Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 505 Devil's retaliatory bombing, Wang Chengzhu's self-doubt

"Baga! Damn it!"

The fighter jet was shot down by the infantry on the ground with a light machine gun. This is undoubtedly a great shame for the always conceited Devil Aviation.

Although the Devils, who became angry from embarrassment, raised the altitude of the fighter plane, they did not let go of the plan of the Second Independent Regiment, and chased them towards the hidden forest.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da da!——"

The dense bullets poured out, hitting the branches and leaves of the trees in the mountain forest, and dropping a few aerial bombs from time to time, with a 'bang' sound, a group of fierce flames burst into the ground.

However, due to the cover of trees, the Devils Air Force could not catch the target. Although the attack was violent, it did not cause much casualties to the Second Independent Regiment.

After some retaliatory attacks, the Devils Air Corps also seemed to realize that the attack on the Second Independent Regiment hiding in the mountains would be a waste of bullets, and it would be difficult to achieve effective results, so they turned their planes around and launched an attack on Jinzhong County. Heavy air strikes.


"Boom, boom boom!—"

One after another, like a hen laying eggs, the aerial bombs poured down from the bomb racks of the fighter jets and the belly of the bomber, immediately blasting Jinzhong County into flames and dust.

The houses were overwhelmed, and collapsed directly in the explosion, turning into ruins. All kinds of building wreckage were scattered everywhere with the huge explosion shock wave.

Before, in order to avoid the flames of war, the people in the county were hiding in their homes, so many people were killed on the spot, and even more were buried alive.

Did the Devils Air Corps know that the people in the county hadn't been transferred?

of course I know!

Unable to find the Second Independent Regiment, they had no choice but to pour their anger out on the common people in Jinzhong County.

human nature?
I'm sorry, they are animals in the first place, so how can they be human?
"Ugh, save me, save me!"

"It hurts, it hurts so much!"

"Mother, Father, don't abandon me..."

Under the bombing of the devil's air raid, the entire Jinzhong County was crying, and the people's screams and cries for help were everywhere.

The devil aviation soldiers didn't care that much, until all the ammunition they carried was exhausted, and the devil aviation soldiers left arrogantly and returned to the voyage.

In the mountains and forests outside the city, looking at the group of devil fighter planes flying away, Wang Chengzhu's eyes were cold, revealing a fierce look that he couldn't hide, and said to Duan Peng beside him: "Duan Peng, before 12 o'clock tonight, I want to talk about the ghosts in Taiyuan." Detailed information on the airport!"


Duan Peng suddenly agreed, then turned around and left to prepare.

The deputy battalion commander Xu Hailang said, "Commander, do you want to attack the Japanese airport in Taiyuan?"

Wang Chengzhu: "That's right, as you have seen, the devil's planes are too much of a threat to our army. We have almost no counterattack against them, only being beaten."

"Even if our Second Independent Regiment has been able to defeat the Devil's ground troops of the same size head-on, but in front of the Devil's plane, it is still as vulnerable as a child who has not grown up.

As a result, all our actions can only be carried out at night, as if we can't see the light.


This is the case with our Second Independent Regiment, not to mention other fraternal troops.

Therefore, we must think of a solution once and for all, and that is to kill the devil's airport! "

Xu Hailang said: "The Devil's Airport may be extremely guarded, but its location is definitely not too hidden. At least in the past few years, our underground party comrades must have obtained a lot of information about the Devil's Airport.

So, if you want to get information on the Devil's Airport, maybe you can ask the brigade commander for instructions, then you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort than asking Langya to investigate. "

A wise man will lose a thousand thoughts, and a fool will gain a thousand thoughts.

What Wang Chengzhu relied on in the past was basically the system, or himself, and he rarely asked for assistance from the organization.

Of course, it wasn't because Wang Chengzhu was conceited, but because his actions were too risky. Once he let the organization know, the organization might not help him, but stop him.

Therefore, in many cases, Wang Chengzhu had to cut first and act later.

Xu Hailang's words undoubtedly provided great inspiration to Wang Chengzhu.

He nodded and said, "Deputy head, you are right, but let's go into the city first to rescue those injured civilians."

"Maybe this gang of devil airmen will return at any time, so we have to rescue the injured civilians as soon as possible."

"En!" Xu Hailang nodded heavily.

Immediately, Wang Chengzhu led the Second Independent Regiment into the county along the railway crossing in the northeast corner, and rescued the wounded together with the rest of the regiments.

Under the devil's air raid, at least a hundred houses in Jinzhong County were blown down.

When Wang Chengzhu led his troops into the county, the New Second Regiment, 771 Regiment and other departments were already digging the ruins and rescuing the wounded.

At that time, because there was no mechanized equipment, it took a lot of work to rescue the people buried in the ruins.

Fortunately, there were no high-rise buildings at that time, and most of them were civilian houses with civil structures. Of course, there were a few houses with reinforced concrete structures, but very few.

Of course, these are not the biggest obstacles to their rescue.

The air strikes by the Devils Air Force are the biggest threat to them.

Sure enough, less than an hour later, the Devils Air Force went and returned, and the number far exceeded that of the previous one. This time more than 30 fighter jets and bombers were dispatched.

After these devil fighter planes arrived over Jinzhong County, they launched an air strike without doing any reconnaissance.


"Boom, boom, boom!—"

One after another, like meteorites falling to the ground, one after another, the aerial bombs landed in Jinzhong County, instantly blowing up the entire county into a sea of ​​flames.

Some soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who were participating in the rescue had no time to dodge, and happened to be near the landing point of the aerial bomb, and were immediately blown to nothing...

After the air raid, Wang Chengzhu was touched in his heart when he saw the corpses of ordinary people in miserable state, and those ordinary people who were crying because of the loss of their relatives, especially those children who lost their parents.

It made him deeply aware of the huge power gap between the enemy and ourselves. Why didn't the Eighth Route Army attack the city?
Not only because of the lack of heavy firepower weapons, but also, even if the city is captured, it will be difficult to defend it. Instead, it will trap itself in a cocoon, trap itself in the city and become a living target for devil aviation.

These soldiers who sacrificed their lives to rescue trapped and injured civilians are the cruelest examples.

In addition, Wang Chengzhu also had deep doubts about whether his decision to attack Jinzhong County was correct.

If it weren't for him to take down Jinzhong County, Jinzhong County wouldn't be attacked by Devils Air Force, and these ordinary people wouldn't lose their precious lives.

"Old Xu, tell me, is it right or wrong for us to attack Jinzhong County?"


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