Chapter 55 Rescue the Prisoners
Half an hour later, the shadow of a war horse suddenly appeared in the field of vision of Wang Chengzhu's telescope.

Taking a closer look, the person on the horseback was none other than Wang Shugen in casual clothes.

A moment later, Wang Shugen entered Yerengou, and was led by a special forces member to Wang Chengzhu's place.

"Platoon leader, the escorted prisoners of war are already on their way, and they are expected to arrive here in about 10 minutes."

"very good."

Wang Chengzhu nodded: "It's hard work, you go down and rest first."

Knowing that the prisoners had not been escorted to the POW camp, Wang Chengzhu immediately felt relieved.

The situation was as reported by Wang Shugen. About 10 minutes later, a team escorting the prisoners appeared in front of Yerengou.

Among them, there were five or 60 prisoners, and the puppet army had about 30 people, the strength of a platoon. In addition, there was a standard Japanese army detachment, with a total of 13 people.

The enemy's strength was around 50, and the Langya Special Forces, including Wang Chengzhu and Wang Shugen, had a total of 33 people.

Although Wang Chengzhu's side is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, the quality of individual soldiers is far better than that of the opponent. In addition, they occupy a favorable terrain and seize the opportunity.

And the only thing to deal with is the devils of that small unit. When the gunshots fired, these devils were killed, and most of the remaining puppet troops would raise their hands and surrender.

Therefore, it is not a big problem to kill these Japanese and puppet troops who are responsible for escorting the prisoners.

"Get ready to fight, the sniper will kill those devils first, be careful, try not to hurt the prisoners!"

After the order was issued, the Spike team members lurking on both sides of the Savage Ditch checked their weapons and equipment one after another, loaded and loaded their bombs, and were ready to attack.

The Japanese and puppet troops escorting the team had already walked this road many times, so they were quite familiar with the road, so they entered the Savage Ditch swaggeringly without any precautions.

Wang Chengzhu saw the timing, pulled the trigger decisively and fired the first shot of the battle.


A gunshot rang out, and a 7.92mm caliber rifle bullet came out of the chamber spinning at high speed. The next moment, as if a precision guidance system had been installed, it hit the heart of the devil squad leader with incomparable precision.

The bullet carried powerful kinetic energy, and it easily pierced his body, and then a strange blood arrow shot out from his vest, leaving a blood hole the size of a bowl...

The sound of gunfire was an order, and the rest of the Wolf Fang team members broke fire decisively.

"Tut, chug, chug..."

"Crack, clap..."

At that time, the Wolf Fang players lurking on both sides of Yeren Ditch were less than 30 meters away from the Devil squad. At this distance, with the marksmanship of the Wolf Fang players, it was difficult for the bullets to miss.

Therefore, just a face-to-face effort, the 13 devil soldiers who were in charge of escorting the prisoners were instantly beaten into a hornet's nest, and fell to the ground one after another in convulsions.

Until their death, these devils didn't know what happened, let alone react in time.

On the contrary, the gang of puppet soldiers subconsciously ran towards both sides of the road almost the moment the gunshots rang out. When all the devils in this small unit were dead, they immediately dropped the weapons in their hands and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands. .

It has to be said that this group of puppet soldiers has no other skills, but their life-saving skills are No. 1.

Of course, the main reason is that Wang Chengzhu didn't kill them all.

After getting rid of the devils responsible for the escort, Wang Chengzhu immediately led people down the road to rescue the prisoners.

There were a total of 56 prisoners in this group, mainly the Jinsui Army and the Central Army, and the Eighth Route Army only had the three soldiers from the reconnaissance squad.

When the three soldiers saw the platoon leader Wang Chengzhu coming to rescue them in person, they felt excited like a child being bullied outside seeing their parents. One of them was a new recruit who had just joined the artillery platoon, and he burst into tears.

"Platoon leader, I knew you would come to rescue us, and you did come!"

Wang Chengzhu patted the shoulders of the three soldiers one by one: "Thanks for your hard work! Go to the side and take a rest first."


Wang Chengzhu came to the other prisoners again, glanced around with sharp eyes, and said: "Let me introduce myself, my humble Wang Chengzhu, the artillery platoon leader of the new regiment of the Eighth Route Army, the national crisis is at the head of the present, and the nation is in crisis. I very much hope that you can fight again. A, join my army and fight against the Japanese and devils with me!"

"Of course, everyone has their own aspirations. If you don't want to, I won't force you."

"Platoon Leader Wang, you saved my life, I have nothing to say, I will fight devils with you from now on!"

The prisoners hesitated for a moment. Some of them chose to join the Eighth Route Army without hesitation, while others did not open their mouths. It was not that they were not grateful for Wang Chengzhu's life-saving grace. The main reason was that they all knew the conditions of the Eighth Route Army. The equipment is poor, and there is no military pay, and it is common to not have enough to eat.

Wang Chengzhu: "Good! On behalf of the Eighth Route Army, I, Wang Chengzhu, welcome you to join us. From now on, we will be comrades and brothers who share the blessings and share the hardships!"

After saying this, Wang Chengzhu looked at the prisoners who did not express their views: "If you don't want to join the Eighth Route Army, I, Wang Chengzhu, will not force it, but I will go to attack the Qingshan prisoner-of-war camp and rescue other prisoners trapped inside.

In order to prevent the leakage of information, I have to wrong you for the time being. The troops following me hide here. When I rescue the prisoners in the prisoner-of-war camp, you can leave on your own. "

The captives naturally had no objection to Wang Chengzhu's arrangement, and even if they had, they were embarrassed and dared not speak out at this time.

Not long after, Duan Peng finished cleaning the battlefield and came to Wang Chengzhu to ask for instructions: "Platoon leader, what should we do with these puppet troops?"

What are these puppet soldiers doing the most?

Life-saving is the most powerful.

Before they could wait for Wang Chengzhu to speak, they immediately raised their voices to express their position: "Platoon Leader Wang, we have long disliked little devils, but we have no chance, so let us fight devils with you." !"

Is Wang Chengzhu's army short of people?
The answer is yes.

So he pushed the boat along the way and agreed to the pleas of the puppet army.

Of course, Wang Chengzhu still maintains the usual practice, and will still execute the puppet army who committed a heinous blood debt.And those who are unwilling to stay will let them go, but the premise is that they will no longer serve as lackeys for the devils in the future, and their information will be recorded...

two hours later.

Xu Hailang led the main force to Yerengou.

When the troops arrived, Wang Chengzhu followed the original plan and led the Spike Special Forces and some soldiers from Squad 1, disguised as prisoners of war and the Japanese and puppet troops of the escort team to the Qingshan prisoner-of-war camp.

As for the main force, after leaving a small group of people to take care of the puppet soldiers and prisoners, the rest, led by the deputy platoon leader Xu Hailang, rushed towards the Qingshan prisoner-of-war camp by a small road.


(End of this chapter)

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