed closely behind him.

On the west city gate, the ghosts guarding the city were highly concentrated. To be precise, they were extremely nervous.

Especially those part of the puppet army, all of them were sweating profusely.

They saw Kogoro Watanabe coming from a long distance away.

The leader of the ghost squad leader immediately went down the city wall to meet him, but before he could speak, Kogoro Watanabe took the lead and said, "Mr. Cangjing, is there anything unusual outside the west gate? Have you found the Eighth Route Army?"

Devil squad leader: "Report to the squadron leader, there is nothing unusual, and there is no trace of the Eighth Route Army outside the west gate."

Watanabe Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered: "Yoxi, Kurai-kun, open the city gate quickly, and lead the 5th team to follow me in and out of the city!"

The leader of the ghost squad was taken aback: "Squadron leader? You mean we want to abandon the city to break through?"

Kogoro Watanabe: "Tubachi used the artillery of the armored train to blast open the East City Gate. At present, at least thousands of Tubalu have rushed into the city. The imperial army's defensive strength is extremely limited, and it cannot stop the attack of the Tubalu.

It is a foregone conclusion to pacify the fall, but we must report everything that happened in the city to His Excellency the Commander, so that he can know it well and make plans early! "

"Hi Yi!"

The leader of the devil squad nodded heavily, and then said to the two devil soldiers beside him: "You two, go open the city immediately!"


"Hi Yi!"

The two devils nodded heavily, and quickly ran towards the city gate.

The leader of the devil squad turned around again, and shouted loudly at the city wall: "Squad 5 immediately descends the city wall and follows the squadron leader to enter and exit the city!"

After receiving the order, about 5 ghost soldiers from the 50th team quickly and orderly ran down the city wall along the boarding path, and the puppet soldiers on the city wall followed closely. When they learned that they were going to escape from the city, they immediately relaxed tone.

They didn't want to fight at all, and it was of course just what they wanted to be able to escape without fighting.

One kilometer outside the west city gate of Pingding.

An Eighth Route Army soldier saw the opening of the west city gate, spit out the dogtail grass in his mouth, and then ran to Shen Quan to report: "Report to the battalion commander, the west city gate has been opened, and a large number of Japanese and puppet troops are coming from the opened city gate." Get out!"

"Good come!"

Shen Quan's eyes turned cold, and he immediately gave an order: "Pass my order, each company is ready to fight, and must kill all the devils and puppet soldiers who escaped from the city, and never let a single one go!"

The order was issued, and more than 1000 Eighth Route Army soldiers lurking on both sides of the road pulled the bolts of their guns and loaded them.

Shanxi is mostly mountainous, with few plains.

Even the outside of Pingding County is no exception. Not far from the west city gate is a mountain bag, and it is still made of rocks. It is not easy to bulldoze it.

In addition, Pingding County is not a strategically important place, so the devils stationed in Pingding did not flatten the nearby hills like Niangziguan and other important strongholds, and even did not cut down the nearby weeds and weeds.

In this way, the soldiers of the second battalion hid behind these miscellaneous trees and weeds, not to mention the night, even if it was daytime, they would not be able to find it unless they walked in.

Kogoro Watanabe rode a military horse and took the lead. He quickly ran one kilometer out of the city and entered the ambush circle of the second battalion.

Just as he was mocking the Eighth Route Army for not knowing how to use troops, and not knowing how to allocate a part of their troops to guard outside the west city gate to block their retreat, a long rope suddenly bounced from the ground very strangely, and then stretched straight.

The army horse running at full speed didn't notice it, stumbled, and fell heavily to the ground, accompanied by its neighing.

Watanabe Kogoro on horseback was thrown several meters away, his face hit the ground, and he almost fainted.

"My Iceberg Beauty Wife"

Before he got up from the ground, there were crackling gunshots on both sides of the road.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Da da da!"

"Crack! Crack! Crack!—"

The soldiers of the Second Battalion opened fire one after another for whatever purpose they had, and instantly poured out a dense rain of bullets.

Kogoro Watanabe just got up, before he could react, he was directly hit by the dense bullet rain and turned into a hornet's nest.

Together with those who were beaten into a hornet's nest, there were more than 5 devil soldiers from the fifth team who followed closely behind him.

However, the dozens of puppet soldiers who followed behind did not know whether they were out of touch due to lack of physical strength, or they had anticipated this scene and deliberately kept a safe distance from the devils, but they were lucky enough to escape.

Seeing that the situation was not right, they immediately dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender.

The Eighth Route Army has clear discipline and must wait for prisoners.

Seeing that they were so sensible, the soldiers of the Second Battalion couldn't continue to fire, so they could only surrender their weapons and allow them to surrender.

At the same time, the battle in the city has ended, and all the devils who resisted have been wiped out.

The puppet troops who regretted their lives also chose to surrender.

So far, Pingding County has been completely recovered by the Eighth Route Army!

Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

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