Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 530 The 2nd Independence Regiment entered the airport, and the massacre kicked off!

The gate of Wusu Airport.

Seeing the Second Independent Regiment launching a general attack, Hideki Miyamoto immediately organized the remnants of the army, relying on the nearby ruins to rise up to resist.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Crack, clap clap clap!—"

A dense rain of bullets poured down, hitting the frontal armor of several Type [-] medium tanks, splashing clusters of sparks.

Sadly, the rifle and LMG attacks are like scratching an itch and can't hurt the tank at all.

On the contrary, the location was exposed because of the firing, and it was hit by the bullet rain poured out by the tank's on-board heavy machine gun into a hornet's nest.

Several machine gun firepower points were also bombarded by tank guns one after another. After a "boom" explosion, the devil's machine gunner was blown out with his gun.

200 m.

100 m.

50 meters...

Amidst the fierce gunfire, several Type [-] medium tanks covered the infantry behind and kept advancing.

Just when they were about to advance near the gate, several devils wearing white shirts and bandages with bloody scarves on their heads rushed out screaming.

"His Majesty the Emperor onboard!"

"The Great Japanese Empire is on board!"

"The Great Japanese Imperial Army is onboard!——"

They had hideous faces, and after pulling the explosive packs strapped to their bodies, they flew towards the oncoming tanks.

However, it is a pity that the devil's infantry-tank coordinated operations may be far stronger than the Eighth Route Army, but they have little experience in using explosives to bomb tanks.

Before the devils dared to die had time to get close to the approaching tank, they were pierced by a dense rain of bullets, and fell to the ground screaming one after another.

A few seconds later, the explosive packs on their bodies exploded one after another.


"Boom, boom, boom!—"

The 5 kg explosive pack is not due to the shrapnel. Perhaps the effective killing radius is not as good as the shells of the Type [-] infantry gun, but its absolute killing radius is definitely much larger than that of the shells of the Type [-] infantry gun.

There is no reason for it, the amount of explosives is large!
In the flames of the explosion, these devils' death squads were directly blown to pieces, and their fragmented flesh and blood splashed everywhere, scattered everywhere.

Some devil soldiers nearby were affected, either vomiting blood from the shock wave, or being directly shocked to death on the spot.

"Baga!" Seeing this scene, Hideki Miyamoto's expression suddenly turned ugly, he knew it was over.

The fact is just as he expected, without the threat of death squad human bombs, the tank convoy of the Second Independent Regiment went all the way unimpeded, and easily entered the airport.

Although the devils from the Security Brigade and the 1st Flying Brigade were still trying their best to resist, it was completely like mantis' arms.

Facing the army of the Second Independent Regiment swarming like a wave, the remnants of the devils who were powerless to resist could only be forced to fight and retreat into the airport.

But this is only a delay of death time, that's all.

Because the entire airport has only one exit, the gate, and the other areas are mines, unless they can fly, they are doomed.

"Brothers, go, kill! Kill all these bastards!"

Xu Hailang, Tian Shuisheng, Wang Shugen and others led the main force of the Second Independent Regiment, rushing and fighting all the way, not giving the remnants of the devils a chance to breathe. …

Amidst the violent gunfire, devils were constantly shot in the body, screaming and falling into a pool of blood.

Massacre, the battle is destined to become a one-sided massacre from this moment on!

As for Wang Chengzhu, after covering the main force entering the airport, he led the tank convoy straight to the tarmac.

Although the previous bombardment of the artillery battalion destroyed many devils' planes, there were still some planes that were not destroyed.

However, due to the destruction of the runway, these planes have been unable to take off, just like a group of toothless tigers...

In a rice field two kilometers away from the airport.

Kobayashi Koichi, the captain of the airport security brigade, watched the main force of the Second Independent Regiment rushing into the airport in a state of destruction, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly, as if his parents had died.

A group of lieutenants next to him asked for instructions: "Captain, what should we do now, should we return to the airport?"

Kobayashi gritted his teeth and said, "The main force of China's Tuba Road has at least a thousand people, but we only have a few dozen people. Now returning to the aid airport can't solve any problems except death."

Koichi Kobayashi seemed to be worried that his subordinates would say that he was afraid of death, so he paused, then changed the topic and continued: "Of course, I am not afraid of death, it is our highest honor to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor and the Great Japanese Empire.

As a member of the Imperial Japanese Army, when I took off my civilian clothes, handed over my personal belongings, and put on this military uniform, I was ready to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor.

It's just that we don't need to make unnecessary sacrifices, and returning to the airport now is just a show of bravery.

Therefore, we might as well leave our useful bodies and serve His Majesty the Emperor better. "

Xiao Lin Guangyi described his greed for life and fear of death in a fresh and refined way, with awe-inspiring righteousness.

However, it spoke to the hearts of all the devil soldiers around.

It's still the same reason, although devils are not afraid of death, they definitely don't want to die in vain, death is worthless.

The captain of the captain asked again: "Captain, what should we do now?"

Kobayashi Koichi thought for a while and said: "The airport was attacked, Commander Shinozuka Yoshio must have sent reinforcements, we are now withdrawing to the direction of Taiyuan City, join forces with the reinforcements, inform the other party of the situation here, and then reinforce together Airport."

All the devils agreed with the decision of the captain Kobayashi Koichi, and then followed him towards Taiyuan City, disappearing deep in Baomidi.

the other side.

Lieutenant General Norihide Abe of the 2nd Independent Mixed Brigade, known as an expert in mountain warfare and known as the "Flower of a Famous General", led the main force out of the city and headed straight for Wusu Airport.

As soon as they walked three or four kilometers, they found the vanguard of the Eighth Route Army's blocking force, the 2st Battalion of the 1nd Independent Infantry Regiment.

After seeing the main force of the brigade, Okamoto Haruhiro, the captain of the young left battalion who was directing the operation, immediately greeted him like a child whose parents were bullied outside.

Okamoto Haruhiro found the brigade leader Norihide Abe, and immediately gave him a respectful nod: "Your Excellency, brigade leader!"

Norihide Abe said expressionlessly, "What's going on ahead?"

Okamoto Haruhiro replied truthfully: "Our department was blocked by the main force of the Eighth Route Army here."

Abu Guixiu asked again: "The main force of the Eighth Route Army? How many of them are there?"

Okamoto Haruhiro did not dare to look directly at Kihide Abe's eyes that were almost eating people, he lowered his head and responded: "The strength of this Eighth Route Army exceeds at least one regiment."


Norihide Abe yelled sharply, Okamoto Haruhiro was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.

Norikihide Abe said again: "A brigade of the imperial army was blocked by a regiment of the Eighth Route Army for half an hour. You really disappointed me!"


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