Chapter 466 Yan Laoxi's Small Abacus
Fu Yisheng is different from Yan Laoxi. He protects the interests of the Jinsui army, and at the same time he is a person who has a more overall view and a more national sentiment.

Therefore, he really wanted to take this opportunity to send troops to eliminate as many Japanese invaders as possible, and also wanted to help the Eighth Route Army reduce some of the burden.

As the deputy commander-in-chief of the second war zone, he knew better than most people the conditions of the Eighth Route Army.

But even so, they have never fought passively, and are always looking for opportunities with weak troops.

This time the attack was to attack several main railway lines occupied by the Japanese army.

In the final analysis, the Eighth Route Army is still China's own army. Even if there may be conflicts of interest with them in the future, the Jinsui Army or even the Central Army, but that is after all.

Of course, Yan Laoxi also knew what Fu Yisheng said, but he obviously cared more about his own interests, especially the fighting power displayed by the Eighth Route Army this time, which had already shocked him very much.

However, he would not speak his mind. Even as the commander-in-chief of the second war zone, he would not dare to wear the hat of passive resistance.

So he said: "Yisheng, I also know what you said, now that the Japanese army in Shanxi is empty, it is a good opportunity for us to launch a counterattack.

But you know the situation of our Jinsui Army, not to mention taking the initiative to launch a counterattack, even self-protection is very weak.

That is to say, the Japanese army has recently focused on the south, otherwise our Jinsui Army might not even be able to stay in Luliang Mountain. "

"So, we really have more than enough energy to launch a counterattack."

After a pause, Yan Laoxi suddenly changed the subject, and continued: "However, I can send Wei Junru a request for coordinated operations. If their Central Army fights out from Zhongtiao Mountain, they will definitely be able to beat the Japanese army one by one." caught off guard.

It will also greatly reduce the frontal pressure of the Eighth Route Army, and by then, our Jinsui Army may also find an opportunity to launch a counterattack. "

Of course Fu Yisheng understood what Yan Laoxi was thinking. Wasn't the order given by the chairman just to weaken the strength of the Jinsui army under the guise of the Japanese?
So Yan Laoxi came to deal with him in his own way, and asked the chairman's direct troops to fight against the little devil.

"That's fine too."

Yan Laoxi smiled slyly, and then ordered Zhang Riming, the attendant and adjutant at the side: "Zhang Riming!"


Zhang Riming straightened his body, and suddenly agreed: "Boss, please give instructions."

Yan Laoxi: "Immediately send a power to Wei Junru in the name of the theater command, and ask him to take the opportunity to fight out from Zhongtiao Mountain and launch a counterattack against the enemy in front of him. We don't want to destroy many Japanese invaders, but we must hold back the enemy in front of us." The enemy, don't let him leave Zhongtiao Mountain alone, and reinforce Southeast Shanxi!
And tell him that our second war zone will also choose an opportunity to launch a counterattack from Luliang Mountain! "


Zhang Riming promised again, firmly remembered Yan Laoxi's order, then turned around and left the office, and went straight to the confidential room not far away.


In Zhongtiao Mountain.

First Theater Command.

When the War of Resistance broke out, Wei Junru's troops belonged to Yan Laoxi's second theater, and Wei Junru was still the deputy commander of the second theater.

Later, with the changes in the situation of the Anti-Japanese War, each theater also experienced several reorganizations and divisions.

At the beginning of 1939, the first theater was divided for the third time, and General Wei Junru succeeded as the third commander-in-chief of the first theater.

But at this time, Wei Junru was no longer Yan Laoxi's nominal subordinate, so what Yan Laoxi issued was not a combat order, but a request for coordinated operations.

It must be worth mentioning that Wei Junru is different from many Central Army officers in that he is a staunch anti-Japanese faction.

He has made it clear many times that he treats all anti-Japanese troops equally.

When the Battle of Xinkou broke out, the 18th Army, that is, the Eighth Route Army, was temporarily under the command of General Wei Junru, but he gave the Eighth Route Army sufficient independence, and never interfered in the actions of the Eighth Route Army, did not seize power, and never engaged in friction.

He even eliminated interference, withstood the pressure, allocated and supported a large number of weapons and ammunition, food, quilts and other military supplies to the Eighth Route Army.

For example, in the spring of 1938, he allocated 100 million bullets and 25 grenades to the Eighth Route Army at one time.

At that time, someone was afraid that the amount was too large to distribute, so General Wei Junru did the work himself, so that the materials could be transported to Yan'an in the shortest time.

For this reason, General Wei Junru was accused again and again later, saying that he was protecting our party and had dissenting intentions.

He also reported the complaint to the Chairman.

The spy chief Dai Yunong even flew to Luoyang in person to collect relevant documents.

Of course, these are all things to come, so I won’t show them here for the time being.


within the headquarters.

Wei Junru has received a telegram from the chairman of the committee from Chongqing, and is currently holding an emergency meeting with a group of senior military officers to discuss the matter of dispatching troops.

At this time, a communications staff officer suddenly broke in from the outside: "Report! Commander Yan of the Second War Zone has an urgent call."

Wei Junru asked, "What did the telegram say?"

Communications Staff Officer: "Mr. Yan asks our theater to coordinate operations!"

After speaking, he handed the translated message in his hand to Wei Junru.

Wei Junru read it once, then circulated it to the senior generals sitting around the conference table, and then asked, "Everyone, what do you think of Yan Laoxi's telegram?"

A lieutenant general officer said: "Boss, Yan Laoxi's so-called coordinated operations are probably out of drunkenness."

Wei Junru smiled and asked, "Oh? How should I say it?"

Lieutenant General: "On the surface, Yan Laoxi said that we should take the initiative to attack and contain the enemy in front of us, so as to reduce the burden on the Eighth Route Army.

In fact, they want to use the hands of the Japanese to weaken the strength of our Central Army.

Otherwise, if he is really thinking about the overall strategy, why not let his Jinsui Army take the initiative to attack, you know, the strength of his Jinsui Army is not inferior to our Central Army. "

Wei Junru nodded, and said, "Mr. Ding Ming, what you said is true, Yan Laoxi really had this wishful thinking."

"If it was the past, I would naturally not be able to let his plot succeed, but today is different from the past."

"Now that the war of resistance has reached the most difficult time, we should abandon all internal contradictions and work together to fight against the Japanese invaders."

"I believe you should be very clear about the conditions of the Eighth Route Army, but even so, when the southern front was tight, they took the initiative to attack at the risk of being hit hard by the Japanese invaders. Not only did they successively capture the Zhengtai Railway, the Tongpu Railway, and the There are more than 300 small strongholds along the Ping-Han Railway.

Even last night, several large strongholds such as Niangziguan, Pingping, Jucheng and Donghui were conquered one after another, and the two counties of Pingding and Yangquan were also taken back. "

"The Eighth Route Army is still so bloody, how can our Central Army keep shrinking in Zhongtiao Mountain?"

"What's more, there is an order to appoint a seat!"

"And everything we do is for the overall strategic situation, to maintain the dignity of our nation, and the dignity of a soldier!"


(End of this chapter)

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