Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 50 Reorganization of the artillery platoon

Chapter 50 Reorganization of the artillery platoon
As a native of Wangjia Village, Wang Chengzhu certainly knows the water, soil and climate near Wangjia Village, and almost nothing can be produced.

Otherwise, the villagers in Wangjia Village would not focus on hunting.

However, that is only for ordinary seeds, and the super seeds produced by the system are not included in this list.

At that moment, Wang Chengzhu smiled and said: "Sister Cuihua, of course I know the water, soil and climate conditions on our side.

However, these sweet potato seeds in my hand are different. This is the latest variety imported from abroad. It not only has a high germination rate, but also has a much shorter maturity cycle than local sweet potatoes. It is cold and frost resistant and can be planted all year round. Well, you can collect two seasons a year, or even three seasons.

So you just need to be responsible for land reclamation and planting. I guarantee that the yield of sweet potatoes you plant will be very high. "

Wang Chengzhu can't reveal the secrets of the system, so he can only use the reason of 'imported from abroad' to convince Wang Cuihua.

During the Anti-Japanese War, China's industrial base was very weak, and many things could not be produced by itself, so it could only rely on imports.

For example, matches are called matches because they are imported from abroad.

In short, the word 'foreign' will be added in front of everything imported from abroad.This leads Chinese people to subconsciously believe that things imported from abroad are more high-end.

This is not to worship foreigners, but that China was too weak at that time.

Sure enough, when Wang Chengzhu said that the sweet potato seeds were imported from abroad, Wang Cuihua was instantly full of confidence: "Okay, I'll arrange it now!"

The Eighth Route Army's poor combat effectiveness, in addition to backward weapons and equipment, there is another more important reason, that is, the lack of food.

The soldiers couldn't get enough to eat, and their combat effectiveness was naturally greatly reduced.

Now that there are super sweet potato seeds, the army's food problem can be solved.

As for Wanjiazhen and his party, Wang Chengzhu seized so many weapons and equipment.

With food and weapons, it will not be a problem to expand the army.

After incorporating the Wanjia Town Cavalry Battalion, the strength of the artillery platoon has exceeded 800.

Generally speaking, after an army is incorporated, it is definitely necessary to break it up and separate it, and not let it continue to be in the same organization. Otherwise, it will not only be difficult to manage, but also likely to cause problems such as mutiny.

After Wang Chengzhu incorporated the Wanjia Town Cavalry Battalion, he naturally had to break it up and separate them.

In addition, with artillery and cavalry, of course, a few more organizational units must be added.

It is imperative to reorganize the artillery platoon.

Therefore, after Wang Cuihua left, Wang Chengzhu immediately summoned all the main cadres such as Xu Hailang and Wang Shugen to the headquarters to discuss the issue of army reorganization.


Although they had been busy all night, because they had won battles and seized countless trophies, everyone looked radiant, and there was no trace of sleepiness on their faces.

Before the meeting, Wang Chengzhu already had a rough plan.

He looked around and went straight to the topic: "Everyone, the total strength of our platoon has exceeded 800 people. Although it is only a platoon-level unit, other units should have units, such as cavalry, artillery, and scouts. We can't be less.

So I decided to reorganize the artillery platoon. "

The army has expanded and grown, so it is natural that it needs to be reorganized, and everyone has no objection to this.

As for the level of combat unit, they didn't care much, as long as they could beat the devils and win the battle.

After a pause, Wang Chengzhu continued: "After careful consideration, I decided to add a scout squad, a cavalry squad, and an artillery squad on the basis of the original."

"Do you have any objections? If so, you can raise them."

"Platoon leader, we have no objections and will completely obey your arrangement."

The cadres of the artillery platoon shook their heads one after another, obeying Wang Chengzhu's arrangement.

"Okay! Since there is no objection, I will announce the appointment notice next time."

Wang Chengzhu picked up the list of appointments prepared in advance and read aloud: "Appoint Xu Hailang as the deputy platoon leader and first squad leader of the artillery platoon, Tian Shuisheng as the second squad leader, Chen Xi as the third squad leader, Wang Dali as the fourth squad leader, and Hou Yong as the fifth squad leader. Monitor."

"In addition, the former squad leader Wang Shugen served as the squad leader of the reconnaissance squad, Liu Qiang served as the operational staff officer and squad leader of the artillery squad, Chen Xiao served as the squad leader of the cavalry squad, and Duan Peng served as the captain of the Spike Special Forces."

Wang Shu was born as a scout at all, so it would be perfect for him to be the leader of the scout squad responsible for collecting intelligence.

Wang Dali and Hou Yong were originally the two platoon leaders under Xu Hailang.

As for Chen Xiao, he is a company commander of the Wanjia Town Cavalry Battalion. He is proficient in equestrianism, is good at leading troops, and has a firm stand against the Japanese. He has a high reputation in the original army, even surpassing the battalion commander Zhu Dachang, so he was appointed as a cavalry by Wang Chengzhu The monitor of the class.

At present, the strength of each squad of the artillery platoon has reached or approached 100 people. Therefore, Wang Chengzhu added a "group" combat unit under the combat unit of the squad.

"Okay, this is the end of the job appointment. I hope that you will perform your duties in the future and work hard for the development of the artillery platoon, so as to restore our rivers and mountains as soon as possible and drive the enemy out of the border!"

After Wang Chengzhu finished speaking, he took out several copies of the military discipline regulations that had been copied by sight, and handed them over to the squad leaders.

"This is the military discipline order of our Eighth Route Army. Make sure every soldier in your squad remembers that you chief officers must also abide by military discipline, or you will be punished twice!"

The so-called military discipline regulations are the three major disciplines and eight points of attention of the Eighth Route Army.

The three major disciplines are: follow orders in all actions, do not take stitches from the masses, and return everything seized to the public.

The eight points of attention are: speak kindly, buy and sell fairly, return borrowed things, compensate for damaged things, do not hit or swear, do not damage crops, do not molest women, and do not abuse captives.

The discipline regulations of the Eighth Route Army are already quite perfect, and they are even more popular. Therefore, Wang Chengzhu doesn't need to modify them, just take them over and use them.

"Yes! Platoon leader!!!"

Cadres responded loudly.

After the meeting, under the leadership of Wang Chengzhu, the troops began to be reorganized in detail...

at the same time.

Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

Yoshio Shinozuka was playing Go with Chief of Staff Miyano Jun while discussing the Yamamoto Special Forces.


Miyano Toshiichi came down and said, "Your Excellency, this is such a pity. If our information hadn't been followed up in time, Yamamoto-kun might have destroyed the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army of China."

"Well, it's really a pity."

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded, with a regretful expression on his face, because he had high hopes for the Yamamoto Special Forces. In order to destroy the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, he even used the entire Shanxi intelligence network to provide intelligence support for the Yamamoto Special Forces.

Miyano Jun said again: "However, although the operation of the Yamamoto Special Forces failed, its combat effectiveness has been fully proved.

In an encounter with a regiment of the Eighth Route Army of China, they killed two or three hundred enemies without a single casualty.

It's a pity that I was later ambushed by the main force of the Xinyi Regiment of the Eighth Route Army in Fengyeling..."

In order not to make the atmosphere too awkward, Miyano Jun didn't continue talking.

At this moment, a communications staff officer hurried in from the outside: "Report to Your Excellency, Commander, just received a telegram that a train transporting supplies from the Imperial Army was robbed near Wanjia Town. The military supplies that were originally going to southern Shanxi All supplies were robbed..."


(End of this chapter)

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