Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 535 Destroying the airport, the 2nd Independent Regiment was surrounded by the main force of

Chapter 535 Destroying the airport, the Second Independent Regiment was surrounded by the main force of devils
As a battle-tested officer, Takahashi Akimitsu has a vicious strategic vision, and he quickly realized: "Your Excellency, Chief of the Brigade, what do you mean, if the Chief of Staff retreats now, the army facing them will The Eighth Route Army will take advantage of the situation to pursue, and then cooperate with the Eighth Route Army that blocked us to attack back and forth and surround the Chief of Staff?"

Norihide Abe nodded: "That's right! Now Suzuki-kun has been discovered by the Eighth Route Army. For the present plan, we can only adopt Suzuki-kun's proposal to outflank and bypass the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side!"

After saying this, the old devil seemed to have made a decision in his heart. He immediately turned serious, and ordered: "Pass my order, everyone, immediately go into battle lightly, abandon the vehicle, and take the trail to bypass the blocking of the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side. Wire!"

As soon as the order was issued, the devils of the independent and mixed 2nd Brigade, led by the brigade leader Norihide Abe, entered the corn field on the left side of the road and disappeared into the night.

Except for the tanks and armored vehicles that can pass through the cornfields, the rest of the tricycles, military trucks, and even 75mm caliber howitzers have been temporarily abandoned.

If Kihide Abe knew that the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side had withdrawn and their positions were empty, I don't know how he would feel...

The screen zoomed to Wusu Airport.

At this time, the main force of the Second Independent Regiment had broken through the defense line of the gate and rushed into the airport.

Xu Hailang led the first battalion, the second battalion and the reconnaissance battalion to pursue all the way, and went straight to the defeated remnants of the devils, without giving them a chance to breathe.

Wang Chengzhu led the tank convoy and rushed to the tarmac.

Although the previous bombardment of the artillery battalion destroyed some Devil planes, there are still many slipping through the net.

Fortunately, since the shells had been blown up, the plane of the devil who lost the runway could not be raised to take-off speed on the ground, and could only use a few wheels to escape inside the airport like a vehicle, just like a turtle in an urn.

Wang Chengzhu quickly locked onto a huge aircraft, which was the little devil's Type [-] land attack aircraft.

For the Devils, this attack aircraft is a strategic bomber.

Because it took off from Taiyuan Wusu Airport, the Devil's Type [-] land attack aircraft could easily bomb large cities such as Xi'an, Lanzhou, and even Chongqing, the accompanying capital.

At the moment, Wang Chengzhu's scope, sitting inside the turret, quickly locked it and pressed the fire button.

Just hearing the bang, the tank shook for a while, and a 57mm caliber shell suddenly roared out of the gun bore, and then directly penetrated the barbed wire fence around the airport, and the minefield that fell outside exploded with a bang.

Missed the target!

There is no way, even with perfect artillery skills, Wang Chengzhu can only theoretically hit the target [-]% by manipulating the artillery, not absolutely [-]%.

Originally, firing while moving is much more difficult than firing at a fixed point, not to mention that the tank will bump while driving, which will have a great impact on shooting.

"Iron egg, stop!" Wang Chengzhu loudly ordered the Spike team member manipulating the tank to stop the tank, then picked up another shell and pushed it into the barrel, and adjusted the firing angle to aim.

There was another "boom", and a 57mm caliber kinetic energy gun came out of the chamber while spinning again. This time, since the tank fired in a stationary state, it easily and accurately hit the target.


There was a flash of red light, and the waist of the Type [-] attack plane suddenly exploded, a huge gap appeared, and the plane lost power in an instant. After sliding forward for a certain distance, it finally stopped.

At the same time, Monk Wei and Duan Peng also manipulated the tanks and rushed towards other planes on the tarmac.

The machine guns and tank main guns fired simultaneously.

"Thumbs up!"

"Tom, tom tom!—"

The dense rain of machine gun bullets and tank guns raged across the airport. Soon, another Devil plane was blown up one after another, and another plane was directly swept into a hornet's nest by the dense rain of bullets.

Some of the bullets also pierced the fuel tank and started a fire that quickly spread throughout the fuselage.

The two devil aviation soldiers pushed the cabin door and tried to climb out of the cabin, but failed, they were directly engulfed by the raging fire, and were burnt to two mummified bodies in a short time, and the plane was also burned into a pile of wreckage.

In the chaotic airport, the Devils Airmen finally realized that they could not solve the problem by running alone, because they couldn't hold out until the reinforcements arrived.

So they simply manipulated the fighter planes and launched a counterattack with the tank convoy of the Second Independent Regiment.

"Tu Tu Tu!"


Fighters fired one after another, and immediately poured out a large rain of dense bullets, covering the tank convoy of the Second Independent Regiment.

Some bullets hit the ground, splashing pieces of smoke and dust; some bullets flew out and disappeared into the vast night.

Some bullets also hit the frontal armor of those Type [-] medium tanks, clanging and splashing clusters of sparks.

Unfortunately, it cannot penetrate the frontal armor of the tank.

On the contrary, it was the dense rain of bullets poured out by the vehicle-mounted machine guns of the tank convoy, which turned the Devil planes and the aviation soldiers in the cockpits into hornet's nests one after another.

There is no way, or the same reason, in order to reduce the weight of the aircraft, so that it can carry more, fly faster and farther, it is necessary to give up the defensive armor.

Therefore, exchanging fire with the king of land warfare on the ground is completely looking for abuse.

Soon, the remaining aircraft in the airport were destroyed one after another, or were directly smashed into a hornet's nest by the rain of machine gun bullets, and then burned to the ground.

Or blown up directly by shells.

"Iron egg! Go to the devil's repair shop!"

After dealing with the devil planes on the outer airport, Wang Chengzhu ordered Tie Dan to control the tank and rush to the repair shop not far away, which was about to be blown into ruins.

In the repair shop, there are still several aircrafts that are being overhauled and need to be repaired.

Wang Chengzhu was not polite either, he just fired shells at these planes.

Only a few loud bangs were heard, and these planes that still needed to be hospitalized also became a pile of scrap iron in the flames.

Now that he is here, it is impossible for Wang Chengzhu to allow usable planes to exist in Wusu Airport, let alone keep a devil alive, even if it is an earthworm in the airport, it will be split in half vertically!

The battle on the other side has basically come to an end. There are only a few sporadic devils in the airport who are still fighting stubbornly, but it is after all a mantis' arm.

The Grenadiers of the Second Independent Regiment were not used to them, and directly threw grenades at them. These devils were immediately blown out with their weapons, and died on the spot.

And at this moment, there was a sudden 'bang' at the edge of the airport, and a violent explosion exploded, as if a heavy grenade had been dropped on Wusu Airport.

The red flame rolled up and rolled up, and it rose up to a height of hundreds of meters in an instant. The dazzling light instantly illuminated a radius of several kilometers like daytime...

(End of this chapter)

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